I need friends

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Ramblin Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
I realized I only have 3 people I would call friends. One I rarely see, one I see too much, and the other is a co-worker. I was thinking about all of the projects I have going on at any one time and wondering why it takes me so freaking long to complete them and I realized it's because I do EVERYTHING MYSELF. That really sucks because all of this project work takes precidence over riding. I rode my FJR for the SECOND TIME this season last Monday because I had to. An obstical busted my car's exhaust pipe the day before and I had to order the parts. When I went to start the FJR I had to kick start it because the battery was so low. I work from home usually, but occasionally I have meetings I have to attend and getting all geared up for a 30 minute ride in traffic is not what I had in mind when I bought my FJR.

I see commercials and talk to my friends (all 3) and they have loads of freinds of which I am merely just one. I however am very particular of who I invite into my "inner sanctum" which is why I think it takes me so long to get things done. Everyone else has 4 or 5 people helping them get their shit done so they can go riding while I have (and have had) 3 car projects, a basement room to build and a kitchen remodel on the books. That doesn't include the projects I have completed. Oh ya, I've beem working on the third floor for ten years. (The house was/is kind of haunted so I'm not really comfortable up there so I do it as the mood strikes me)

Most guys would call their friends over, supply pizza and beer (lots of beer) and a project would be done in one day. Me, I have to think...and think...and think some more to engineer a way to do things without any help.

The problem is I don't like a lot of people. It's like that line in hustle-n-flow. Some people talk the talk and some people walk the walk. The people that walk the walk don't talk much because they're too busy walking. The people that talk the talk try to get people like me to do they're walking for them.

But I've been walking so much my shoes are worn out and I just want to sit down.

Instead of friends maybe a really hot nympho girlfriend would be good. I wouldn't get any work done, but I would't care about it either.

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Well, a hot nympho girlfriend is never a bad thing, but...............

I don't think it's that you don't have enough friends,

I think it's that you have too many freaking projects! Dude. Slow down. Take some time to enjoy............. Finish one before you start another.

Carpe Diem my friend. For all you know, you could drop dead of heart attack, or freak accidnent. Next week. Next year.

In the meantime, care for any knuter valves?

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as long as they don't need any kind of work I'm in. I'm trying my best to finish all of my projects by spring. I'm hoping this coming year will be free and clear of project work and full of riding. I'm sure it won't be filled with a hot nympho gorlfriend.


I think you should try to ride the FJR everyday.......Forget the projects......

If that don't work.... Try some anit-depressants.


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I thought a nympho girlfriend was an antidepressant. I just can't get a prescription.

I know the feeling. I work too many hours. I support a family that doesn't give a crap about me. I have a few casual friends. I associate with a few people at work. I think I get along with people pretty well, but I'm a strong type A. That really seams to turn most people away when they get to know me better.

After my divorce is final I'm going to look for a young adventurous red head woman that likes motorcycles. She should keep me busy for a while.

I have many "aquaintances", can count what I consider good friends on one hand. I still make time to ride! Gotta! With all the muldane crap in life, it's my primary escape...

Nympho isn't an option for me, still somewhat happly married. Nice thought, though, if she likes to ride on occasion...

I have many "aquaintances", can count what I consider good friends on one hand.
+1 to that

I'm a strong type A. That really seams to turn most people away when they get to know me better
Yes an no.

for me its

That really seams to turn most people away untill they get to know me better

I think it's that you have too many freaking projects! Dude. Slow down. Take some time to enjoy............. Finish one before you start another.
I agree

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Geezer has nailed it. It's a matter of priorities, and you have allowed incorrect ones (projects) to supersede the correct priority (riding your FJR).

Projects can wait; they aren't going anywhere, they'll still be there when you get back from riding.

You, OTOH, aren't getting younger by the day. Now is the time - right now - to ride while you can still swing a leg over the saddle.

Project less. Ride more. Happiness ensues.

Not to get TOO philosophical, but maybe you've seen this before:

An illustration which helps one to think of priorities is one of rocks, pebbles, sand and water. Picture filling a bucket with large rocks. You may put in 4-8 rocks and the bucket would seem full. Is it really full? No, not really - we can fit smaller pebbles between the large rocks, filling up the spaces. Is the bucket full now? No, not really - we can fit sand between the pebbles and large rocks, in the same way that dessert seems to slide into the gaps after a large and filling meal. Is the bucket full now - with rocks, pebbles and sand? No, not really - for we can still pour quite a good amount of water over the rocks, pebbles and sand.

The question, Grasshopper, is what are the rocks, pebbles, sand, and water in your life? If you think you need more friends then make them the rocks. If you want more riding time then make the FJR the rock (FJR's ROCK!).

For me, this past weekend was a classic example. The weather forecast was for nice sunny days for both Saturday and Sunday, and it would have been easy to be out riding both days. But, my rock for Saturday was garage cleanup and yardwork. The rock for Sunday was riding to a ride-to-eat for chowder at the coast. The RTE was a great way to hook up with friends, talk bikes and riding, eat, and take in some fall colors. Next Sunday the rock will change to watching football.

The point is that you get to pick what the rock is at any given time. If you need to adjust things in your life to spend more time riding or meet new friends then adjust away. Save the projects for a rainy day, they'll be here soon enough.

Geezer and Warchild nailed it. I usually keep my yard looking good...then my lawnmower got knocked off timing and that would be a project to get it fixed. I have riding to do so the lawnmower sits and I ride and the grass grows longer.

I am sure there is a balance somewhere...I seem to be on the other side of the fulcrum than you in regards to the question whether to ride, or take on projects.

I bet you have about a 100% better chance of meeting a nympho girlfriend while taking rides on your FJR than you do finishing that project on your haunted 3rd floor. :)

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A classic portfolio management problem. You can work on a gazillion projects and never finish any of them. Or...you can prioritize projects, as others have suggested, including a ride on the FJR, and finish them one or two at a time.

I didn't think one keeps friends around to help with projects. :dntknw: Get rid of the cars, sell the house and buy a condo, then go ride.

Further, stay away from the nymphos. Yeah, they might be fun for a while, but they are all psychos, too. ;)
