I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

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I originally joined when my daughter did to see what it was all about... I continue there to follow friends from all over the world and, as Iggy mentioned, it's pretty easy to prune what you see and what you don't want to see... as is the same with any form of electronic communication... or life in general.

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Keeping track of what your kids post is one good reason to be on Facebook.

My kids are 35 years old. I don't even know if they do the Facebook.

Never been on FB or any other social media. Never felt the need, even for keeping up with family or "long lost" friends. If I haven't spoken to them (or them to me) in 20 or 30 yrs there's probably a reason and I'd rather not rediscover it. I used to use a profound forum signature that sums it up nicely: "I'm passionate about my apathy."
Being on this forum, and posting your opinion here? ....this is "social media" too...in case you didn't know.....
Yeah. Right. Like anyone here has an inkling of what decent social behavior is....

To me forums like this aren't so much "social media" in the broad sense, more like a buncha guys & the occasional gal out back at the shop, kickin' the dirt, drinkin' a beverage of individual choice and maybe havin' a smoke.


Because the "HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME" entitled, dramatic, validation seeking boys and girls that take up so much space on FB aren't exactly the primary demographic for the FJR, and therefore don't take up a whole lot of space here.

I use the chrome extension "social filter." I filter out almost all of the political crap. It works pretty well and helps me maintain my sanity in this insane world.

What bothers me though, is it seems all the political garbage is starting to make it's way to linkedin.

Deactivated it last week. Could no longer bear the incessant whining and bitching from otherwise seemingly normal people.

Problem solved.

I have to leave this thread temporarily to take a selfie of myself wearing bulging LD comfort tights with my svelte cut dianaise humpback jacket on in front of my fjr in front of a popular local bar surrounded by all of my 22 year old well endowed cleavage happy biotches to replace my current forum avatar.

I'll follow that up with a series of pictures of an awesome hamburger with my bicep in the background.

As long as this forum is social media, I'm climbing on board full throttle.

I do not have a face book account and have no plans to get one. The noise to signal ratio is just too great.
That is an interesting way to put it.

I had an account for about 10 minutes until I figured out the "cost". Nothing is free.

Have not been back at all and don't use sites that require a FB sign in.

Oh, and BTW, it's not "fake news" it's "alternative facts"

I had a FB account because the people at work kept saying how great it was. So I decided to check it out. Soon, they all wanted to be friends. Well, OK, we're friends at work; why not? Soon, I was being notified every time one of them went to Walmart, at at McDonalds, got their hair done, yada, yada. Well, sure I liked them at work, but I didn't take them to raise, fer cryin' out loud! Then, I started getting friend requests from people I hadn't seen in years. I guess it never occurred to them that there's a reason I hadn't seen them in years. If I didn't like them then why would I want to be friends now? And deleting that account turned out to be a heckuva lot harder than I thought it'd be.

I am a member of two groups that stay in touch with Facebook, and it's just easier for all concerned that I have an account, so I'm on it now with an alias. They know who ****** ********* is, but nobody else does. And if any of them ever reveal ****** *********,s identity there will be **** to pay.

With all the whining and bitching and complaining, what's the most popular way for FJR riders to "socialize" off of forums?

Facebook. JS.

Several years ago I broke the habit of looking whenever a horn honked. I finally realized that those horns weren't honking at me. I'm not interesting enough to honk at. Neither is anyone or anything on FaceBook. My wife shows me the tiny percentage of stuff on her FaceBook account that she thinks might interest me. That tiny fraction isn't interesting either. I pity you if you think that this post is interesting.

Facebook is just another tool you can use in life. It helps if you know how and when to use it. Only "friends" and "family" can see or post to my page. All notifications are turned off.

Just like reading a paper...it's your choice what you choose to read. Things you don't like can be "hidden" so you don't have to see them, and you can have friends you "don't follow" if you don't like the stuff they post.

If you've never handled or seen a gun before and you shoot yourself in the foot playing with it, is it the fault of the gun? ;)

But sure, you always have the option of not touching it to start with.....

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Alternate facts, I heard that yesterday at work. What a world we live in. Sorry folks but I don't see it getting any better.


Facebook is just another tool you can use in life. It helps if you know how and when to use it. Only "friends" and "family" can see or post to my page. All notifications are turned off.
Just like reading a paper...it's your choice what you choose to read. Things you don't like can be "hidden" so you don't have to see them, and you can have friends you "don't follow" if you don't like the stuff they post.

If you've never handled or seen a gun before and you shoot yourself in the foot playing with it, is it the fault of the gun?

But sure, you always have the option of not touching it to start with.....
Wow! Proof positive that anything posted on the Internet will eventually wind up as a conversation about guns. What's next? Gay marriage or abortion? ;)

The whole premise of the business model and the obfuscation of what was done with your info is what bugs me.

It as taken some time to get the facts out to the public and have some controls in place but that has not changed my perception of the company.

For me, it's not about the postings and who is your friend and likes and such other meaningless BS, it's about the company and how it operates.

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The whole premise of the business model and the obfuscation of what was done with your info is what bugs me.It as taken some time to get the facts out to the public and have some controls in place but that has not changed my perception of the company.

For me, it's not about the postings and who is your friend and likes and such other meaningless BS, it's about the company and how it operates.

Facebook is just another tool you can use in life. It helps if you know how and when to use it. Only "friends" and "family" can see or post to my page. All notifications are turned off.
Just like reading a paper...it's your choice what you choose to read. Things you don't like can be "hidden" so you don't have to see them, and you can have friends you "don't follow" if you don't like the stuff they post.

If you've never handled or seen a gun before and you shoot yourself in the foot playing with it, is it the fault of the gun?

But sure, you always have the option of not touching it to start with.....
Wow! Proof positive that anything posted on the Internet will eventually wind up as a conversation about guns. What's next? Gay marriage or abortion?
Next - Godwin's law.

Facebook is just another tool you can use in life. It helps if you know how and when to use it. Only "friends" and "family" can see or post to my page. All notifications are turned off.
Just like reading a paper...it's your choice what you choose to read. Things you don't like can be "hidden" so you don't have to see them, and you can have friends you "don't follow" if you don't like the stuff they post.

If you've never handled or seen a gun before and you shoot yourself in the foot playing with it, is it the fault of the gun?

But sure, you always have the option of not touching it to start with.....
Wow! Proof positive that anything posted on the Internet will eventually wind up as a conversation about guns. What's next? Gay marriage or abortion?
Next - Godwin's law.
Well played ;)

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