Ignition Switch Recall/Heli Triple Clamp

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IBA #31100
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
What does it mean for those of use that have the heli triple clamp mod and is there anything we should be on the lookout for when the dealer does the switch out. Thanks

If anything... it may be easier for them.

I got mine back today and they did NOT have to remove the bars/triple clamp like the instructions said. They used a couple extensions to reach the bolts from the front tire area and removed the switch. (I had done the same thing just after install because I didn't like the routing of a cable.) The tanks must still be raised to get to the connectors, but it saved them drilling, making a mess, and possibly scratching my bike. Re-Installation can be done with the Heli bolts, or you could have them use the security bolts for added protection. (The heads break off of the security bolts so that they need to be drilled out to remove the switch.)

What does it mean for those of use that have the heli triple clamp mod and is there anything we should be on the lookout for when the dealer does the switch out. Thanks
Ahhhh finally... I did not want to wade through that other topic to find some info about the recall and if you have a Helibar triple clamp! Thanks for raising the question.

