I was bad

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Not me
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Catawissa, MO
Ok, I am waiter. Prior to this , I joined every FJR forum I could find to gather info and opinions.

I found this particular site to be the best so far, but now and then dropped by the others. Oddly, I did not know that there was some type of feud going on with the forum on the EZ-Board site.

I happend to see a post there last week from someone that said they have been away for awhile, and were wondering what happened to Warchild. (post 1)

Some else posted that he was at "the other forum" .(post 2)

The original poster then asked "what forum?"(post 3)

I then tried to give a link, but it did not print out, so I edited my post to say that the site was at "www dot fjr (no space) forum dot com" (post 4)

The next post (5) was a "thanks!" from the first guy.

Then a post from someone saying " very nice " to me. (6)

The 7th post said something to the effect that "this is a bike forum and not the CIA"

Which I was not so sure what that was supposed to mean , until later the next day when I went to the site to find that ... I HAD BEEN BANNED.

The page said briefly that I had been "banned from this community" and if I thought it was a mistake, I should contact the sites administrator.

Four days and no return e-mail from the administrator.

And as one can "visit" the site without logging in, I found that the entire 7 post thread had been deleted off the site.

Alright, now what am I missing here? Is it not permited to post links to other forums?

Did I break some internet rule I was unaware of?

Did Warchilds split from that forum cause some political anger of some kind?

Well... Please do not ban me from this forum...I really do like it here and will try not to make waves...


  Well... Please do not ban me from this forum...I really do like it here and will try not to make waves...
Uh, you already have...


Oh boy!

Don't mention that this site on the other one.. Holy cow. You'd think you had put an image of Allah with a bomb in his turbin.

Seems the other administrator is mad that warchild created this one. This one is easier to use (and search) than the EZBoard site... and he other admin thinks this site was meant to steal people away...

someone is trying to protect their fiefdom.

You're outta here. We are simply not gonna put up with your kinda troublemakin' **** Mr, you unnerstandin' me? Now git down and gimme 20!!!!!

And welcome to the world of the banned! :D

Wear it like a Merit Badge. I'm also banned (but that was 'cause called him an :asshat2:

The admin over there has a serious bug up, eh, there.


PS - You're BANNED! :haha:

I find it ironic that Mark made all that noise about planning some big upgrade and that WC stole his thunder by creating this site...

...been over there recently? Looks the same to me. :******:

Alright, now what am I missing here? Is it not permited to post links to other forums?
It's not verboten to post links to other forums on ez board; just links to THIS forum.

All the FJR Forums have been sharing links and information since day 1 (except for that abortion of a pay-for-use site that was drummed out of existance within months of it's launch date).

The Ez Board guy has a bug up his :******: about this forum and kicked his most valuable contributers out when they tried to explain the advantages of this software. The very people that managed his site (all he did was start on a pay-for-use hosting site) for years. He was an absentee landlord with others creating content, providing links to other content, and managing the forum. Overnight he claimed it was his ball game and sent everyone else packing just like you experienced.

Since then the Sleazy Board has been languishing waiting for someone to pull it's feed tubes. But, thanks to all of us who contributed to the "war chest" over the years, there's plenty of quasi-cash to keep it on life support for a long time.

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Since then the Sleazy Board has been languishing waiting for someone to pull it's feed tubes. But, thanks to all of us who contributed to the "war chest" over the years, there's plenty of quasi-cash to keep it on life support for a long time.
Yeah, the big cash collection effort occured just in time for 'ol Marky didn't it?

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Which I was not so sure what that was supposed to mean , until later the next day when I went to the site to find that ... I HAD BEEN BANNED.
Consider yourself as part of an elite group and hang your new diploma on the wall as a badge of honor. I wish I had one, I screwed up and resigned from EZBored instead of getting banned.

Right on knifemaker!!! That's funny. . .damn funny. :clap: :clap: I can just imagine you sitting there going WTF just happened??? :huh: Welcome aboard anyhow.

Poor knifemaker. Now you truly are part of the collective. :haha:

Things have calmed down quite a bit from when this forum first started. Thank god.

Bounce did a fairly good synopsis. And, back in the archives, one can still find those.....uhh......"heated" threads from the bad ol days.

For example:

Origins of FJRForum

The "When Tempers Were HOT" Thread

Read at your own peril.

Thanks for the replies and explainations. Sorry that the EZ-B guy is such a child. (You play by my rules or I will take MY toys home and no one gets to play!)

I WILL consider this a badge of honor in some way. I tend to say what I think and usualy enjoy upseting the "wrong" people..although it was not intentional here.

This seems to be a good home , and I doubt I will miss the other forum in any way.



Now THAT is funny. Mark's panties are still stuck up his ass crack it seems. But you're certainly welcome here -- especially with that fine looking avatar of yours. :D

Just to clarify. The board owner, slapnpop, was the creator of this board with Warchild's help I'm sure.

Banned from the land of Heir Neuman. Definitely, wear it like a badge of honor.

I haven't been banned myself yet...although I sometimes try. I'm seeing if I can get banned without posting the evil link to here.

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Wow knifemaker!!! Haven't gotten your FJR yet, and you are already a veteran... Amazing!!! :blink: :blink: :haha: :haha:

Welcome to the elite club of "The Banned"... Did you get your T-shirt yet? :D

New signature line graphic. Helping.People.Connect. Ya, right. :lol:



That board is a pile of ****. The software sucks and the fuckleberry that runs it deserves the mass abandonment that he alone caused. It has been a ghost town over there, and at this point the only thing that would make me happy would be for it to be shut down.

I guess I could ask for my donation back in an effort to expedite its demise, but I dont have any more energy to piss around with that loser. I have two four year-olds at home, why fight with another?

I especially love his claims that there would be new software this past summer. Yeah right. The slowness, missing posts, and magical mystery search continue unfazed.

The only crime is that the FJR community gets a bad name due to that site. The people that find it here know the truth.

