Came across this short video, and thought "Wow, wish I could do that!". Very well done.
This. If you've ever sat down with enough GoPro footage to make a quality 2:00 video, then you know how much time you spend watching video over and over and how much gets trimmed and how much of a pain in the rear it is to put something like this together. The bike, the riding, the shooting, all fantastic, but it's the editing that makes it and usually isn't what people think of. I have a couple of friends who went to school for editing and more power to them, I couldn't do it.That Hollywood feel is done in editing. I've seen a few gropro videos done like this. That editing is very time consuming, and requires a bit of talent. Speaking of talent, determining all the shots this small video has, and making it happen, takes talent. I'm an admirer.