Well………it is time to explain how the thread got to where it is and why.
To start with I asked a question about a comment that Ignacio made on another post that he locked out. I didn't see where there was much in the way of politics in it so; here is his comment and my question.
I have no problems with the forum policies and it doesn't bother me that my idea wasn't something that Ignacio felt would work on the forum, a simple no I don't think it will work and this is why would have been enough but................Ignacio's "get off the train attitude" and "If you don't like it go start your own forum "SUCKS"!
Even if the Idea was just "****" I didn't deserve a response like that and yes it did piss me off.
I presented an idea, good or bad, and he came back with a "Dick Head" response and I'm the one on the chopping block??? I guess some of you are right "I just don't get it"
Oh "****" there goes my warn meter some more.
To start with I asked a question about a comment that Ignacio made on another post that he locked out. I didn't see where there was much in the way of politics in it so; here is his comment and my question.
Ignacio never really answered my question but I could see that he felt that it was an inappropriate topic so we ended it here:Boy...........I'm at a loss here. What does "Completely Off-topic Discussions" mean?And to think the words "FJR" nor "motorcycle" never appeared one single time in the body of any post.....prior to this one.
Take this political crap somewhere else! :angry2:![]()
My next thought was to send him a PM (seemed the proper channel to take) and run across a thought I had, this being the thought:(Ignacio @ Apr 19 2007, 08:44 AM) It is absolutely a place to visit, have fun.....like .....ummmmmm.....your favorite corner tavern, where you can have a beer with your virtual buds, and discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular. Just leave politics at the door.
Gotchya..........Done deal.
Up to this point everything was going pretty well I thought. This was just an idea I wanted to run past him, not a push. Those last two comments (What do you think? Worth a thought at least?) were questions not demands.Ignacio, Just a thought. Why not have a section such as "Completely Off-topic Discussions" that is open for any topic. A place to go and whine, bitch, talk politics or anything else one wants to rant about. There seems to be enough interest in some of these topics, that having a place to go to discuss them, with your friends, would be fun. It is much more fun to discuss different topic with the friends that you make here than to just go to a different forum and talk to those you don't even know or have anything else in common with. I think if there was a section that was set up for just that kind of use it would keep these topics off section where we DON'T want to hear it. I don't think that we need to add another topic section, there is already one that can be used "Completely Off-topic Discussions". It just needs to be opened up a little.
Having an area like this seems to have more value in the winter when more of us are stuck at home and not able to ride. With more time on our hands I think it would be fun to have an area where we can talk about anything.
What do you think? Worth a thought at least?
I have no problems with the forum policies and it doesn't bother me that my idea wasn't something that Ignacio felt would work on the forum, a simple no I don't think it will work and this is why would have been enough but................Ignacio's "get off the train attitude" and "If you don't like it go start your own forum "SUCKS"!
Even if the Idea was just "****" I didn't deserve a response like that and yes it did piss me off.
I presented an idea, good or bad, and he came back with a "Dick Head" response and I'm the one on the chopping block??? I guess some of you are right "I just don't get it"
Oh "****" there goes my warn meter some more.
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