I'm done with FJRForum mods

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From viewing my settings, it appears that posts made to an open group are publicly viewable. Posts to a closed group are only viewable to its members.

Any increase in membership on the other forum can be attributed directly to curiosity as much as anything else. In my mind and opinion, FJRForum will always be the go to source for technical data and discussion about the FJR. For those who want spice and color in their discussion, well, now you know where to get that. There’s no need to be of one camp or the other – why does that seem to be the mindset? BramFrank runs the Facebook FJR group and is here as well. What is so hard about knowing what is acceptable in one environment to the next? It’s not that difficult, is it?

Well put.

On Brams facebook site I knew going in it was going to be more tech info and also more of a no ******** site, and I behave accordingly there.

The Los Robustos site is also informative but it gets crazy at times and is to be expected given who runs it.

It's all about using your head before you step into a room, just like the real world. If you are dumb enough to walk into a hard core biker bar dressed in drag?

You're probably going to get your ass kicked.

Common sense.... It's not available in cans.
You behave on the FB page? Maybe lately, but if you care to go digging you'll find that there have been quite a few serious rants composed by you . . . and I do not censor what it posted except for the inappropriate SPAM by people trying to sell fake Rayban sunglasses and such. Those I delete outright and remove the offending member, who doesn't ride anything anyway.

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From viewing my settings, it appears that posts made to an open group are publicly viewable. Posts to a closed group are only viewable to its members.
They are indeed. But for people to get notifications and such they need to be friends with you. You would use that second FB account for your less public postings and that way the people you are looking to shield your postings from will not see them unless they go searching - and if that isn't enough, your alter-ego can always have a different name.

But I post nothing that I care to keep semi-private. Stuff on the Internet, no matter where it is tends to become common knowledge . . the more embarrassing or otherwise confidential, the more likely it is to bite you in the rear.

Any increase in membership on the other forum can be attributed directly to curiosity as much as anything else. In my mind and opinion, FJRForum will always be the go to source for technical data and discussion about the FJR. For those who want spice and color in their discussion, well, now you know where to get that. There’s no need to be of one camp or the other – why does that seem to be the mindset? BramFrank runs the Facebook FJR group and is here as well. What is so hard about knowing what is acceptable in one environment to the next? It’s not that difficult, is it?

Well put.

On Brams facebook site I knew going in it was going to be more tech info and also more of a no ******** site, and I behave accordingly there.

The Los Robustos site is also informative but it gets crazy at times and is to be expected given who runs it.

It's all about using your head before you step into a room, just like the real world. If you are dumb enough to walk into a hard core biker bar dressed in drag?

You're probably going to get your ass kicked.

Common sense.... It's not available in cans.
You behave on the FB page? Maybe lately, but if you care to go digging you'll find that there have been quite a few serious rants composed by you . . . and I do not censor what it posted except for the inappropriate SPAM by people trying to sell fake Rayban sunglasses and such. Those I delete outright and remove the offending member, who doesn't ride anything anyway.
Who loves you? Naked?



If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
Ive recently signed up for this board and have been hunting around for a place to post for the first time and this seemed very appropraite.

There is only one member here (that I know) of and he will remain nameless (because he is a doofus) so you're getting my completely unbiased opinion.

A little background on me; been riding for 20 years, California desert racer and avid bike traveller. Just sold my 1150GS that I put 90k miles on and am currently hunting for a Gen II.

I have been posting to online forums/boards/BBS's since 1986 back in the 1200 baud modem days and I have seen startling similarities in every single online forum.

It would seem that every forum has a birth, a golden era and a decline. The half-life of every forum is different but they generally all take the same path that is controlled by the mods.

I have seen mods completely cut the legs out from under a forum and have it be deserted in a matter of months. Then all it is, are the same 12 guys going around and around in circles.

The longer a forum is around and the more people it has on it, the more it becomes it own organism. It can be nudged a little one way or the other for sure but it really becomes it's own thing.

I know that being a mod is a tireless, thankless job that's so important because they set the tone, and the tone here appears to be pretty frustrated.

People make a board - period. If there are no people, there's no board.

This all, of course is IMHO. But what do I know? Im just a n00b


+5 rep points for the first person that can detail 3 changes to the new and improved forum on this fine day. +2 more for a link to the last change like this. ;)

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+5 rep points for the first person that can detail 3 changes to the new and improved forum on this fine day. +2 more for a link to the last change like this.
I'm so transfixed by the Never Before Thought Of, Insightful, First Time Threads that I can't move on to anything else.

Oh wait, I don't have to, I'm already at:

FJRForum Admins Deserve a Parade

FJRForum → ON-Topic → On-Topic Discussion...Complete, Incisive, & Wise

I assume the admin that selected these titles would only believe them on April 1.

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It seems like this just makes fun back at the OP. Serious or not (being Apr 1st), this was a very sensitive/hot subject (well that's even been changed now). Just when it was starting to fizzle out. I don't get it.

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+5 rep points for the first person that can detail 3 changes to the new and improved forum on this fine day. +2 more for a link to the last change like this.
I'm so transfixed by the Never Before Thought Of, Insightful, First Time Threads that I can't move on to anything else.

I assume the admin that selected these titles would only believe them on April 1.
We have a 5 point winner! There are other things that have changed, but you hit some of the more obvious ones. In the past I've burned the midnight oil to do it while most slept, but this year the jobby-job delayed things. You're now to 523...sorry the 5 points do much marginally to your already stellar rep.

There are 3 points available though....

And, yes on the selected titles....as well as poking some fun at myself and admins today as well.

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I just thought I'd note that this thread title is now "The FJRforum Admins Deserve a Parade", and it's posted in the new forum "On-Topic Discussion...Complete, Incisive, & Wise.

I think this is definitely a move in the right direction. No longer shall I be known as NEPRT Tom, but Mrs TominCA may not agree with the Complete, Incisive & Wise. I'll just point to all my posts here to prove it.

I wonder if this will also be true on April 2?

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I have received notice that everything is right in the FJR World...even to the extent that Andrew and Timmy are returning.

Therefore, I promise to behave and never post off topic, political, or start any threads denigrating our wise and wonderful admins ever again. I'm going to stick to my strengths...technical advice and cutting the legs under anyone who decides to malign our fearless leaders.

