Ignacio Wins 3 Day Utah 1088!

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So Iggy has ridden longer and faster than Skooterboy...

...now THAT'S braggin' rights right there. :clapping:
A point that I made with great pride (repeatedly) when he called to congratulate me. (which is really cool of him)

But, thank you SO much for bringing it up again wheaton. I think Friday would be a great time to bring it up again a time or two. ;)

Holy moly, Matt.

That was one helluva ride.


Congratulation on a great accomplishment.

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So, I think quite a few of us are still waiting for the writeup on that epic ride.

Are the rumors true that you installed an Infinite Improbability Drive onto your FJR before the rally and that's how you are able to cover the distance so quickly? ;)

I was chased by a bowl of petunias and very confused looking sperm whale through Kansas.

Another late "Congratulations" to you, Matt. An awesome rally and ride. I can't imagine completing something like that under rally conditions.

But, I have to wonder, how much of the credit is due to the pre-rally pedicure? :)

Glory hound. :p

Congrats Ig, that's awesome!!! :yahoo:

The far superior Gen1 2005 "Blue Angel FJR" did it with Captain Ig as the pilot. ;)

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WOW! A BBG trifecta and 1088 win in the same ride :clapping: . Surprised you had time to stop and have a bite with us in Cheektowaga. Mazel Tov!

Congrats Matt on a amazing ride. I was shocked as well as everyone at the table when Steve announced your podium finish as well as your finishing mileage. All I could think was you had either lost a receipt or a photo fail.

Of course now it is all relevant., you are the winner of the 2011 Utah 1088 3 day. How you kept focus riding the across the state of Kansas is a feat in it's self alone.
