OK, here's my plan of action for this weekend:Check battery connections- where? @ battery are confirmed good. will check ground to frame. where else?
Side stand- inspect closely for operation/mechanical issues, inspect connector to harness.
Kill switch- check for sensitivity, connector.
Air filter- inspect/clean.
ECU connector- inspect/reconnect.
Ignition switch- not sure what to look for.
Tank vent- confirmed OK.
Then take her out for 100 or so miles and see what happens.
Report back here.
Anything else to look for at this point? Any thoughts about troubleshooting the TPS?
Detached, cleaned, reassembled main ground to lower right portion of frame; looked OK. (Battery/connections good; ground spiders serviced/RR's fix installed sometime early in 2012

other connections unchecked.
Took a close look at side stand/switch. Everything tight and operating properly there; return spring strong.
Kill switch works fine. Jiggled wiring & mechanism with engine running.
Air filter was in good shape; blew it out and reused.
ECU connector detached/visually inspected/reconnected; looked fine.
Ignition switch: jiggled wiring with engine running; works fine.
Didn't get a look at the fuel pump wiring yet, but will have a look ASAP.
Visually inspected wiring under right side panel while I had it off checking main ground; didn't see anything that looked suspicious.
Drove a 50 mile stretch at interstate speeds. including a few at 100+mph; couldn't get prob to occur; but I suspect nothing has changed, cause I didn't find anything amiss with the above stuff.
Based on the above, can we eliminate these items as possible causes?
From Ion's comments about TPS, I now tend to discount a problem there. The prob is not consistent; I can't recreate it by holding throttle in the position at which I know the prob occurs.
Ion, when you mention the tranny jumping in/out of gear: I don't think this is the prob, because I hear the engine go quiet, not rev up. Power will also resume on its own, without any action on my part- clutch, throttle, shifter; although I often have to downshift and vary throttle to get it to repower up.
Ray, I think you are right on the money about more clearly defining the conditions and symptoms leading up to/during the shutdown. I will make an effort to take the bike out for a more extensive test ride. Thing is, don't want to get stranded alone; I'd much rather have a bud along for assistance if needed. I'll work on getting something together, make a serious attempt to recreate the prob, make some more enlightened observations, and report back.