Have motorcyclists really evolved to to two separate species like this? I never imagined we would become so tribal.
Since your profile lists your age about the same as mine and your location as WI, I have to question your evaluation of the MC world and/or how long you've been riding. No reason to expect special treatment or for your bike to be recognized when you're at a dealer of another persuasion. Harley dealers (& owners) typically know just about as much about a Yamaha as the typical Yamaha dealer (& owner) knows about a Harley. In my experience it doesn't matter if it's a MC or auto dealers the same applies, and be prepared to face ridicule is you aren't representing the brand they sell. Most salesmen whether at the HD or Yamaha dealer know far less about what they sell than a well prepared, well read potential customer.
Oh yeah, there are at least four separate species of motorcyclists, European brand posers, American brand posers, Japanese brand posers, and real MC riders.
Which one are you? :devil: