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Did they look like this?


Yep! that's one of them nasty lil' fukers! Damn they have a Bad attitude! 'Bout the only thing thats kicked my ass worse is those black and white, with white eyes, ground based mean *****.

Stole my golf clubs once, an whipped my ass sumpin awful they did. Swam in the water Hazard just to get away from 'em

Yeah, me an bees have a storied history..... I need to antagonize them *****!

Oh and the Gasoline treatment went off without a hitch. :yahoo: Sorry folks shows over.

Oh! an odot? eat my shorts *******!!

To the rest of you unsympathetic bastages,



I had one of their cousins go in my shirt while doing about 70 on my old 1972 450 honda twin. Talk about a sliding stop.

Did they look like this?


Yep! that's one of them nasty lil' fukers! Damn they have a Bad attitude! 'Bout the only thing thats kicked my ass worse is those black and white, with white eyes, ground based mean *****.

Stole my golf clubs once, an whipped my ass sumpin awful they did. Swam in the water Hazard just to get away from 'em

Yeah, me an bees have a storied history..... I need to antagonize them *****!

Oh and the Gasoline treatment went off without a hitch. :yahoo: Sorry folks shows over.

Oh! an odot? eat my shorts *******!!

To the rest of you unsympathetic bastages,



Laughed so hard I got tears in my eyes.....but only because I can sympathise from first hand experience.

I was using a weedeater and found a nest of those things.

Luckily (?) the wife was outside and could help. Of course she wouldn't let me go into the house to get away from them. Might bring some into the house with me.

I finally got her to hose me down. (no water hazards close by) it knocked the suckers out long enough for me to ditch my pants (along with about 50 of the sombitches) Then she finally let me go into the house.

Ended up with about 8 stings in various places. Luckily none of the places were that...uh...sensative.

Since the wife is a nurse she insisted I get checked out at the hospital. She also managed to trap one of the things in and empty water bottle so we could show the docs. Of course I was having fun shaking the bottle every once in a while.

oh...forgot to mention that I was outside on the driveway when I ditched the pants. At least I had the sense to wear some boxer shorts. :p


Mean little beasties aren't they.

The pic is a Yellow Jacket Wasp, try taking em' out up two stories on a ladder-real fun.

Black and white(actually cream color) would be a Bald Face Hornet. Those bad ass dudes can drop you to your knees when they hit you. Good guys usually cause they eat the fore mentioned wasps.

Both of these buggers have helped me pay for some serious farkles.

While I don't usually enjoy someone's misfortune;

[SIZE=18pt]You made me laugh my butt off Mr. Bust![/SIZE]

You always crack me up. I wish I lived closer to the "Land Of The Giant Mosquito".

I would love to meet you and Mrs. Bust.

(Quiet Odot.)

Sorry, I didn't realize you were looking for sympathy.

It's in the dictionary. Somewhere between **** and Syphilis.

Busta's post was funny in a painful BTDT kinda way. I hate them little beasties.

But it's the dictionary line that I [SIZE=14pt]GOTTA[/SIZE] remember! :D

Damn Bust... people at work were wondering why I was laughing sitting here by myself.

You'll appreciate this... Last year the wife was out of town. It was pretty cold outside, so she asked that I bring the fern inside from the deck. I did. With the wife out of town, of course there's loud music, nachos and beer. In the kitchen, I see a red wasp flying around. Killed it with the fly swatter. Then I see another, and another, at least 20. Picture a guy doing the dance of the Tarantella with a fly swatter in his hand for about 10 minutes. Long story short, there was a large nest in the fern. They "woke up" when they got inside the house with warmer temps. :assassin:

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The picture I now have in my mind is............................... :dribble: Next time wear some briefs or boxers!



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