Is this wrong?

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Wow, did I say Wow :clapping:

how about making a dozen first and setup a group buy

I think I'd replace my Yammy trunk with one of those

damn, really nice :yahoo:

but please, please, please, paint that Puro P1 either gloss or flat black, or your matching Cer Silver :blink:

just sayin'

To be honest I like the look better then whats curently available. The lines seem to match really well. It does appear to be a bit big from behind but I could live with that. Nice job on the paint.

OK, here's some pics from today. The trunk is finally painted body color, and it's a pretty good match. Still needs a good buffing to shine right, but you get the picture...Oh, and for those that commented, I painted the yellow oil filter. It's due for an oil change shortly, but I painted it anyway...





Thanks all you nice people for the nice comments.

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Oh, and for those that commented, I painted the yellow oil filter.
Actually, I prefer the orange Fram filters, it's so much easier to read the date & mileage I write on them with a felt tip pen. When someone gives me free filters........ :blink:

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That mount looks real good and the trunk fits the bike nice.

Good job there. Couldn't see the mount on the earlier pictures.

That bracket is sturdy, but the place it attaches to is not. If your only attachment is the rear bulkhead of the subframe, then the subframe will crack from the load, as the entire load is cantilevered behind the subframe. The grab rails of the stock rack are actually load-carrying reinforcement for the rear rack, and you've bypassed them.

Have a look at the results of this Google search: cracked subframe

Oh, and for those that commented, I painted the yellow oil filter.
Actually, I prefer the orange Fram filters, it's so much easier to read the date & mileage I write on them with a felt tip pen. When someone gives me free filters........ :blink:
Geez, MM, Fram is produced by the Devil himself :rolleyes:

That bracket is sturdy, but the place it attaches to is not. If your only attachment is the rear bulkhead of the subframe, then the subframe will crack from the load, as the entire load is cantilevered behind the subframe. The grab rails of the stock rack are actually load-carrying reinforcement for the rear rack, and you've bypassed them.
Have a look at the results of this Google search: cracked subframe

Great, just fuggin great. I already hate this bike and consider it a waste of good money, but was willing to give it the benifit of the doubt. Now with all my efforts, and some pretty substantial engineering, I find out the damn bike is going to break and she's going to fall off anyway... I'll stick with my FZ1.

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That bracket is sturdy, but the place it attaches to is not. If your only attachment is the rear bulkhead of the subframe, then the subframe will crack from the load, as the entire load is cantilevered behind the subframe. The grab rails of the stock rack are actually load-carrying reinforcement for the rear rack, and you've bypassed them.
Have a look at the results of this Google search: cracked subframe

Great, just fuggin great. I already hate this bike and consider it a waste of good money, but was willing to give it the benifit of the doubt. Now with all my efforts, and some pretty substantial engineering, I find out the damn bike is going to break and she's going to fall off anyway... I'll stick with my FZ1.
I didn't mean to shut down your project, because that's actually pretty clever. I'm just saying that the load needs to be distributed forward somehow.

But now you've brought up two different issues. First, you hate the bike. We gotta find out why. If you expected another FZ1, well, that's just not realistic, with 650 pounds, taller, longer, etc. If there's some other reason, lay it out and we'll tell ya why you're (maybe) wrong. :rolleyes:

As for the cracked bulkheads, it's not a design problem with the bike, it's a design problem with the aftermarket engineering. Removal of the grab rails has been done several times, usually by guys who needed the space they occupied for something else, like a long distance fuel cell. You're obviously trying to adapt the box without cutting up the bike, which is certainly the way o go, but if your bracket can tie in somehow to the two forward bolts, that'll strengthen it up where it need to be. Other guys have gone ahead and just had the bulkhead seriously reinforced and used it that way.

Here's a cheesy drawing to illustrate. The photo is a naked FJR chassis. The frame ends just back from the rear seat. The taillights are hanging out in space, as is the luggage rack. The thing that keeps the weight of anything on the luggage rack from folding down the rear of the subframe is the grab rails working in tension, represented by the dotted lines on my fine piece of technical art. If you can get those in your bracket somehow, you'll be fine. Maybe you could even hide something underneath that extends forward of the rear bulkhead and attaches or just touches and braces against the subframe. Since your bracket is steel it's gonna be a lot stronger than the stock plastic rack. As long as it keeps the rear bulkhead from being able to rotate then you can load up the box and carry on. Kind of a foot to your bracket that hides underneath and forward, a bar on each side, or even just one in the center.


I see you're in Douglasville, which is not too great a piece from my beach bum locale, and I'd be willing to come by on a Saturday to help, if you like. I've had the bodywork off the bike a few times, and would have no problem lending a hand.

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Well, let me start off by saying that I had just got back from Chilli's last night when I read your reply, I had had a few beer, and it just hit me wrong...I have read your response and visited all the links, and want to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I already have an idea of how to prevent this from happening to my bike based mostly from your (not so) "cheesy" drawing.

Now, as far as hating this bike, it stems from this...I have done nothing but work on this thing since I bought it. Mostly from Previous Owner neglect, but it also had a serious surge. Days of playing with the CO settings, changing the plugs, lot's of fuel injection cleaner, and finally buying a PC3usb, I think I finally have it running close to right. It's just a shame Yamaha would put out a product that needs SO much to be right. Now, on top of all that, the damn thing is ticking.

I didn't expect another FZ1, in fact I wanted a bigger, slower, more comfy bike, that still had a little sport to it. One that the wife and I could load up and hit the road for a few days now and then. I felt like this bike was a good choice for that, and it still might be, IF I ever get all the problems fixed. But, for now I am just plain frustrated and disappointed in it, and damn tired of working on it....

Well, let me start off by saying that I had just got back from Chilli's last night when I read your reply, I had had a few beer, and it just hit me wrong...I have read your response and visited all the links, and want to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I already have an idea of how to prevent this from happening to my bike based mostly from your (not so) "cheesy" drawing.Now, as far as hating this bike, it stems from this...I have done nothing but work on this thing since I bought it. Mostly from Previous Owner neglect, but it also had a serious surge. Days of playing with the CO settings, changing the plugs, lot's of fuel injection cleaner, and finally buying a PC3usb, I think I finally have it running close to right. It's just a shame Yamaha would put out a product that needs SO much to be right. Now, on top of all that, the damn thing is ticking.

I didn't expect another FZ1, in fact I wanted a bigger, slower, more comfy bike, that still had a little sport to it. One that the wife and I could load up and hit the road for a few days now and then. I felt like this bike was a good choice for that, and it still might be, IF I ever get all the problems fixed. But, for now I am just plain frustrated and disappointed in it, and damn tired of working on it....
sorry about the frustration...none of us Feejers out here want to here pain, anger, and frustration over what should be a delightful experience with warm fuzzies every time you mount your beast

yes, I think you have chalked it up to previous owner and maybe you are frustrated with yourself on the purchase and hidden problems or lack of in debt check to determine problems before the sale. I hear frustration and anger at previous owner.

you seem to be quite mechanically inclined, so that's a real good thing in this situation.

If it's OK to mention, but my '04 has 95k miles on it, mechanically bone stock, and no problems ever to report.

Maybe that makes it feel worse for you; if so, I apologize. I certainly hope yours is on the road with fun and confidence real soon with minimum effort and expense on your part.

And that trunk project...bravo bravo bravo...

We're here/hear to help and to vent on...that's what we're here/hear for when venting is needed to prevent future explosion...BTDT

Take care,

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Looks great! Certainly looks better than the stock Yamaha FJR trunk. The OEM topcase is a funky shape, only around 40 liters and has no brake light. You did well my friend!

That bracket is sturdy, but the place it attaches to is not. If your only attachment is the rear bulkhead of the subframe, then the subframe will crack from the load, as the entire load is cantilevered behind the subframe. The grab rails of the stock rack are actually load-carrying reinforcement for the rear rack, and you've bypassed them.
Have a look at the results of this Google search: cracked subframe

Yup. I'd be looking for a GIVI rack, then remove the GIVI plastic adapter plate and install your fabricated plate. This way the load is carried by the rear subframe AND the front mounting points (5 points total). It will help to distribute the load better.

As to the aesthetics, I think your ST trunk looks way better than the Yamaha factory trunk, except for that wing thingie on the back. If that were remoived I think it would be the cat's ass! (That's a good thing ;) )

How tough would it be to remove the wing? Would it leave big holes in the lid?

[edit] as to the surging, yes many if not all 1st gens surge. It's because they were designed to run extremely lean for emissions purposes. The PCIII USB is the cure, as you have already found. Getting a good (ideally custom) map for the PCIII will make it the most effective without killing your fuel mileage. Lemme know if you want to try mine. I'm really happy with it.

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