Is buying an 07 asking for trouble?

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
Carlsbad, CA
Hi Everyone,

After two years with a Guzzi Norge, I want to get back to an FJR. I had an 05 but thought a lighter bike would be nice but just miss the power too much and it looks like Yamaha has addressed most of the issues I had with my Gen I. However, in doing searches it looks like the 06 and 07 have some gremlins. So far they look to be:

1. Ignition switch recall

2. Grounding issue with resulting melted wires

3. ECU lean surge and altitude problem

I really like the black cherry and it's at the top end of my budget so an '08 or newer would really be a hard stretch.

Here's my questions:

Looks like the PCIII can fix the lean issues but is Yamaha going to honor fixing the switch and harness past warranty?

Are there any other issues I need to watch for if I go ahead with an '07?

If I buy an 07 out of warranty am I asking for problems?




Any 2nd Gen. FJR will serve you well, as did your 1st Gen. '05.

  1. The ignition switch is a safety recall, Yamaha has no choice but to honor it.
  2. The ECU is another safety recall, Yamaha will honor it.
  3. The grounding issue, I have faith that Yamaha will eventually recall it too, so long as pressure is put on them by the various governmental agencies,. We owners need to report our experiences to these agencies.

In the mean time, there is a fix offered by 2 members on this FJRForum that will address the grounding issue. Don't let a relative few dollars discourage you from getting the bike that offers so much. By the way, it's not just the '06 or '07 years with the ground issues, ALL 2nd Gen. bikes are susceptible to it - 2006 to present, they are all built the same.


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Don't let any of the "possible" gremlins scare you away! 2 of the items (ignition & ECU) are either a recall or service bulletin that Yamaha will take care of. If the previous owner was on his/her game, they may already be done (a call to Yamaha will answer that question). The grounding harness can be given "preventative medicine" through fixes offered by Brodie or Road Runner, both of which work very well (I installed Road Runner's fix on mine...I had no previous problems, just a preventative measure). Hopefully, Yamaha will address the ground spider issue in the future, but right now, it CERTAINLY isn't a reason to shy away...I put plenty of miles on mine before even thinking about it. :D

Keep in mind that as much as we talk about these issues they are relatively few considering the number of FJR's sold.
I don't want to be a party pooper, but considering there are perhaps 12,000 Gen-II bikes sold to date in North America (of which perhaps 10% have owners who seem to have found their way here) and we know of more than a hundred and fifty affected machines - the spider issue alone SO FAR translates to about a 12.5% impact rate.

Having said that, prevention is simple enough as Brody knows - and the ECU surge was not a recall item, but rather a voluntary swap-out (which Yamaha Canada refuses to do for my bike, which was impacted by it during one particular long downhill run in the rockies), and affected only some owners who transition from low to high or high to low altitude rides and do not turn their throttles - knowing this it is simple to just get a bit more aggressive.

There was one recall not mentioned; The 17 mpg defect that was cause to replace a few thousand instrument panels on 06 and some 07 models.

The bike is still very reliable and you will not be in any danger resulting from ownership if you buy a well maintained machine and install one of the spider taming solutions.

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Your wallet is in danger, no matter what year model you buy. Just do it, and let the farkling begin.


I've got over 100,000 miles on my '07, if that makes you feel any better. I have used my YES warranty coverage on several items (Ground Spider/Wire Harness, headlight crazing, wind screen motor). Most 2007 models purchased with YES, still have some time left on the warranty coverage. If you are apprehensive about the '07, seek one with YES. It's transferable to a new owner.

Then ride the living piss out of it for a few months and have Yami fix anything that isn't right.

I recently bought a used '06 without YES. So I understand your concerns and share some of your anxiety. But in the long run, the typical selling price of a used FJR now, as compared to two years ago, let's just say you can afford to repair a couple things and still be way ahead of the game.

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If you are aprehensive about the '07, seek one with YES. It's transferable to a new owner.
That is true unless you are becoming the 3rd owner... which I suppose is highly unlikely. But YES is only transferrable once. 'Dat's what I'm trying to say.

The ignition switch is a safety recall, Yamaha has no choice but to honor it.
Unless your local dealer (Orlando Yamaha-Kawasaki) is a complete twat and refuses, in which case I ordered the kit from Ron Ayers and did it myself. I wrote a letter to Yamaha about it and their response was "we recommend you have this recall done at a qualified dealer as soon as possible"

Thanks a lot for taking the time to actually read my letter, guys.

For my ECU recall, I went to another dealer (Cycle Sports Center) and they were a lot more professional and said "No problem!"

actually I like the non-silver AE color that they had one year as well.
Isn't that the metallic charcoal coloured one? If so. It kicks ass!

My bike is gonna get some paintwork done over the winter. The stupid bit is, its not in an area that actually needs it. But it looks so damn fine!

Good advice above. I had both the ignition and ECU recalls done at my local dealer. They semi-balked at the ECU saying that there wasn't enough altitude change in this area to cause the problem. I said, "I don't just ride in this area!". They went ahead and did it. A dealer that refuses to do a recall would be very suspect to me. My grounding improvement kit from Art(Roadrunner) arrived yesterday. Purely a preventative measure. I would rather spend the money on it and have the peace of mind rather than break down in the middle of nowhere.

Your taste in color is admirable! Just do it!

If you are aprehensive about the '07, seek one with YES. It's transferable to a new owner.
That is true unless you are becoming the 3rd owner... which I suppose is highly unlikely. But YES is only transferrable once. 'Dat's what I'm trying to say.
My YES contract has no such restrictions listed. And states that the contract may be transferred and must be transferred within 15-days to a new Owner.

To quote the contract...


This Y.E.S. Contract is transferable.

To transfer the Y.E.S. Contract from You to the subsequent Customer, it is required that a transfer of registration and inspection be performed by a YAMAHA Dealer. A reasonable dealer imposed fee may be charged for this inspection. This transfer of registration must take place within fifteen (15) days of ownership change."

...and it continues with restrictions about providing maintenance receipts, maintenance logs etc.

Assuming (I know that's dangerous!) the new Customer/Owner is issued the exact same contract in his/her name, it would have the same terminology and Transfer Rights provisions.

So does Yamaha issue a DIFFERENT Y.E.S. contract to the second owner? Anybody have substantial proof of such?

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I'd buy an 07, except for the gehy color. :)
Hmmm... Where were the '07s sold in Blue?

To answer the OPs original question, Absofrickenlotly YES, getting an '07 IS asking for trouble...

if you are married or otherwise 'unavailable' as that bike attracts all kinds of attractive young ladies!

(see pics below... pics of MEM on the bike have been MEM! :p )


I'd buy an 07, except for the gehy color. :)
Hmmm... Where were the '07s sold in Blue?

Damm Computer Nazi's here at work, (probably apple people)

Was looking for the picture of you at Kicking Horse Brew House as evidence. :D
Not sure what that 'evidence' would prove, pretty subjective, but the Black Cherry is looking pretty non-gehy here:


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Jees, my daughter is that old. Just wait your turn will come. she'll show up with some old dude on a motorcycle and a shit eatin' grin on his face.
