iMac 24 inch:2.8GHz

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If you're into graphics or music, there's nothing better.

You know that tv commercial mac vs pc with the cheerleaders?

My son had to buy a mac because his college music composition courses use programs that don't work on pc's.

He loves it.

It's also great for videos.

Most folks forget pcs started out as electronic typewrites. (IBM)

Mac's (Apples) started with graphics.

Have fun with your new toy, and if you don't like it, I'll send you my address and even pay the shipping! <ROFFL>


Go for it. I worked for years on both pc's and macs, and I learned the hard way that the mac is the way to go for anyone who's as photo-literate as you are. Handles graphics!

That model you're looking at is the one I talked my daughter, newly divorced, never owned a computer before, into buying. She's delighted. I'm envious. That's my next machine.

Once you go Mac you'll never go back.
i left Apple waaay back when they left us Apple ][ users in the lurch. i've considered them occasionally over the years but they were never price competative. with M$ seeming to take a hard-line stance on killing XP and forcing the Vista issue, that opinion may change.

after a couple of months using the free 16Mb iPod Touch that came with my new car, i continue to agree that Apple tends to have its finger on the pulse of good interfaces.

Most folks forget pcs started out as electronic typewrites. (IBM)Mac's (Apples) started with graphics.
you're not going back far enough. Apple was out for several years before IBM decided to co-op the generic term PC and use it for their model name. at 16K of Ram, 1 180k 5.25" floppy drive, an RF modulator so you could watch it on your Tee Vee, the UPPER CASE ONLY text was far from a "typewriter" but had the open potential for modding that blew away the Commodor PET and TRS-80. Mac's closed archetecture and incompatibility with their long list of existing software left a lot of dedicated owners feeling raped.

my parents had a TRS-80 back in the day. i loved the ping pong game. i was about 5!! :D

Most folks forget pcs started out as electronic typewrites. (IBM)Mac's (Apples) started with graphics.
you're not going back far enough. Apple was out for several years before IBM decided to co-op the generic term PC and use it for their model name. at 16K of Ram, 1 180k 5.25" floppy drive, an RF modulator so you could watch it on your Tee Vee, the UPPER CASE ONLY text was far from a "typewriter" but had the open potential for modding that blew away the Commodor PET and TRS-80. Mac's closed archetecture and incompatibility with their long list of existing software left a lot of dedicated owners feeling raped.
I had an NEC green screen and the keyboard was the puter... it also had Kanji characters, but didnt' do me much good cause I cant' write Japanese..<G>

bought a two disk (360 k) disk drive.

Was pretty far advanced for it's time. that was way back in CPM days...

It died, tho.... my 6 year old and I were doing some basic programming. My 2 yr old decided that the pretty red light on the surge supresser needed turned off and on.... OopS! blew twochips. Not much to buy replacements, but they were hard soldered! Fergitaboutit! <BG>

Both my sons now use Mac's, one a music magor, the other does radio commercials. They both love them'

