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It's always a FNG that comes here complaining & looking for sympathy. Looking for that here is like trying to find free money at a Bankers convention.TJ :(

I really get tired of people not admitting to their mistakes.

Face it, you didn't make sure it was fully deployed, you were in a hurry, blah blah, whatever the excuses are, but it was your fault you didn't check it.

This is the same mentality of suing Mcdonalds because the coffee that YOU spilled in your lap is too hot.

This is not the only bike forum where the kickstand topic comes up frequently. Here's one from the ZRXOA (Kawasaki ZRX1200): https://zrxoa.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&...light=kickstand

If you search the ZRXOA, you'll find complaints about the flimsy kickstand, the kicstand that needs to come forward more, grinding the stop, etc.

I didn't need a kickstand issue to dump mine. All I did was put my foot down on the only piece of ice left on the driveway this Spring. The Moko slider and rubber bumper I put on the side cases did their job. Not a scratch.


This is not the only bike forum where the kickstand topic comes up frequently. Here's one from the ZRXOA (Kawasaki ZRX1200): https://zrxoa.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&...light=kickstand
If you search the ZRXOA, you'll find complaints about the flimsy kickstand, the kicstand that needs to come forward more, grinding the stop, etc.

I didn't need a kickstand issue to dump mine. All I did was put my foot down on the only piece of ice left on the driveway this Spring. The Moko slider and rubber bumper I put on the side cases did their job. Not a scratch.

ZRX Noob began that post. I know...I was there. :)

Yeah, you can take a dremel to the stop, but on the ZRX, you flip the eccentrics, raising the rear a half-inch, increasing the lean-angle on the sidestand....no grinding necessary. Plus, steering is quicker since the rake is increased.

Simple fix, but doesn't apply to the FJR. Here, just pay half-a-second's worth of attention before you walk away.

I suppose that everything is life is relative..... including "kick stands." My experience with my BMW K12LT taught me that a motorcycle will roll off the kick stand if you don't pay attention to what you are doing. Unlike the FJR, the BMW has some built in protection when it happens. So.... with the BMW experience under my belt, the FJR has a very functional stand. The small appendage that comes off the stand makes it easy to kick the stand forward as part of that last "check" prior to "landing." Of course the use of first gear is a must too. B)

Really makes me wonder how many CARS these guys have had roll down hills etc. :p after parking them :lol: uhh was that wheels towards the curb? what about the trans? nuff said


I really get tired of people not admitting to their mistakes.
Face it, you didn't make sure it was fully deployed, you were in a hurry, blah blah, whatever the excuses are, but it was your fault you didn't check it.

This is the same mentality of suing Mcdonalds because the coffee that YOU spilled in your lap is too hot.

I replied this morning in a hurry and was thinking what you replied here. People today, generalized, don't want to admit to a mistake and want to blame someone or something for their inability to perform a simple task or whatever.

I was coming back through Walden in northern Colorado on Tuesday and ran in to three guys from the Connecticut area that were traveling to the Tahoe area. One of them was on an 06 FJR, so we struck up a conversation (I was on my Wing as I was coming back from a trip with friends to the Tetons). He was pretty upset as he had dropped his FJR twice, indicating that when stopping he had caught his pant leg on the piece that sticks out on the kickstand and could not get his foot down to keep it from falling to the left side. No sliders, so quite a few scratches and bruises on the tupperware.

I watch this kickstand very closely as it stand the bike quite upright (as does the one on my Wing). I always like to park with the front of the bike uphill and a slight downhill to the left, thus ensuring that the bike is pulling back on the kickstand and leaning pretty well. If it doesn't I change the direction of the bike so that it does. My Valkyrie always leaned so much that you did not want it downhill too much or it was a beast to lift off the stand. I guess one needs to make adjustments for different bikes.

That being said, I'll watch this even closer in the future.

I really get tired of people not admitting to their mistakes.
Face it, you didn't make sure it was fully deployed, you were in a hurry, blah blah, whatever the excuses are, but it was your fault you didn't check it.

This is the same mentality of suing Mcdonalds because the coffee that YOU spilled in your lap is too hot.
Actually I did make sure it was fully deployed, even pulled back on the bars once the stand was down to make sure. I didn't anticipate that a very slight roll forward would be enough to cause the stand to fold up, so the tip someone made on this forum to make sure to let the bike roll to take up the gear slack so it won't roll more was a good lesson.

I really get tired of people with a god complex jumping to conclusions and trying to put others down by pointing toward what they perceive as a shortcoming, as if they don't have any of their own. :censored:

Hey RoadHazard,

Look at the good side. You learned a lesson. Now you can stop worrying about the bike being perfect and enjoy riding it.

Because I've read about so many instances of this happening on this forum, when I use the side stand I put my boot toe behind the stand and pull back on the bars before I lay it over.

Sometimes you just gotta say WTF... :dribble: :blink: :dribble:

Better luck next time!

:D Sorry to hear, But would like to welcome you to the Club.....after this i coated my clutch cover with a bed liner spray also for the bag,, Go to your auto parts store ( Pep Boys) and get your self a door moulding for the bag.. i beleave the one i had was about 12" long or so it went from front to back. Place the moulding where you see scratches. they cost me about 12.00.... saved my bag a few times, i know just how you feel.

Be thankful this didnt happin and you can hear how pissed i was...This should make you feel a little better


any question e mail me i can see if i can find a picture... dont have the feeejr right now its in da shop..

and so is my dam computer with pictures... i should have it back next week

J Dog

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I was talkin' about the kids, dude. Not the design....nor the nincompoopery involved with putting the stand down. Poor kid is damaged forever after hearing him drop his scoot.
If that is all the kid is subjected too in his life he is a very lucky kid. He will hear 10 times as bad language on TV and the movies. Have you ever seen "Boys in the Hood"? Real great language, right?

The kid probably hears worse at home from his kid sister! :assassin: nough said.

You aren't posting from a convent are you? Is your sir name "sister" or "mother"? :popesmiley:


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And the spring doesn't have enough tension to hold it all the way extended.

I've had four motorcycles and all of them would roll off the stand if you park it facing downhill without making sure the lash is out of the drivetrain. Its just part of parking bike. I sometimes have problem finding the stand on the FJR because of the way its tucked between the peg and the centerstand, but I've never had it fold up on me once I put it down. Seems pretty much like all the other stands I've had. To me anyway. Sorry though that some of you have had trouble with it. The FJR is so heavy, I never put it on the stand casually. I would hate to have to pick it up off the ground.

Isn't there a fix done by grinding a bit where the stand meets the frame stop? Which one do you grind and how much does it take?

Even though this has already been certified a "PERFECT" side stand with no room for improvement I apparently had a defective one. I noticed the side stand when deployed was almost vertical, the retract spring almost on center, and the bike had very little lean angle. I filed the stop on mine to give it about an inch more forward movement in the deployed position. It makes it lock down better for three reasons. The spring is more over-center to help keep it down. The greater forward angle helps to resist "roll offs." And the greater forward angle lets the bike lean a little more which helps put more presure on the side stand to resist roll offs, and helps with off camber parking.

Take a measurement, say from the rear axle or where ever, to a point on the deployed kick stand foot for reference. Just file the stop on the bracket and remeasure until you have 1/2", 3/4", 1", or what ever you feel is needed, added forward swing. It took me about 10 minutes, maybe 15, I didn't measure. I also didn't measure but am guessing I took off about .030. (?) Not all that much. One note: Try to file the stop while maintaining the current face angle. File some, then deploy the stand and with a flashlight from behind see where it's touching. File that area a little and recheck. Don't get the angle of the stop all crooked in relation to the side stand contact point.

This should restore any factory defective stands to the perfection of the vast majority. And no, I didn't drop mine, I just thought it looked wrong. :rolleyes:

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Hey,I came across the perfect farkle for all of you boo hooing about the kickstad!


take a look, eh?


Talk about having a problem with falling over! My "BIG" sister has lived with this problem all her life.

As a "super" little brother, I have had to hold up her family honor many times. You don't know the burden I have had to carry all my life!

Edit by SkooterG: NWS Photo removed. Catch a clue there CK, eh?

Link to NWS photo of CK's "Lil sister".

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