Is Cruise Control Consistent

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Just back from a 2200 mile loop through Arizona, Utah and Nevada. We both used cruise a lot on the trip. When it works, it's almost dead on. It seems to go +1 mph on up slopes, -1 mph on down slopes. That seems counter-intuitive. That said, we've both had problems where the CC kicks out for no apparent reason. When this happens, it will repeat a few times a minute. That is, hit resume, you're back up to speed for 15 - 20 seconds, then it kicks out again. Turn it off, then back on, and it's fine for hours.
As noted above, keeping it on around sweepers improves your riding. The only problem now is that, if I turn it off for the curve, I come out faster than before I went in!
Maybe check your brake light switches.
Theresa was ahead of me some of the times this happened and I did not see her brake lights flash. Also, just turning the unit on and off should not affect the brake light switches. When on cruise, we keep out hands and feet well away from the brakes so I'm sure it is not that we are hitting the brakes.

Is it kicking off because you are subconsciously closing the throttle a tiny bit? I've noticed myself do that a few times in 40,000 miles

This ^^^. There is a micro switch that activates if you rotate the throttle in the closed direction. If you have a firm grip on the throttle it's possible that you are unconsciously rotating the throttle, or perhaps that switch is misaligned to come on too early? I don't find that switch to be a very convenient way to disengage the cruise, and prefer to use the clutch or brake switch to do that. I might consider eliminating the switch if it was found to be causing problems. The switch is down on the right end of the throttle bodies where the throttle cables go to.

Just back from a 2200 mile loop through Arizona, Utah and Nevada. We both used cruise a lot on the trip. When it works, it's almost dead on. It seems to go +1 mph on up slopes, -1 mph on down slopes. That seems counter-intuitive. That said, we've both had problems where the CC kicks out for no apparent reason. When this happens, it will repeat a few times a minute. That is, hit resume, you're back up to speed for 15 - 20 seconds, then it kicks out again. Turn it off, then back on, and it's fine for hours.
As noted above, keeping it on around sweepers improves your riding. The only problem now is that, if I turn it off for the curve, I come out faster than before I went in!
Maybe check your brake light switches.
Theresa was ahead of me some of the times this happened and I did not see her brake lights flash. Also, just turning the unit on and off should not affect the brake light switches. When on cruise, we keep out hands and feet well away from the brakes so I'm sure it is not that we are hitting the brakes.
OK. I've seen cruise controls on other bikes turn themselves off for no apparent reason, and it turned out to be a rear brake light adjusted too sensitively. Hit a bump, CC off.

Another FYI, on third Gens there are two sets of contacts in each of the brake switches. One pair of contacts are used to turn on the brake light, and the other set of contacts are to disable the cruise. So it is possible for one of those switches to disengage cruise without lighting the brake light.

Another FYI, on third Gens there are two sets of contacts in each of the brake switches. One pair of contacts are used to turn on the brake light, and the other set of contacts are to disable the cruise. So it is possible for one of those switches to disengage cruise without lighting the brake light.
Ah. Good to know.

Is it kicking off because you are subconsciously closing the throttle a tiny bit? I've noticed myself do that a few times in 40,000 miles
On one occasion, I had my right hand resting on my knee. Yes, I know that's not a good idea! Recovery took a few tense moments since when the power cuts at speed and you have only one hand on the handlebars, the bike swerves! Initially, I tried turning the CC off with reverse throttle but, at least on my bike, it takes more force than opening the throttle. When I want to go out of cruise, I open the throttle to about where I think it needs to be, then use the clutch lever to disengage. Makes for a smoother transition.

All good suggestions. I hope you do not think I don't appreciate your help because of the way I respond.

Is there a way to have something reprogrammed on the 2013 bikes to have the same limits on the CC as the later years? Or would something physically have to be replaced?

Is there a way to have something reprogrammed on the 2013 bikes to have the same limits on the CC as the later years? Or would something physically have to be replaced?
There have been a couple of people who have replaced the ECU with one for a 2014 or 2015. I don't think there were any issues (other than the cost) but they got the higher speed capability for the CC.

Edit: Start reading here: replace cruise

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On my Audiovox setup I use the horn button to cancel the cruise. I grab the throttle to maintain speed before canceling.

I like the seamless transition to "cruise off" when I'm slowing down entering a town, etc. No upset of the bike with the brakes or clutch.

Used a relay but I like to play with inexpensive relays. Fun to design simple circuits to do things.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="buzzro" data-cid="1345650" data-time="1478105278"><p>

I thought about aftermarket but there isn't many positive reviews, mostly negative.</p></blockquote>

2010 FJR, installed rostra cruise control, I have nothing but good things to say about it. Works perfect, at about 1/3 the cost of Mccruise.

Love the throttle-by-wire cruise control. I use it frequently. In fact, I find I use the cruise more often in lower speed limit zones, especially when I need to adjust my junk or need take my hands off the bars for whatever reason. The "80 MPH CC limit" is slightly annoying only because I don't like any kind of nanny system but admittedly, my personal need to "cruise" with my right hand off the bar, higher than 80MPH, rarely has come into play for me; YMMV.

Oh, and for the record, the 2013 cruise sets at a high of 80MPH, like others have said, BUTT, hit the plus button and you can increment 2 additional MPH for a grand total of 82MPH of Ludicrous speed!!

Funny you mention low speeds. We're headed home now, but I've spent the last week or so in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, etc. I had a terrible time holding my speed in some of the small towns with 35mph and 45mph speed limits, and I discovered that I could set the cruise in 3rd gear at 35mph and 4th gear at 45mph. ;)

I got frustrated on this trip with the inability to "resume" back to 82 if I'm going faster. For instance, slow for traffic from 82, then accelerate around it and hit resume to settle back into 82, and it won't. I have to be going below that to resume. Other than that, the 82mph limit doesn't bug me too badly. I'd like more, but it's not something I'd spend much on. A little maybe ;)

I've got arthritis in my right hand, and I use the cruise a lot. Even on day rides on crooked roads if I get a decent straight I'll set cruise for a little break.

For 2013 owners...keep an eye on ebay for a 14 or 15 A ECU. I beleive you can set up an alert. I picked up a 14 ECU last year for $75. Once I found the ecu (next to the battery), it was a 2 minute job. It wasnt a big enough deal to spend $500 on a new ecu but for $75 I am quite happy.

For 2013 owners...keep an eye on ebay for a 14 or 15 A ECU. I beleive you can set up an alert. I picked up a 14 ECU last year for $75. Once I found the ecu (next to the battery), it was a 2 minute job. It wasnt a big enough deal to spend $500 on a new ecu but for $75 I am quite happy.
Like I said, I'd spend a little ;) Thanks.

Old Guy posted: <snip> I got frustrated on this trip with the inability to "resume" back to 82 if I'm going faster. For instance, slow for traffic from 82, then accelerate around it and hit resume to settle back into 82, and it won't. I have to be going below that to resume. Other than that, the 82mph limit doesn't bug me too badly. I'd like more, but it's not something I'd spend much on. A little maybe

I've got arthritis in my right hand, and I use the cruise a lot. Even on day rides on crooked roads if I get a decent straight I'll set cruise for a little break.
I use the cruise control a lot, too, and mine doesn't act like that.

If I want to go faster than the set speed, I just go faster. When finished, I let the throttle roll back, and the bike resumes the set speed. (Verify that the green "SET" light stays lit when you accelerate.)

If I need to slow down, I touch the clutch and let the bike slow. When finished, I hit the "resume" button and away we go. (Verify that the green "SET" light goes out.)

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Unc, I think he's dealing with the CC limited ECU on his unlike our stealthy '15s.

If I need to slow down, I touch the clutch and let the bike slow. When finished, I hit the "resume" button and away we go. (Verify that the green "SET" light goes out.)
It may be me but this set-up with the resume button scares me a little. Doing a slow-down should go smoothly like you describe but I become wary if it's not a one-time deal i.e. maybe coming up behind someone blocking the left lane, finally passing and then resuming speed. But I've always imagined a scenario something like where I have the cruise set for awhile and then come into a congested area. I pull in the clutch or tap the brake to disengage and then proceed through the area. Slowed traffic, dropping a gear or two, but the whole time the cruise is still waiting to be resumed. At any time I could move my left thumb for several reasons (directionals, horn, flash high-beams, lower windshield, etc., maybe with thick winter gloves on) and possibly accidentally end up hitting the "RES" button. As you put it - and away we go. How much would the bike launch before I react?

I don't think I've ever heard of this happening and I do try to stay aware of its settings and shut it completely when in such a situation. As I said, probably just me, but I never did like how close that RES toggle is to all the other controls.

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Old Guy posted: <snip> I got frustrated on this trip with the inability to "resume" back to 82 if I'm going faster. For instance, slow for traffic from 82, then accelerate around it and hit resume to settle back into 82, and it won't. I have to be going below that to resume. Other than that, the 82mph limit doesn't bug me too badly. I'd like more, but it's not something I'd spend much on. A little maybe

I've got arthritis in my right hand, and I use the cruise a lot. Even on day rides on crooked roads if I get a decent straight I'll set cruise for a little break.
I use the cruise control a lot, too, and mine doesn't act like that.

If I want to go faster than the set speed, I just go faster. When finished, I let the throttle roll back, and the bike resumes the set speed. (Verify that the green "SET" light stays lit when you accelerate.)

If I need to slow down, I touch the clutch and let the bike slow. When finished, I hit the "resume" button and away we go. (Verify that the green "SET" light goes out.)
Mine will do that too, but it doesn't like the Resume / + button above 82.

I tried again today.

Going 80 on cruise and catch two trucks going below 80 side by side. Touch clutch to disengage cruise.

Fall in behind left-hand truck until he completes pass.

When he pulls right, i accelerate past both quickly to clear the left lane for the people wanting to go faster.

Pull back right doing about 84. Hit resume -- nothing.

I have to slow back to 82 or less before resume will work.

I have to slow back to 82 or less before resume will work.
Not really surprising since your USA '13 CC is inhibited from working above 82, it presumably ignores any CC input.

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I have to slow back to 82 or less before resume will work.
Not really surprising since your USA '13 CC is inhibited from working above 82, it presumably ignores any CC input.
I'm not asking it to work above 82, just return to the preset speed which is below 82.

But no, not surprising. I suspect the programmers took the easy way out and just disabled the switches above 82. It would be nice if the "Resume" portion would work. The situation I described above is not rear for me. I often have to wait behind slower traffic, pass, then resume.
