Indiana Jones movie

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Good reviews, bad reviews; doesn't matter to me, I'm going to see it in any case and make my own evaluation. (Been a fan for all the previous three)

Harrison Ford is still SEXY :D

I had a tough time with the last 15 minutes of the movie, but I keep in mind I'm not a kid any more and try to lose myself in the action.

I guessed the majority of the movie, but I never thought it was fine art and I was entertained.

**Son of a bitch, this is what happens when you accidentally push enter before finishing your post! You get a half sub title! It was supposed to read, "Is it a new movie or more of a sequel?"
I don't know how this happened, but my 16 year old daughter hasn't seen the original Raiders of the Lost Ark and wants to know if she needs to see it (or the others) before seeing this one.

Anyone seen it yet? Should she at least see Raiders before this one?
I think it stands by itself.

There's a lot more CGI in this version. Gives it a too-slick look to my eye. I'd be curious to hear what she has to say. More than than, I'd be interested to hear what she has to say if the sees the newest one first, then sees Raiders.

I agree with the "it sucked" people.[SIZE=36pt] It sucked royally[/SIZE]. As a BIG FAN of the IJ movies, I am offended by this one. All of the previous installments had parts that were quasi or just plain unbelievable but at least there was a supernatural element to it. In this one...

SPOLIER ALERT*** I tried to hide the text...HIGHLIGHT BELOW TO VIEW

>He survives a nuclear bomb by hiding in a lead-lined fridge. Despite being blown across the desert in it, he survives unscathed

>"Indian" assassins come out of the cave walls in a tomb (WTF did they come from). He whacks one and they disappear.

>Sword fights for miles, through the jungle whilst straddling 2 vehicles.

>The WORST PART, the Tarzan-like vine swinging to catch up to the vehicles. COME ON!

>The giants ant who chase down and kill/carry the people to their hole in the ground.

>Falling off of not one, not two but three waterfalls of significant height in an amphibious car. The worst impact of such an endeavor - they got wet. :blink:

Oh come is a is supposed to suck. And being the 4th should suck 4 times more.

The rarity of finding a sequel that does not suck is of course what we hope for, but anyone paying good money to see a sequel should know better than to chance it.

Speaking of which....there's a new Incredible Hulk movie...again?


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I agree with the "it sucked" people.[SIZE=36pt] It sucked royally[/SIZE]. As a BIG FAN of the IJ movies, I am offended by this one. All of the previous installments had parts that were quasi or just plain unbelievable but at least there was a supernatural element to it. In this one...

SPOLIER ALERT*** I tried to hide the text...HIGHLIGHT BELOW TO VIEW

>He survives a nuclear bomb by hiding in a lead-lined fridge. Despite being blown across the desert in it, he survives unscathed

>"Indian" assassins come out of the cave walls in a tomb (WTF did they come from). He whacks one and they disappear.

>Sword fights for miles, through the jungle whilst straddling 2 vehicles.

>The WORST PART, the Tarzan-like vine swinging to catch up to the vehicles. COME ON!

>The giants ant who chase down and kill/carry the people to their hole in the ground.

>Falling off of not one, not two but three waterfalls of significant height in an amphibious car. The worst impact of such an endeavor - they got wet. :blink:
It's called "suspension of disbelief". Pretty much a requirement for enjoying motion pictures.

It's NOT a documentary, y'know. :)

It's called "suspension of disbelief". Pretty much a requirement for enjoying motion pictures.
It's NOT a documentary, y'know. :)
That's fine for movies like Iron Man or the Hulk which are based on comics so you expect some outlandish stuff. But for movies based in "reality" i.e. James Bond, Indiana Jones I expect them to bend reality some but some of the things are just ridiculous. Like that James Bond movie where the car falls out of the plane and sticks in the ground like a lawn dart. It's just dumb and insults our intelligence. They managed to make the other 3 movies enjoyable without getting outlandish...and they had 20 years to write this one! <_<

so your believed that some guy and a kid could manage a rolling battle against multiple, armed attackers while using an ore cart like a wild mouse ride?

i could go on but why?

they've all been fantastic and that's what made them fun.

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