Inner Dialogue getting posted?

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Ive been a member of allot of forums for various motorsports and it is mostly the same on every forum. This forum is beyond great for information, but also has some crusty veterans very much like pirate4x4.....I like to call them internet tough guys, mostly because when you meet them in person they are nothing like the ******* they portray on the internet...MHO.
Whut...yew tryin' tuh "out" me? :angry2:

I'll say:"Gosh, that is interesting, I've never thought of it that way before"

But make no mistake, my inner dialogue is saying: "You have got to be ******* kidding me, that is so ******* lame-ass stupid, what the **** are you talking about?"
And your point is??? Most of us will read posts (or meet people) that prompt the latter response. Our conscience / social training / fear of being arrested or banned from the forum will translate the latter response to the former.

Personally, I find it highly amusing to read the 'Big Man, tough guy' posts, and imagine the real reason they're saying what they're saying. Similar theory to that of the higher the lift on the pick-up truck, the smaller the driver's ........ well, you get the idea.

Years ago, I worked with an exemplary nurse, who never spoke out of turn and always appeared to be calm and polite. When asked how she did it, she showed me a tattered business card in her pocket. In beautiful copper-plate script it said 'You are cordially invited to go **** yourself'. When the need arose, she would hold the card in her hand, inside her pocket.

Hang onto your card RJ. You need to stick around, without getting banned because your ride reports and photos are always good to see.

Ive been a member of allot of forums for various motorsports and it is mostly the same on every forum. This forum is beyond great for information, but also has some crusty veterans very much like pirate4x4.....I like to call them internet tough guys, mostly because when you meet them in person they are nothing like the ******* they portray on the internet...MHO.
Gotta love the Trailer Park!

Only PBB readers will know this. ;)

Ive been a member of allot of forums for various motorsports and it is mostly the same on every forum. This forum is beyond great for information, but also has some crusty veterans very much like pirate4x4.....I like to call them internet tough guys, mostly because when you meet them in person they are nothing like the ******* they portray on the internet...MHO.
Gotta love the Trailer Park!

Only PBB readers will know this. ;)

I'm like Silent - I use the backspace a lot. I type responses in my less than normal acerbic wit, and then ask myself; "how would my daughter view this? Would she understand my state of mind?"

But make no mistake, my inner dialogue is saying: "You have got to be ******* kidding me, that is so ******* lame-ass stupid, what the **** are you talking about?"
And your point is??? Most of us will read posts (or meet people) that prompt the latter response. Our conscience / social training / fear of being arrested or banned from the forum will translate the latter response to the former.

Personally, I find it highly amusing to read the 'Big Man, tough guy' posts, and imagine the real reason they're saying what they're saying. Similar theory to that of the higher the lift on the pick-up truck, the smaller the driver's ........ well, you get the idea.

Years ago, I worked with an exemplary nurse, who never spoke out of turn and always appeared to be calm and polite. When asked how she did it, she showed me a tattered business card in her pocket. In beautiful copper-plate script it said 'You are cordially invited to go **** yourself'. When the need arose, she would hold the card in her hand, inside her pocket.

Hang onto your card RJ. You need to stick around, without getting banned because your ride reports and photos are always good to see.
LOL, that is a funny nurse story. Seems to me the threads are getting harder to hold that card with closed lips --jeezers, not much about riding, just all negative stuff lately it seems to me.
Riding moto-bikes is good fun, the best fun to be had IMO, .

..a good forum can be an extension of a good ride. It's really up to the participants. When I ride I like positive events, positive stories. It's never perfect, like when the guys take a piss on the side of the road, occasionally a drop of your buddy's piss may land on your boot .

.....and when that happens here on the forum, we each decide how we're going to deal with it. Some people handle it much better than others.

Thanks girl, I'll try to take your advice, I don't have the card in my pocket, but my new avatar and sig line will perhaps be a reminder. We'll see<g>

...In beautiful copper-plate script it said 'You are cordially invited to go **** yourself'. When the need arose, she would hold the card in her hand, inside her pocket...
Thanks Silver Penguin!


Holding things in is bad for the soul. We all do it, far too often. Mostly I call BS when it strikes me as apropos and speak my mind, (both here and in real life, much to the displeasure of some of my bosses). I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And that's part of why I post, because opinions and experience differ and it's a good thing to hear those different sides. Sometimes you need someone telling you you're full of **** before you take a hard look at yourself and re-evaluate your opinion. BTDT.

As for you RJ, go hug Gracie and marvel in the wonders life has given you. The forum will still be here when you get back to it, no matter how long a break you take. 5 minutes or 5 days.

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Holding things in is bad for the soul. We all do it, far too often. Mostly I call BS when it strikes me as apropos and speak my mind, (both here and in real life, much to the displeasure of some of my bosses). I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And that's part of why I post, because opinions and experience differ and it's a good thing to hear those different sides. Sometimes you need someone telling you you're full of **** before you take a hard look at yourself and re-evaluate your opinion.

Must be biorhythms.

That said, none of this can possibly come as a surprise to you, RJ.

I don't think many know RJ like I do, I see him as he is, from my perspective and life filters of course. He can be engaging you in a deep converstation, then drift away in thought. I can see it in the eyes, and lack of response. Then, like a good lead guitar, he returns to the fold (conversation) and all is good. At first, I found this rude, then I realized how wonderful the places must be that he's going to, all the side threads in his head, triggered by the good convesation/whiskey/cigars/friendship, and I just grin.

RJ, I get it, 'nuff said?


Hugs n Kisses RJ!

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