Inconsiderate FJR Rider

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...Reality Check!!!
Three occassions come to mind:

1) Last yr. while riding the extreme twisties at Mt. St. Helens with some sport bike friends, a Harley Street Rod goes blasting past us. Trying to run it down on the heavy FJR was not working. You could see him dragging hard parts around the sharp corners. What a maniac!!! Several miles later we caught up with him, having stopped at a turn out. Great chat revealing to us that he was a semi retired semi Pro Flat Tracker, AMA liscensed. The FJR wasn't so awesome that day!

why weren't _you_ dragging hard parts?

( :



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That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
You are comparing a 126bhp, that weighs 150-200 lbs less ( depending on HD model ), to a 65bhp bike. Did you really expect different results?

Ah but da HOG boys bring it on them selves with all their bragging about the speed and the incredable horse power their MC's are putting out. With all the talk we should not stand a chance.

I couldn't agree more. What makes the HD guys think they are so fast? My V-rod has 115 hp stock from HD. But I know that it is about 200lbs heavier, a lot longer, and 30 or 40 plus horsepower short of a rocket or FJR. Common sense would tell me that I wouldnt have a chance against these bikes with mine. How the hell do they think a 700 lb 58-65 hp motorcycle can be faster?

It's kinda like every kid in a Mustang GT that thinks his caris faster than a bike. What could they be thinking? The power to weight ration just doesn't add up.

Over here in Old Europe we have two main species of HD riders:
1. your doo-ragged bad-ass accountant or orthodontist who mutates into a family man on Monday and drives a "sensible" car. :dntknw: Their Hogs are serviced and farkled at enormous expense at the dealership. These folks have been known to lose whole limbs trying to use a 14mm wrench on a rearview mirror. Often times they venture to put on stickers from rallies they never attended and they still f*ck it up.

2. your true-blue Euro-Hell's Angel on an immaculate vintage Harley you could eat breakfast off. They wear all the authentic grungy garments, sport real tattoos and there's no telling what they do for a living. They look the part to the point of being completely incongruous against a European backdrop, much like a Stetson-wearing dude would be on the beach at Capri. :D

Both species live in a parallel dimension and have little contact with the rest of the biker-folk. :p

They rarely engage in roll-on contests with metric bikes because they're not addicted to pain. Even a T-Max maxi-scooter beats them hollow. They wear helmets because it's the law but of course they wouldn't be seen dead in a full-face or (God forbid) a flip-up.

They're a small minority here and when they pull up at a traffic signal nexto to a family minivan, the occupants lock their doors. But they are entirely harmless and threatened with extinction.

Many have neck and spine ailments often aggravated by us FJR folks whooshing by real close at triple-digit speeds :rolleyes: as they trundle down the slab at 50 mph trying to look stoic and ultra-cool. :coolsmiley:

That too funny. :yahoo: Well said.

That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
More fun to wave at them with the right hand with the cruise control set at 80!

Over here in Old Europe we have two main species of HD riders:
1. your doo-ragged bad-ass accountant or orthodontist who mutates into a family man on Monday and drives a "sensible" car. :dntknw: Their Hogs are serviced and farkled at enormous expense at the dealership. These folks have been known to lose whole limbs trying to use a 14mm wrench on a rearview mirror. Often times they venture to put on stickers from rallies they never attended and they still f*ck it up.

2. your true-blue Euro-Hell's Angel on an immaculate vintage Harley you could eat breakfast off. They wear all the authentic grungy garments, sport real tattoos and there's no telling what they do for a living. They look the part to the point of being completely incongruous against a European backdrop, much like a Stetson-wearing dude would be on the beach at Capri. :D

Both species live in a parallel dimension and have little contact with the rest of the biker-folk. :p

They rarely engage in roll-on contests with metric bikes because they're not addicted to pain. Even a T-Max maxi-scooter beats them hollow. They wear helmets because it's the law but of course they wouldn't be seen dead in a full-face or (God forbid) a flip-up.

They're a small minority here and when they pull up at a traffic signal nexto to a family minivan, the occupants lock their doors. But they are entirely harmless and threatened with extinction.

Many have neck and spine ailments often aggravated by us FJR folks whooshing by real close at triple-digit speeds :rolleyes: as they trundle down the slab at 50 mph trying to look stoic and ultra-cool. :coolsmiley:

That too funny. :yahoo: Well said.
YES SIR! Well said indeed!I have a deposit on a new TMax.I can't wait till my TMax arrives! :dribble: Think how that will look to the do rag crowd to get blown away by a scooter!

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I ride both my HD and my FJR in a full stitch and full face bucket. I also wave at everyone on two wheels. So there goes all the stupid stereo types.

I have noticed the waving thing differs dramatically based on geographic location. Its been my experience everyone waves at everyone on the left coast. In southern Missouri/northern Arkansas they wave to anything. but here in the St Louis area only to like rides. Wisconsin, Dakotas, Indiana, I almost never get a HD to wave back when on the fjr.

I do usually let them know there #1 if they happen to check there mirrors. :dntknw:

I still think it should be us against the cages. period.
