ignition again

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
So had a 5th ignition failure with this bike or should I say dud. Even though we have done the recall. This time they told me the ground block had melted? They insinuated that I have too many accessories; the only accessories I have on the bike are the Hyperlites LED brake lights and upgraded horns on Randy’s harness which have a separate relay. It has just been one thing after another on this bike. The dealer told me he has never seen a bike with so many problems. Unfortunately we don’t have the same Lemon laws here in Canada like in the USA-too bad. I have lost confidence in this motorcycle it has let me down too many times.

So had a 5th ignition failure with this bike or should I say dud. Even though we have done the recall. This time they told me the ground block had melted? They insinuated that I have too many accessories; the only accessories I have on the bike are the Hyperlites LED brake lights and upgraded horns on Randy’s harness which have a separate relay. It has just been one thing after another on this bike. The dealer told me he has never seen a bike with so many problems. Unfortunately we don’t have the same Lemon laws here in Canada like in the USA-too bad. I have lost confidence in this motorcycle it has let me down too many times.

Join the club! I won't reiterate my problems (just look for the recent threads with my name and you can read the HELL I have had with my bike and Yamaha).

Hope your story ends better!

Best regards,


Sorry to hear about your problems, Gadi. Unfortunatley, you are not alone. My bike is in at the dealers right now where they are trying to sort out my grounding problems. After behaving erratically for a few months, my instrument panel finally went completely dead last week and that is in addition to my engine cutting out frequently. I'm not running any electric farkles except the heated OEM grips. In trying to figure out what the hell was going on, I did find some helpful threads on the forum. You might want to check this one out:


Also, bramfrank from Montreal posted this survey yesterday to try to gather some data on this problem. You might want to fill it out in aid of the cause:


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While I've not had the problems you describe and have really had pretty good luck with my 2006, and really I love this bike and would rather eleminate any issues I have with it than get another brand. And the ground block you mention was it a factory part or aftermarket? And was it fused correctly?

I have noticed though corrosion on bolts, fasteners, and electrical connections that could be the result of bad or poor grounding. So far this corrosion has not caused issues but it does need to be addressed IMO.

I know this corrosision is common from reading the many threads on the board over the years. And there are threads that describe putting electrical contact grease on the elec. connections and plugs and to clean the affected bolts, etc. and also coat them with grease.

I have never owned a large Japanese bike as the FJR and I have heard this is not uncommon among bikes from Japan. But the amount of corrosion found seems to be excessive to me. I use to own a 30' Chriscraft Cavalier and electrolisis was a common problem. But I really don't understand this issue on a street bike. And it does seem that electrolisis is occuring. Is there not a suitable ground system on our bike?

I do now feel comfortable about the ignition switch issue though having the new one installed along with Brodies harness. There "was" excessive amounts of current running through the ignition switch before I installed it. And I am curious if Brodies harness has helped to eleminate this electrolisis condition. Good luck and hope things work out. PM. <>< ;)

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I recently had similar issues with my 06. Jumper blocks under tank were corroded. Entire wiring harness was replaced under YES warranty. Dealer stated that there have been a number of issues with corrosion in the connectors on the harness. Other threads recommend using dielectric lube/sealant check the threads for the brand name.

If you ground your farkles directly to the battery then there is no way the dealer can blame the farkles for a failed ground block. Since there have been so many electrical issues on the Gen 2 FJR, I wonder if the wiring was never considered when they increased the capacity of the stator.

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