I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

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Had an account and deleted it long ago. Got tired of seeing what everyone was having for dinner and reading their silly posts about every detail of their lives.

I don't care that much about people I love, let alone people I only like a little or don't even remember that much.

I have seen people post amazingly personal stuff on that site with no regard for the fact that it is undoubtedly the most inappropriate place for it.

It is a vast wasteland. I'll never return.

Now, as far as this site and it's curmudgeon population, I find it refreshingly real. There is something about old guys arguing about oil and getting upset while also discussing BBQ that keeps one grounded.

I'm on it to keep up with family, and a couple of interest groups such as photography. the instant repeat of plain old STUPID stuff that people see on there, like what chicken tenders are made of, how hamburgers contain cyonide, and how new artificial sweeteners contain chlorine, is just silly. Every time I saw that thing about chlorine atoms in sweetener, avoid at all costs, i asked how they liked salt on their food. :)

The totally unmoderated, say-anything-you-want mentality, which has now been made even worse with people able to present live video, is certainly beyond annoying, but I don't even look at that stuff mostly, except to troll the idiots like chemtrail folks. THOSE guys are fun!!!! Anyway, I mostly keep to my small groups of friends, and family, and to the interest groups.

By the way, I was so mad i missed that night last year when Mars appeared larger than the moon. It was cloudy here and I never got to see it!!!!!

I belong to around 10 motorcycle forums similar to this one. I also Facebook where I've joined around 10 motorcycle related groups. I'm stuck living at a fire station for 24 hours shifts nearly a third of my life and enjoy both forums and Facebook to help while away the down time in the evenings.

I really don't find much difference between the two sources of social media and see a lot more similarity than I find differences. Both places are a great to share your successes and failures or post a picture of the pie you just rode 200 miles to go eat, or some friends you just spent the night or weekend riding or hanging out with. I think the main beneficial difference is that forums like this have rules and dedicated moderators to help keep things on track and preventing them from degrading to a Facebook like level of discourse. Another difference is Facebook highlights friends I would rather not hang around and this place highlights friends I can't wait to hang around.

Maybe I'm out of line here, but maybe the - ahem - "firm" hand of the moderators has helped keep us on safer terrain so we don't unnecessarily inflame simmering differences that might be only a few keystrokes away from boiling over? One of the things on FB and Twitter that is startling is how fast a seemingly harmless comment turns into profanity laced invective and denigration of people based on different affiliations and/or thoughts.

I'm on it. All of my friends are there including a bunch of FJR Forum members. We can speak freely. You can filter out all the crap you don't want to hear. Just like in real life. No big deal.
Agree with Vic, I just got on FB a few years ago mostly in part due to the heavy mods in this place. Posting pictures here is such a pain in the arse and folks who have left here for reasons many of us already know are on FB but I use it mostly to keep in touch with long distance family and close friends. I just ignore the rest of the BS.

Actually I like ADVrider the best for it's ease of use, much more motorcycle content of all types of bikes and the do allow political crap in the basement. Don't want to see it? Don't go there.

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We can speak freely. You can filter out all the crap you don't want to hear. Just like in real life. No big deal. :)
Right, except in real life, when I've had enough, I can reach out and punch them right in the face. The energy it would take to track down every offensive keyboard ninja would be astronomical. The fear of an ass kicking is what keeps many people in check, when they are talking to actual people. Due to their sense of distance, some people lose their minds and begin to say things they would never dare in a person to person encounter. Guess I just don't have the patience and am probably too thin skinned. Lol

I DO see where people use FB to keep I touch with family and friends. I just don't feel that need.

I have never had a Facebook account and never will. Why? Because I'm a well adjusted heterosexual male. Real life drama is taxing enough. I don't need fake e-friend drama also. I don't want to be tagged in stuff, or connected to people I don't really want to talk to.
My wife used to tag us out at restaurants or out with friends. I made her stop, because 80% of property crime offenders are utilizing social media. The last thing I need is some ahole knowing I'm gone from home and for how long. Also, because of my job, it's just a bad idea. I have seen a couple guys drug through the media due to Facebook posts, titles, names, or whatever. I need another way for the media to access and judge me like I need a hole in the head. Puke!!

It's bad enough that I hang out with you clowns! Although I still like most of you guys and girls! Lol...

I have second thoughts about posting up here that I'm going for a ride. And there are only a few people that can match my forum name up with the real me and my house. About 5 forums is as close as I get to social media. And I don't have a smart phone. If any of that changes it won't be done with enthusiasm.

five years back, if asked what percentage of the US population is just "plain stupid", I'd have said 12-22%.....After four + years on Facebook, I now see that those numbers are horribly low.
.........except to troll the idiots like chemtrail folks. THOSE guys are fun!!!!
The chemtrail folks comment gave me a good chuckle. I occasionally listen to talk radio on the way home in the mornings (helps me stay awake). You talk about stupid people being entertaining.......but then I get to thinking about it, and I get worried and depressed, because these people are out there with no restriction on their ability to vote or reproduce.

The only myface accounts I've ever had were for investigations. A while back, some members of my family were calling me He Who Must Not Be Named, because I almost broke my ankle a couple of times dealing with well meaning relatives who decided to post personal information about me on their page (innocently enough) or to include my life story and all personal info in a family tree email sent to the Western hemisphere. I get it. I'm just not interested in it.

I had an account for a couple years. It was 10% fun, 10% useful, and 80% disgusting. I deleted my account after going through a divorce in 2012. I have recently debated about re-activating. Primarily because there were pages that I enjoyed following, and there is a small number of people I wouldn't mind being in more frequent contact with, and it was an easy format for that.

If I think about it long enough, I remember that there are too many ****** people out there. I don't need to see their fourth selfie of the day, displaying their current discontent with... whatever.

I do not have a face book account and have no plans to get one. The noise to signal ratio is just too great.

My wife has an account. She pretty much knows if I would find something interesting. She enjoys keeping up with family and friends.

She shows me the 1 out of 1000 post I might find interesting. Works for us.

I follow a few forums that are pertinent to my interests. That is enough social media for me. I have met some very good friends through those forums. That part is cool. The drama I can do without.

I use Facebook to unfollow people.

Like it or not, it is part of today's society. It has its uses. It has replaced the class reunion. I pretty much stick to posting pictures of my son or maybe some pictures of the motorcycle or new toys. In the last year, I've unfollowed anyone that mentions Hilary or Trump in a post. Cut down a lot of the noise in a hurry.

Then there are a few that either cannot form a complete sentence to save their lives and it just entertaining. "Im absessed with chaclate molts." might be my favorite. Sad to admit that one is a relative though.

As for the criminal activity, I'd much rather people steal my stuff when I'm not at home. Daddy needs a 2016 FJR! If I was home, I'd help them load my stuff.

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I've never used FB either. I thought that it was a good communication tool at first but now so many people throw their whole lives on there and some never use any other means of contact that it's gotten crazy IMHO. But I suppose FB fills the needs of a lot of people.

Never been on Facebook. I'm not cool, nor do I do enough cool things to tell people about. Who would listen? Who cares? No need for it.

I ride, therefore, I am.

I joined FB at the insistence of the grand kids. I logged on maybe 3 times a year and each time wondered -- "why"

Deleted my account 4 weeks ago. I will NOT miss the emails from "friends" who I didn't know.

Just to be clear, I don't have personal info on the site. My ID isn't my full name, it's just "Erics House", my birthdate is not mine, what high school I went to is fake....

Most of us have an online identity in some form or another. I got pissed off at a site I went to that asked me more questions than I wanted them to know, so again, I just made stuff up. I gave my name as "Frank Zappa".... Now on occasion I get texts for Frank, emails, and even junk mail. Never gave them my phone number or address...but they found me. So, just because you're not on Facebook....don't think your identity isn't out there for someone to find.

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I was on FB for about 6 months until it started to piss me off. I just recently deleted my account that I hadn't used in two years. I never have used any of the other crap either, twitter or snapchat. My new years resolution was to delete all media. Alternate media and mainstream news are no longer any part of my life so far this year. It's called simplifying life.

Ignorance is bliss,


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Never been on FB or any other social media. Never felt the need, even for keeping up with family or "long lost" friends. If I haven't spoken to them (or them to me) in 20 or 30 yrs there's probably a reason and I'd rather not rediscover it. I used to use a profound forum signature that sums it up nicely: "I'm passionate about my apathy."

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