I'm 47 Dad is 74

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
It has been the longest week of my life. My father was not doing so well the weekend before Thanksgiving. My sister who lives close by my parents called and updated me that something was seriously wrong with our father. I drove home to check things out for my self Monday week. When I arrived Dad was very unsteady in his gait and was having tremors on his right side. My first thought was a small stroke. We went to see a Neurologist last Wednesday and he ordered tests and sent us home. About an hour after we arrived back home Dad had a very nasty fall in the kitchen and cut above his right eye. An ambulance was called and he was taken to a local ER. We found out on Thanksgiving day that Dad has stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to several locations within his brain. Things do not look good for my loving Dad.

I will be with him for as long as I need to be. He started radiation yesterday and chemo will follow. Time will tell if it helps. For those of you who believe in God........any God......and believe in the power of prayer please say one for my Dad, he needs any help he can get.

My clothes are now dry and I must return to the hospital. Thank you for your prayers! Until later! donaldb

Awe man, that's crappy news.

You're in my family's thoughts and prayers.

Damn. Sad news. I watched my dad go to cancer. It's not easy, but hang tough for your old man. It helps.

In my thoughts for sure...


My thoughts and prayers are out to you, your Dad and family.

Hang tough, and know you can always lean on your friends here.


Thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family and dad. As close as I am to my dad, I know this has to be very tough. All the best to you.

Donald, spend as much time as you can with him. When my dad passed, there were a lot of nites that I would have rather spent home and not at the hospital. Now, I only regret we didn't have more time. We talked about things like never before, subjects we wouldn't have even considered. Gives you a lot of insight into your dad. Good luck and prayers are coming your way. jr.


I'm not really great at expressing the way I feel, but you should know that I wish your Dad, yourself, and your family the very best in this tough time. Not being a praying man, I will nonetheless keep you folks in my heart....


Prayers for your Dad heading your way. Try to talk about the good times from the past, and not dwell on his current state.
