I'm 47 Dad is 74

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Robert Bruce Donaldson

March 27, 1932---February 8, 2007

A fine man, a great husband and the best father!!

I Love you Pop!!

Some details will follow later------------thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Bruce

I really don't know what to say, man. I hope you always find comfort in the memory of a great father. If there is anything you need, just holler. Prayers for you and yours.

...and then, it's over.

Your Pop's is finally at rest.

Exhale, deep breath, exhale again.

You done good DonaldB, really good.

Be proud of you Dad and of yourself and family.

Death, like birth, is a family affair.

Thoughts and prayers to you and the family.

Just found out today that one of my co-workers lost his 17 year-old daughter Saturday to a vehicle collision. The funeral was yesterday. I'm gonna have to plagiarize some of what's in this thread for the message I must now compose to him...

:bye2: :rip_1: Pop


I’m sorry for you and your family and God Bless you all. My Mom died last year and I know it’s a hard time for you all. I believe I’ll see her again and you’ll see your Dad again one of these days. You can also take comfort from the fact that part of your Dad lives on in you. Everything he taught you and the example he set for you is resident in you and lives on and you'll see that everyday.


Dan,I’m sorry for you and your family and God Bless you all. My Mom died last year and I know it’s a hard time for you all. I believe I’ll see her again and you’ll see your Dad again one of these days. You can also take comfort from the fact that part of your Dad lives on in you. Everything he taught you and the example he set for you is resident in you and lives on and you'll see that everyday.

Nice words Jim................ If we can echo those sentiments. Rog N Debs

Bruce, You will be seeing your Dad a lot just living your life now as Jim was saying. That is so true. It is also a time of rejoicing that he is in a lot better place.


Just found out today that one of my co-workers lost his 17 year-old daughter Saturday to a vehicle collision. The funeral was yesterday. I'm gonna have to plagiarize some of what's in this thread for the message I must now compose to him...
:bye2: :rip_1: Pop
What a tragedy for your friend. I imagine that being there for your other children would be the only remaining motivation to even take another step forward. When I go to bed at night and my 17-yr-old daughter is still out with friends, I pray to God for her safe return. And when I wake up and her bedroom door is closed, meaning she's home asleep, I thank God for her safe return. We want our children to gain independence and self-confidence in preparation for eventually leaving the nest, but the price is loss of control over their safety (I guess really we can't even control that entirely when they are with us).

Last year a local college-aged girl was killed in a head-on motorcycle accident when a driver crossed into her lane on Highway 1 near where she was going to college at UC Santa Cruz (you may remember this, Highlander). It struck me particularly hard, both because I have college-aged children (of whom you are so proud and hold out so much hope for their promising future) and a young daughter, and because, being a rider who constantly gets asked questions to the effect that, "Aren't you afraid [read, 'stupid'] because it's so dangerous," I imagined that her death was her parents' worst nightmare from the moment she first announced she was going to buy a motorcycle. In a small attempt to assuage at least in some small way the grief of her parents, I tried to rally the Bay Area M.C. community to show its support in some way, but got no response. Finally I worked with my Harley dealer to send a wreath to the funeral, saying something like, "The Bay Area Motorcycling Community shares your grief at your terrible loss."

I don't know... I think when parents hear this kind of news that you posted above, it just touches us all so deeply because we know too well that it is just a spin of Fortune's Wheel and we know it could just as easily be our child. Jb

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Robert Bruce Donaldson
March 27, 1932---February 8, 2007

A fine man, a great husband and the best father!!

I Love you Pop!!
To be great, a man does not need to build a great structure or win an epic battle or discover a universal scientific principle. He only needs to love and support his family through hard work and devotion, and thereby set an example for other great men and women (his children) to thrive and contribute in their world.

Robert Bruce Donaldson was no doubt a Great Man.

I'm sorry for your loss.


I haven't checked the forum for a few days... so sorry to hear this Bruce. He's probably the only one smiling about now, because the pain is gone and he's in a better place. I'm in town, so PM me if I can do anything.

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Wow! I just saw this, Bruce. So sorry for your loss. It was the best thing, you and your dad being close. I was never really close with my parents. My mother passed two years ago, and my father is bed ridden with arthritis and other problems at 93.

I sometimes wish I was closer to them but, that's life. Cherish the times you had.

Godspeed Pop!

I wish you all the best and well, what can I say other than it's hard to live sometimes. If we can make this hard time for you easier, just keep letting us know.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and support. I have turned the final page in this chapter of my book of life. We will close this thread with a couple pictures of our vacation last summer (July). We took a cruise, a family vacation, memories which will last forever.

This is me, wifey, mom and pop at dinner the first night:


Tacky tourists.....me, mom and pop:


I'll miss you pop!
