I'm Glad It's Over - Christmas 2015

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^^^^^^^^ What he said. Wow, and welcome back! Get well and saddle up, brother.

I have been absent for quite a long time due to several serious surgeries I had in2015. Was in 4 hospitals for 4.5 pneumonia and had 3 cardiac arrests while working on my burst thoracic aorta..Fantastic Surgeon team at USC-Keck Hospital pulled me through with Gods help. Additionally, I was infected with pneumonia which took 4 months to recover in a rehab facility. I am hoping to begin riding soon as I feel stable. I miss the folks on this forum and just wanted to renew my attendance.

Dave, so good to hear from you, my friend!

Let me know when you're ready to ride, I'll go south to meet you and we can ride wherever you want to.. however short or long.. just let me know.

****, hearing from TurboD is the best Christmas gift EVER!

Turbodave, a few years back I spent over 70 days in the hospital with cancer. Didn't take anything by mouth for almost three months, not even water. Darkest days of my life. Six weeks after getting out I went for my first ride. Annie and I, along with two buddies rode to Lincoln for lunch (I had a shake). I was both nervous and exalted. I hope you have the same experience in your future.

I'll add my $0.02. I don't really post that much either. I love Christmas and all that comes with it. I also hate all the comes with it. I'm an LEO. This year has been really difficult for me with all the crap and beating up we've been getting around the country. It wears on you and affects you, believe it or not. I'm a patrol copper and have been for 27 years. Thankfully in less than two, and on;y one more Christmas, I am leaving this horrible job.

Back to the topic at hand. It was nice to do all the shopping and such for the family. However, right now, we are in the midst of a kitchen remodel that has taken almost 3x longer than expected. We had no Christmas decorations up, not even a tree! That's a first. All this didn't help with the lackluster spirit I was feeling. Then, I go to work. I get to see and hear people at their worst. It's somewhat tolerable most of the year, but you might think at Christmas they would ease up just a little on each. Nope! In fact it gets worse. Families get a little liquored up and then they say what they really feel about each other. After that, we get to clean up the mess. That doesn't include all the thievery that goes on too.

A few years back, during Christmas time, I had to go to a fatal hit and run crash. A worked from the local Nordstrom was crossing the street. Some person obviously ran her over. That driver was never located. I remember seeing her lying in the street. It's been a while, but it's hard to get that vision out of my head sometimes. I always think of her and her family at this time of year.

In years past, community members have always been nice and brought in cookies, gingerbread houses, and all kinds of nice things. This year, nothing, not really even any "thank you" notes. I think it goes back to what I mentioned earlier. The funny thing is all we ever hear from the station captain is how the public supports us. Sorry for the negativity, but yeah right.

Ricky - it comes a little too late, and not often enough, but you have my sincere thanks and respect, sir. I know of and work with many of you. Thanks for what you do.

Yup Officer Ricky.... Thank you for serving and putting up with the idiots that abound in modern society. Have a happy and safe New Year!

In the words of the wounded bank robber in the movie Dirty Harry.... "I gotsta know".... have you ever been pulled for speeding on your FJR?

Yup Officer Ricky.... Thank you for serving and putting up with the idiots that abound in modern society. Have a happy and safe New Year!
In the words of the wounded bank robber in the movie Dirty Harry.... "I gotsta know".... have you ever been pulled for speeding on your FJR? :rolleyes:
Sorry Ricky for all that you go through...I have a son trying to break into your line of work.
I don't think Ricky speeds on his FJR, do you? I have ridden with the local police officer...and of course he doesn't speed, because of course I don't speed.

I think policing is an honorable profession, even though it is quite impossible to do in today's climate it seems.

Ricky, if I'm ever out your way, I'd be honored to buy you a beverage of your choice. Hope that kitchen gets done soon, so you can set up your festivus decorations. :D

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Yup Officer Ricky.... Thank you for serving and putting up with the idiots that abound in modern society. Have a happy and safe New Year!
In the words of the wounded bank robber in the movie Dirty Harry.... "I gotsta know".... have you ever been pulled for speeding on your FJR?
HAHAHAHAHA!!! No, I haven't.

Geez thank fellas!! I didn't intend for this to turn into a pit party or anything. I'm thankful for all the nice thoughts you guys throw this way. And Wheaton, I'd hummbly accept your offer any time. And for those wondering, yes, I do speed on the FJR. 80 is cruising speed. If I get busted, it's on me :)

... I have ridden with the local police officer...and of course he doesn't speed, because of course I don't speed....
No, of course he wouldn't. I was once in a group of four bikes for a week's touring, all of us reasonably competent riders. We always kept station (one of our rules). I was number three, being followed by the 4th, who was a senior serving police officer, until recently a motorcycle patrolman. I admit to riding fairly tentatively for the first day, but after chatting over dinner that evening, it was obvious he would only have got "interested" if he thought I was doing something stupid, so for the rest of the week I had a real blast.
However, I once went on a police safety course (Bikesafe), a morning of lecturing, the next week a morning of riding with a one-on-one police rider observing behind. We were clearly warned that all legalities must be complied with, speed limits specifically mentioned. Made for a stupid run, there was no opportunity to overtake anywhere. Still, out of the 13 points marked, I got 10 A's and 3 B's, but I felt I learned nothing.

Unfortunately, we are seeing fewer and fewer police patrols on our roads. If it can't be enforced with cameras, it isn't enforced. The general standard of driving I'm seeing reflects this.

2015 has been interesting, for sure.

After having been unemployed for 15 months, I started a new job in January. And came to absolutely hate it. In the meantime, Sooze and I bought a house and moved in July. I started a new job in September and while I cannot say I love it, I don't hate it.

Now that we're in the new (to us) house, we were able to actually host:

1. Tech Day

2. My family for Thanksgiving

3. Sooze's family for Christmas

All of our hosting events went off very well and we look forward to doing it again in '16.

While one of my brothers-in-law had a bit of a health scare (he was in the early stages of congestive heart failure - and he's my age - but just had a defibrillator implanted and is recovering well), all in all both of our families are doing well. We're doing well.

2015 was a record-low-mile riding year for me. The first job was a LOT of travel, buying the house, moving .... blah blah blah. The FJR is in good shape and we hope to get some decent miles in in 2016.

Losing Don was definitely a kick in the gut, but I am oh so very glad we were able to make it to EOM and chat with Don and meet Donna.

This happened a week before Christmas in my neighborhood.


They caught one of the male suspects in my back yard. The shooting took place in the intersection two doors down. I had just gone to bed. This is an extremely quiet neighborhood, nothing ever happens here. Waking up to gun shots early in the morning and seeing bullet holes in some of the houses later was surreal.

I know most of the officers in our tiny town and a few of the Oregon guys. The worst part was not knowing if any of them or my neighbors got hit. Fortunately, only the criminals got shot.

I'm more disturbed every day with the trend in attitudes toward the police in this country. These jack holes thought nothing of opening fire at the police.

It's cliche to say the cops are never around when you need them. In this case, they were there putting their selves in grave danger before I ever knew that I needed them.

Officer Ricky, thank you for doing what you do. You too Zilla.

Btw, we made sure our PD was well fed all week.

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Let see, my favorite brother-in-law and riding buddy [uncle Bill] passed away, then Don Stanley and my brother started chemo on Dec 1st. Getting tired of this ****, JSNS ...

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