I'm at a lose.

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I don't care to add to this debate one way or the other.

I will say warsw, that posting private communications is EXTREMELY BAD FORM. And following it with a personal attack which is strictly forbidden in the forum guidelines is definiately a no-no. I would be expecting some new personal communications. :angry2:

Can't we use the politically correct term, Richard Cranium instead?

But, I've been in forums where they have had a "Romper Room", and while I liked it for the most part, it did cause very bad blood among the members. Having a "no politics" rule isn't a bad idea IMO.

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Either accept, move on, and talk about the FJR....or go to Invision and download your own forum software and make whatever forum you want.

wow...seemed like a level headed response. He explained his position, he explained his authority and he explained that this topic has a long history. Then he provided a potential solution to your problem and you call him this? I think you're looking for a fight instead of seeing what he is saying. In this instance, it isn't Iggy being the "Dick-Head" although he has been one many times (anytime he argued with me)...oh wait...maybe I was miopic on those occaisions.
You call that a solution? It was suggestion. I think his solution was a little uncalled for.

He was being a "Dick Head"
Would it help you understand his position if you knew he had to deal with this subject every week? The answer you got was more than that last line...he actually made an attempt to bridge the gap of your opposed opinions. The last sentence seems to me to be an attempt to close the issue. It was more polite than saying something like, "now leave me the **** alone."

Now, whether I agree with the policy of the board or not is not relevant. But since I like irrelevance, I'll say I wouldn't mind a little political banter. So what? It goes against the rules here and whether people agree with it or not, for the most part the policy has function and seems to work. There are a bunch-o-friends here. Even Radman likes me even though I lead him on a ride that got his arms tired and caused him to kill a squirrel. ( I think he had plans for that squirrel)

Once in awhile the policy rubs people the wrong way and this type of thread happens. I've been in your shoes with Iggy and perhaps was meaner than you have been. Bottom line is you have him between a rock and a hard place on this. He communicates the rule to you and tries to explain why and then tries to shut the door on the conversation because he's had it too many times and then you publish PMs (not really cool on a forum fyi).

Just take a deep breath and get over it, or not. Either way I don't imagine the policy will change. So focus on the good stuff here.

That's my suggestion.

www.southbayriders.com gets political. I venture there from time to time but I seem to never be able to stay long (except for Com3's photos...wow that guy rocks....if you wanna see good motorcycle photography he's one of the best)

Now...come on out to Orangevale this weekend and I'll take you on a few little gems of rides in the Sierra okay? :clapping:

Trying to be peacemaker.

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This stuff is the very thing that will cause this forum to disintegrate. :angry:
Nah, ebb and flow, ebb and flow.

I concur that some of the interpretation of what was/is political commentary may be borderline, but you know what? I quite like not having to read that kinda of ******** because it tends to light my fire (and don't tell me to just switch the channel - I can't because I have an addiction of watching train wrecks and fires). I get enough of that from the good folks over at ST.n and after a round of that kinda crap, it's usually time to shut down the ol' HP.

Nope, no place for it here, so put me on the **** Politics at FJRForum.com side of the ledger.

Besides, how can you really get your panties in a wad over this kinda ****? Is it really that important to you (you, as in the involved parties)? Really? I can understand that liking Z6's makes you a total ******* and completely undesirable as a human being, but over politics? I mean, c'mon! Lighten up, Margaret!

QUOTE(warsw)What a "Dick-Head"

7. Always remember that you are a GUEST in our virtual house. The Admins are your hosts. When you are a guest in someone''s house, don''t piss off the hosts. If you do, you''ll find your dumb ass on the sidelines, participating in a "read-only" mode for a period of 7 days. Repeat offenders fall under Rule #4, and will be booted permanently. If you try to re-register under another name after you have sent to the corner for a timeout, you are definitely toast.

When are you going to get it?

Nope, no place for it here, so put me on the **** Politics at FJRForum.com side of the ledger.

Why is it such a big deal to close a thread? It wasn't deleted, the points for and against still stand. Having thought it over, I have to agree it WAS getting political.

There's plenty of other threads. Move on.

And publishing private IM's isn't a dick head move?
+1 - definitely bad form. Pulling idiot moves like that is a sure sign that your personal credibility is questionable, to say the least.

Chill out, it's just an internet forum! No one can even see you making a total ass of yourself!

Man oh man, how many times does someone have to see "pm displays benefit no one, most of all da displaya!" to get it? Whatever the argument, however poignant the prose, tis ALWAYS a bad move to reveal that which is PM'd so that it is hidden from da masses, dood. :unsure:

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But yet on another thread someone ( who shall remain nameless, but one of the chosen /connected few IMHO ), pot shotted Bush ( not that I care so much ) and there was no reprecussion at all. So where's the continuity ?
Yeah, I guess this raises the question: Is doing the best they can good enough? I figure some stuff is going to slip through even with the dogged determination of the admins some posts will get missed.

Sheeesh.............Ignacio, You need to lighten up. It's a forum not a collage exam. It’s a place to visit, have fun and pass on information about common interest. If the "rules" are so ridged that this can no longer happen then "what is the point". :drinks:
I don't know much about rules being ridged......unless they're Ruffles.

It is absolutely a place to visit, have fun.....like .....ummmmmm.....your favorite corner tavern, where you can have a beer with your virtual buds, and discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular. Just leave politics at the door.

...Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.......where everybody knows your name.....

Sheesh, Iggy, I can't believe you caught the "ridged" (Must have been thinking about prophylactics) as opposed to "rigid".......but you MISSED "collage" rather than "college". Of course, this place is a collage of different textures, pieces and people. It's only a "college" in that we are educated about the FJRs (though no "degrees" are issued.) Dang...I mean, DANG-it-all, boy!

This has been a rather interesting read...even if it seems to go nowhere since those of us who've been here for awhile have seen the same subject discussed at length. Personally, I'd rather appreciate the people gathered around the FJR and motorcycles in general and not be divided by discussing other issues.

Rulez es rulez, en thet's jist thuh weight et ess. If'n yew doesn't lak thuh rulez, yew prolly ain't gunna like the in-forcemint, tew. :dribble:

I'm at a lose., What is this section to be used for?
Yew be keepin' up thuh weigh yewer goin' en yewer gunna be at a "lose" instedda at a "loss". :rolleyes:

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QUOTE(warsw)What a "Dick-Head"

7. Always remember that you are a GUEST in our virtual house. The Admins are your hosts. When you are a guest in someone''s house, don''t piss off the hosts. If you do, you''ll find your dumb ass on the sidelines, participating in a "read-only" mode for a period of 7 days. Repeat offenders fall under Rule #4, and will be booted permanently. If you try to re-register under another name after you have sent to the corner for a timeout, you are definitely toast.

When are you going to get it?
When I get damn good and ready! When I want your advice I will ask for it. Get It!

QUOTE(warsw)What a "Dick-Head"

7. Always remember that you are a GUEST in our virtual house. The Admins are your hosts. When you are a guest in someone''s house, don''t piss off the hosts. If you do, you''ll find your dumb ass on the sidelines, participating in a "read-only" mode for a period of 7 days. Repeat offenders fall under Rule #4, and will be booted permanently. If you try to re-register under another name after you have sent to the corner for a timeout, you are definitely toast.

When are you going to get it?
When I get damn good and ready! When I want your advice I will ask for it. Get It!
The problem is you may never ask nor ever GET IT, it seems...

Look, let's just mostly talk motorcycles here and the FJR specifically and we should be able to get along and want to come back here rather than leave in a huff and not come back or maybe be BANNED and not be allowed back! doh!

The political BS divides us. I'd feel more comfortable riding alongside a fellow FJR rider not knowing his political or religious beliefs. That **** does not even matter when we are in the wind together. Think about.

But yet on another thread someone ( who shall remain nameless, but one of the chosen /connected few IMHO ), pot shotted Bush ( not that I care so much ) and there was no reprecussion at all. So where's the continuity ?
Meh, hair splitting, IMO. Joke v. political comment? Fine line - could go either way.

But yet on another thread someone ( who shall remain nameless, but one of the chosen /connected few IMHO ), pot shotted Bush ( not that I care so much ) and there was no reprecussion at all. So where's the continuity ?
Meh, hair splitting, IMO. Joke v. political comment? Fine line - could go either way.
Well I had a joke in the joke section deleted (a year ago?) I suppose because it could have been construed as having a political aspect so......

But yet on another thread someone ( who shall remain nameless, but one of the chosen /connected few IMHO ), pot shotted Bush ( not that I care so much ) and there was no reprecussion at all. So where's the continuity ?
I'll tell you though, that "chosen / connected few..." comment sounds just a bit like a personal attack to me. Now fo sho the individual in question doesn't need lil ol me defending him, but let me just put this out there:

Chosen few you say? Those few have "chosen" to do what no others (myself included) seem to be willing to do in this community. And that is "Step Up". The individual whom you've targeted w/ your personal attack happens to be one of the ONLY new comers to this LD sport / addiction to spend months and months organizing multiple rallies and events over the past couple of years. He's the one that started the Deer Strike purchase (if you don't know you weren't here yet), has assisted on nearly every organized FJR event on the planet lately, and bends over backwards (scary thought, I know) to assist those in need within this forum and the LD community. Before you go busting on someone for being one of the "chosen few" (and you KNOW that has negative connotations) be sure to consider that he may just have worked very hard to put himself into a position of prestige and respect rather than having such an honor bestowed upon him for little or no reason. That's not to say that he has contributed in order to gain any one's approval or admiration...he does it for the love of the sport and for all of us.

Please consider that before firing off some comment about an individual that you, based on your comment, don't seem to know very well.

But yet on another thread someone ( who shall remain nameless, but one of the chosen /connected few IMHO ), pot shotted Bush ( not that I care so much ) and there was no reprecussion at all. So where's the continuity ?
I'll tell you though, that "chosen / connected few..." comment sounds just a bit like a personal attack to me. Now fo sho the individual in question doesn't need lil ol me defending him, but let me just put this out there:

Chosen few you say? Those few have "chosen" to do what no others (myself included) seem to be willing to do in this community. And that is "Step Up". The individual whom you've targeted w/ your personal attack happens to be one of the ONLY new comers to this LD sport / addiction to spend months and months organizing multiple rallies and events over the past couple of years. He's the one that started the Deer Strike purchase (if you don't know you weren't here yet), has assisted on nearly every organized FJR event on the planet lately, and bends over backwards (scary thought, I know) to assist those in need within this forum and the LD community. Before you go busting on someone for being one of the "chosen few" (and you KNOW that has negative connotations) be sure to consider that he may just have worked very hard to put himself into a position of prestige and respect rather than having such an honor bestowed upon him for little or no reason. That's not to say that he has contributed in order to gain any one's approval or admiration...he does it for the love of the sport and for all of us.

Please consider that before firing off some comment about an individual that you, based on your comment, don't seem to know very well.


I don't remember anyone saying anything bad about him or his actions. The point is............

So that makes him immune to the forum rules?

Well if you are still trying to figure out why politics are taboo reading this thread should clear it up :blink: With all the fun going on here imagine what bringing politics or religion into the mix would do.

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Speaking of religon and politics......



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