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New member
Sep 12, 2007
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Hi! I hope this is not out of scope for your forum. I live in Alberta and am trying to determine if I can legally import a parts package for parts package that (when assembled) would be registered as a motorcycle. The package contains the body, frame, suspension, steering, breaks, wheels, etc.. It excludes the motor, controller and batteries. The package is a bunch of unassembled parts and the vehicle is called a BugE. It is at if you want to take a look. The vehicle does not have a VIN or anything like that as I am required to build it, add the required equipement to meet the vehicle equipement regulation, hopefully have it certified, then registered as a motorcycle.

Kit cars are inadmissable for entry into Canada but I cannot determine if I can bring this package accross the border or not. Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing so that they could advise me? For example, has anyone imported a custom, unregegistered (no VIN either) frame and parts to build a bike? I am at [email protected] if you want to contact me directly. Thanks in advance.

Note: I posted this article in another part of the forum but someone advised me to repost it here. Also, someone suggested that my post was backdoor spam. I have nothing to do with the company that makes the BugE. I'm just looking for an electric vehicle project and what they sell would work for me. Thanks.

I asked about importing an Ariel Atom to Alberta. It's like a "Catch 22". The Feds will NOT allow the importation of a "kit car" or any parts thereof, however, the Alberta Soliciter General WILL allow the registration of such a vehicle. If you can get it here, you can register it, but you can't get it past the Feds if they think it's a kit car or a kit car part.

Go to to see the rules and regs.

Another interesting thing. I looked into registering a T-Rex (3 wheeled motorcycle) produced in Quebec. Until it has provincial certification, it won't be allowed to be registered here either, yet if you build it as a kit, you can. Weird, huh? Check with the Solicitor General of Alberta for our regional rules. Then there's the Can Am Spyder (another 3 wheeled m/c) built by Bombardier Canada. It has AB certification and will be sold here.

I don't see it listed.

Click Here - Scroll Down to Section 8

That comes from This Site.

I don't know about what you are doing, don't think so, but you may have to make a few phone calls and ask.

You may just want to go and pick it up or get it mailed or something, and supposedly, the NAFTA indicates you don't pay duty on Motorcycle parts.
