Is Harley Davidson...

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Moab, UT
An acquaintance stopped by last evening when he was out for a ride on his new Harley. He had a HD accessory catalog with him and was showing me the accessories he planned to personalize his ride with over the winter. As I looked over the catalog something hit me. Is Harley-Davidson gay? :erm:

The catalog features pictures of men clad in all forms of leather including collars, wrist bands and those goofy leather hats that the gay biker from The Village People wore. :asshat: ??? No!, not that one! :construction: No, not that one either. The little low black leather one on the biker guy. The motor clothes portion of the catalog had a section that looked like a gay S&M porn video.

It got even worse as I looked at the bikes. What company would name their bikes, Bob, Boy, Rod and Glide??? Hmmm??? :detect: Sounds like the marketing team are all NAMBLA members! :devil: I think there might be more going on at The Motor Company than meets the eye. :wub: Until I find out more I am keeping my distance… :trinibob:

Well, Elton John was the "Special surprize" guest singer at their 100th anniversary party. So you may be onto something there. JB :D


It's just something about cruisers, they love bling. Harleys of course are the Kings Of Bling, but the affection for shiny bits extends to metric cruisers too.

It's an attention/social thing.

John of Minnsota, it sounds like you got a problem with HD riders. And with all those cute little SMILIES in your post it looks like you have an agenda with the gay community. You should get out of your closet more often.

Well SnowMonkey almost stopped me but I couldn't resist.

I have a friend who is as macho as they come. He and his brothers have own Jap dirt bikes (4 wheelers for hunting yea right whatever) but they refused to ever buy a jap street bike. They are my age and just this year bought the Harley of their dreams and I have been riding all my life on the street the bikes of my choice. Anyway he starts talking about getting caught in the cold weather and while swore he would never guess what he went out and bought. You guess it a pair of leather chaps.

Now how gay is that. :lol:

Years ago, there was biker bar in West Hollywood.  Then, I learned it was not a biker bar  :eek:
Alrighty, then...

Gather 'round the campfire, pull up a rock and crack open your favorite brewski cuz' B 'n B has a tale to spin...

"Well, ya see, it was like this..."


Alrighty, then...
Gather 'round the campfire, pull up a rock and crack open your favorite brewski cuz' B 'n B has a tale to spin...

"Well, ya see, it was like this..."
I could give you the fictional story that I walked in for a beer only to find dozens of hungry male eyes, in eather chaps, ogling me and ending with me running, literally, to save my ass and not get :moil: but the truth is that I rarely saw any bikes near the, ah, "establishment."

Now, having lived in NYC, I have accidently walked into gay and lesbian bars. You know immediately when you've walked into a lesbian bar. :bigeyes:


I like the Old School HD boys myself. Its this new Yuppie breed of Harleys owners that seems well, odd(gay) to me!

The Old school guys are HD riders, today you have HD owners! Big difference!


Oh yea, I could see it now. Walking up to a HA and asking, "are you gay?" Next thing you hear is, WAM! That's your head getting knocked off! Ouch. Painman. :ph34r:

Speaking of walking into a gay bar in NY, has anyone ever been to "The Blue Oyster"?

