Is this a farkle?

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You guys are friggin' weak. My garage door open farkle works this way: As I enter the drive, I blip the throttle twice which cues the SO, who then snaps to and hits the door opener for me, then hands me my toddy, 'gar, house coat and slippers as I enter the house. When you gonna learn to wear pants?
She doesn't read the forum, eh?

You guys are friggin' weak. My garage door open farkle works this way: As I enter the drive, I blip the throttle twice which cues the SO, who then snaps to and hits the door opener for me, then hands me my toddy, 'gar, house coat and slippers as I enter the house. When you gonna learn to wear pants?
She doesn't read the forum, eh?
This seems like something that could be shared with Mrs. Nut in Park City, eh toe?


I keep my opener out of clear view. It's really easy to switch from the FJR to the DRZ. It's in my left side upper pocket of the jacket. :rolleyes:

JBGet some REAL farkels, ... :p
You guys are pussies! Here's what my dashboard looks like:



er... and just where would i have room for something like a glasses case or garage door opener if not in my tank bag?
Bounce, I have a 2720 on order and plan to install it on my ECM shelf similar to what you have. How did you attach yours? Did you need the Garmin cycle kit?

And, not to completely hijack, I am among the velcro the opener to the ECM shelf crowd. BEWARE, I did have the glue that sticks the velcro to my ECM shelf come loose and set my X50 radar detector free on a cold morning, so I recommend a teather or some other backup for anything that is stuck on with velcro. Luckily, the power cord held my X50 from dropping completely off the bike.

This seems like something that could be shared with Mrs. Nut in Park City, eh toe?
Yeah, the MC could read it during the "Famous Forum Quotes over the Last Year"!
Well, since I'm the MC, I'll simply change names in the story: "I remember a particularly brazen comment by (insert name of person who pissed me off here) said about his better half and it goes like this..."


I keep my opener out of clear view. It's really easy to switch from the FJR to the DRZ. It's in my left side upper pocket of the jacket. :rolleyes:
+1. It sure makes it easier to transfer from vehicle to vehicle.


Garage door openers? We don't need no stinkin' garage door openers. garage.

This placement seems ill-advised:


It would appear that hitting a sizable pothole, or crossing some rough railroad tracks, etc might send that fork protector upward high with enough to smack the garage door opener, and likely dislodge it from its perch.

I would turn that component around as it is shown in your top photo. Probably should ensure the wire is tucked out of harm's way, too.
Thank you Warchild for taking the time to look at my photos and to advise on clipping the remote on the inside of the storage area.I had done that but having someone with your experience suggest it is confirmation. The advice on the wire is well taken when I turned the opener around, the wire fed on the left side so I tucked it away

I do realize the pics are in the wring order
I can live with the pics being in the wrong order. It's the spelling that really gripes my ass!

And just what in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks is wrong with the ol' velcro solution, everyone? You see, that's youziz problems--youz always gots to over-complicate things. The simplest solution is best. Haven't you ever heard of Ockham's Razor? :graduated:

For me, it's velcro, duct tape, and White-Out, every time. Yep, that's what keeps my radar detector, Ray-Bans, and garage door opener on the bike at abnoxious speeds and maneuvers:



Do I have to teach youz guys everything?! <_< Jeesh!

Yo JB what spelling issue? didn't know there was a spelling contest going on why wasn't I informed! And lets not go there about spelling... you yanks have taken a fucking chainsaw to it!!!

Anyhoo...why do you want to carry half a dinning table with you anyway?


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I do realize the pics are in the wring order
I can live with the pics being in the wrong order. It's the spelling that really gripes my ass!

And just what in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks is wrong with the ol' velcro solution, everyone? You see, that's youziz problems--youz always gots to over-complicate things. The simplest solution is best. Haven't you ever heard of Ockham's Razor? :graduated:

For me, it's velcro, duct tape, and White-Out, every time. Yep, that's what keeps my radar detector, Ray-Bans, and garage door opener on the bike at abnoxious speeds and maneuvers:



Do I have to teach youz guys everything?! <_< Jeesh!

Yo JB what spelling issue? didn't know there was a spelling contest going on why wasn't I informed! And lets not go there about spelling... you yanks have taken a fucking chainsaw to it!!!

Anyhoo...why do you want to carry half a dinning table with you anyway?



Sorry about the spelling mistake,my bad, I certainly didn't expect "The Spanish Inquistion". However I must ask with my tongue firmly in cheek, how fast is abnoxious speed? is it faster or slower than obnoxious speed?


Let me quickly butt in.... :rolleyes:

Check the previous messages. The snotty comments you just referred to were not Thug's.


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Thanks Stef

My apologies to Mr Thug.

I didn't take the comments as snotty I saw the humour (or humor) in pointing out my spelling mistakes and wanted to reply purely in jest. I am still new in this posting game as you can see in my number of posts and I will make mistakes.

Thanks again
