667 - Neighbour of the Beast
You say it like it is a bad thing! he thinks he needs to roll it into my front living room and watch TV while sitting on it! ha!
You say it like it is a bad thing! he thinks he needs to roll it into my front living room and watch TV while sitting on it! ha!
If it acts as an aphrodisiac I'd roll with it he thinks he needs to roll it into my front living room and watch TV while sitting on it! ha!
+1,000. What I find about Hough's books is that you don't just read them once, you read them over and over again. Mine look like old college textbooks, with dog-eared pages and yellow highlights. His Street Strategies sits on the back of my throne :Lkingsmiley: for continual reading. I've read it cover to cover about three times now.Happy you passed the MSF. If your thinking of getting into riding, I Highly suggest reading Hough's Proficient Motorcycling books. He has been riding for 50 years and his wisdom can go along way keeping a Newbie safe on the street. I read them when I came back from not riding. His books get your head in the game to 'Ride Safe'! Good Luck, TJ
Wow! Is this one of those cases where others see in us what we don't see in ourselves, or is it merely false modesty?:yahoo: WOOT! I did it and I don't think anyone is more surprised than I am! heh
I dunno, but if I can, maybe I could make it a businessWOW! Could you get my wife to do that too??? :dribble:
Aww, shucks... honestly, riding a bike was really something I never saw myself doing. I know that I am a cautious (insert 'scaredy cat') person. I realize that there's always going to be some other vehicle on the road while I am on a bike and this is going to be scary (insert 'nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs') . If I am already worried about what other people MIGHT do while I am riding a bike on the road, this might be a lethal mixture. Not to mention the fact that gravity usually wins whenever we fight! So, really, I am surprised that I am doing this. I don't often take big risks (knowingly anyhow). I'm pretty much content sticking with stuff I know. But that can get boring - so, here I am! A proud new 'motomamma', as Dear Highlander called me! :lol:Wow! Is this one of those cases where others see in us what we don't see in ourselves, or is it merely false modesty?:yahoo: WOOT! I did it and I don't think anyone is more surprised than I am! heh
In the few times we've met, you've always struck me as someone who has an inner strength that just exudes confidence - someone who knows how to achieve whatever goals they set themselves. So it really comes as little surprise that you were successful in the MSF training, something that you could not have done if, deep down, you didn't believe you could.
Oh, and a hardy congratulations! We're all very proud of our resident photography goddess!
Two words: "Helmet Cam"!I am worried about what this all means in respect to my resident photography goddess title though... I'll do my best to continue the pics, but I won't be snapping while piloting for a long while!