I want to ride!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Sep 30, 2007
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I sit at work and dream of coming home and firing up the FJR and going for a ride! The last ride was a couple of weeks ago, and only a short one. We have had rain, ice, rain, ice for almost a week, now snow moving in for the weekend. Last week I was about 100 miles west of St Louis seeing a customer for work, it was lightly snowing and gusting accross the interstate, and I'll be damn, I saw 2 sport touring bikes on my way back, 1 BMW and 1 FJR. Maybe I need to step it up a bit and just get out there! For now, I dream of sun and at least 35 degrees! :)

I feel your pain, bro. Its been about 3 weeks since I've been out. Its supposed to "warm up"

into the upper 30's this afternoon, if so, I'll have to take her out for a stretch.

Just stopping by to commiserate. It's only been two weeks since my last ride and already the withdrawls are overwhelming :sleepy:

Just stopping by to commiserate. It's only been two weeks since my last ride and already the withdrawls are overwhelming :sleepy:
Since we're practically neighbors as far as this forum goes...Two Weeks?!?! You got studs on those tires? I'm out past Naperville and I don't remember any riding weather two weeks ago. :blink:

being in the northeast I have just learned to give it up for the winter and move onto other pastimes.

It makes it all the sweeter when it is time to ride in the spring.

Long ago I figured out that trying to get in a ride here and there and only getting out for a small ride just made the agony worse


5:20pm...80 degrees outside...but the sun is goin' down.



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We had a buttload of rain last week following our first ice and snow of the season, so all the salt got thoroughly washed off the roads. Thursday was dreary, but no precip, so I knew roads would be clean and dry on Friday! Damn the cold...I'm riding! 27*F when I left for work Friday morning, but it was great to ride anyway. Good thing I did, because we got nothing but snow, sleet, ice and wind all this weekend. Bummer...now the roads are covered with salt again. The good news is we've got more rain coming this week, so hopefully the roads will get washed clean again. I'll take those rides when I can get them. The Widder gloves I bought a couple months ago have been a blessing for me, because the fingers on my right hand are the only thing that really gets painfully cold. No more winter layups for me! Show me a salt-free road and I'm riding. :yahoo:
