Ian Farlow
Well-known member
So you sleep during the day? It's very naive to think that crime doesn't happen during the day. It does. A lot. I have worked more murders during the day than I have at night. I have worked an equal number of domestics during the day as I have at night. Motor vehicle accidents? Daytime. Fatal ones at that. House fires? More during the daytime. Medical calls? Both day and night. Burglaries? Usually at night. Home invasions, however, during the day. Drunk drivers? Actually gotten my fair share on a Sunday morning!When you guys are making your greatest contributions, I'm sound asleep. Most responsible, contributing members of society are asleep in there beds when the trouble starts.
So, I don't see the rewarding part of your job. I don't see you dealing with drunken combative ********. I only see you when I'm driving down the road and you're cranking the revenue mill. I might be aware of your contributions on some subconscious level, but seeing you sneaking and hiding while your trying to catch me rolling down the road doesn't make me appreciate you. That's for damn sure!
Heck, I can remember night shift turning into a ghost town about 2 am. It was usually uneventful from 2 to 6 am, and then things would get going again, just in time for daytime (when the contributing members of society are waking up). Day shift was always hopping.
I have to tell you, the "cranking the revenue mill" argument is as worn out as the speed trap argument. You should stop by sometime and see the budget. Then maybe you would realize that an increase in ticket writing doesn't mean an increase in the budget. It just doesn't work like that, at least in the agencies I have worked for. Maybe it does where you live, I don't know, but not here. As a matter of fact, I would never require that my guys write tickets. If they wanted to stop cars and issue warnings, that was fine with me. All I wanted was for the to stop violators. Hm... have you ever considered that there aren't as many tickets being written as you want to believe? In other words, every time a cop stops someone, they aren't always writing a ticket.
I assume that "catch you rolling down the road" really means speeding. In that case, there is a good way to foil law enforcement: stop speeding.
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