Is this wrong?

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"now back to DID purchase or have the third lock which comes with ya bike and it IS keyed the same as the side bags and ignition :rolleyes:

...if not, GET ON IT and report back here that it's done..." :yahoo:

Done, the lock was in the bag-o-goodies under the seat. It took a little "finangleing"(look that one up) to get the yamaha lock in the honda hole, but I won in the end :unsure:

I am at my shop(work) right now, and am in the process of making some brackets that will slide in under the rear plastic, and sandwich between the front mount holes in my mount and the subframe. They will extend forward to the front mount hole on the grab bar. All under the seat...Using .125 high carbon steel for these so they shoud be very strong. If it works like I think It will, it should relieve some of the stress on the rearmost part of the subframe...We'll see??? :(

"now back to DID purchase or have the third lock which comes with ya bike and it IS keyed the same as the side bags and ignition :rolleyes: ...if not, GET ON IT and report back here that it's done..." :yahoo:

Done, the lock was in the bag-o-goodies under the seat. It took a little "finangleing"(look that one up) to get the yamaha lock in the honda hole, but I won in the end :unsure:

I am at my shop(work) right now, and am in the process of making some brackets that will slide in under the rear plastic, and sandwich between the front mount holes in my mount and the subframe. They will extend forward to the front mount hole on the grab bar. All under the seat...Using .125 high carbon steel for these so they shoud be very strong. If it works like I think It will, it should relieve some of the stress on the rearmost part of the subframe...We'll see??? :(
damn ya good

<sticking a round Yammy lock in a square Honda hole>

Ya know, I'm looking at this again, and obviously the stock rack is in place, but I had assumed that its rear attachments (the two bolts where it drops through the bodywork, not the bolt in the center of the flat part) had been removed for your bracket. That may have been a completely invalid assumption, and if that is the case, I need to apologize for causing such a stir.

If all five of the rack's bolts are still in place, then the grab rails are still in the picture, and will act to prevent the rear bulkhead from torqueing outwards at the top, which is the cause of the cracks we've seen on other bikes. What cracks the subframe is not so much the weight itself, as the flex cause by the weight hanging over the end of the subframe. The rails prevent that flex.

This is a case on my part of not seeing the forest through the trees, because if you didn't mess with the rack's attachments, all the shit I gave you about messing it up is just that: shit. :huh:

I'm gonna go hang my head somewhere now. I'm just glad nobody lives close enough to come kick my ass before I get myself armed and ready. :(

Mike, if anybody asks you where I live, you don't know! OK?

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Oh quit beatin' yourself up over this. What you did was what you felt was the right thing to do, and I appreciate it! Whether I needed it or not, I now have a substantial brace system in place that ties it all together in ADDITION to the rear rack. All nice and neat, under the seat. Will get pics up tomorrow, or maybe later tonight. It's not "purdy", but I'm betting on it doing it's job.

And seriously, Wfooshee, I appreciate your concern and input, Thank you all.

Oh quit beatin' yourself up over this. What you did was what you felt was the right thing to do, and I appreciate it! Whether I needed it or not, I now have a substantial brace system in place that ties it all together in ADDITION to the rear rack. All nice and neat, under the seat. Will get pics up tomorrow, or maybe later tonight. It's not "purdy", but I'm betting on it doing it's job.And seriously, Wfooshee, I appreciate your concern and input, Thank you all.
I'm thinkin' there was some free beer in this, ya totally missed the boat. :drinks:

Looking forward to the pics!

Ok, this is what I did...


Made a bracket template out of carboard, transfered it to a .125 inch carbon steel plate, cut it out and bent to shape.


Installed one bracket on each side to connect the front Yamaha rack mounts to my mounts front holes, which are connected to the rear rack mount by way of my mount.


The back of these brackets is sandwiched between my mount and the subframe, which should relieve most of the stress put on the subframe. As you can see, I still have the entire rear rack in place.

Now, before I get all happy and call it done, some of you engineer fellas look it over and see what you think.

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Oh quit beatin' yourself up over this. What you did was what you felt was the right thing to do, and I appreciate it! Whether I needed it or not, I now have a substantial brace system in place that ties it all together in ADDITION to the rear rack. All nice and neat, under the seat. Will get pics up tomorrow, or maybe later tonight. It's not "purdy", but I'm betting on it doing it's job.And seriously, Wfooshee, I appreciate your concern and input, Thank you all.
I'm thinkin' there was some free beer in this, ya totally missed the boat. :drinks:

Looking forward to the pics!
damn, I had some other ideas shot to hell... :blink:

guess I could tell Walter's address, but I'll hold out for a possible future blackmail opportunity :rolleyes:

he'll screw da pooch again, I'm sure... :yahoo:

Ok, this is whai I did...
pic not quoted 'cause doing so is goofy

Made a bracket template out of carboard, transfered it to a .125 inch carbon steel plate, cut it out and bent to shape.

pic not quoted 'cause doing so is goofy

Installed one bracket on each side to connect the front Yamaha rack mounts to my mounts front holes, which are connected to the rear rack mount by way of my mount.

pic not quoted 'cause doing so is goofy

The back of these brackets is sandwiched between my mount and the subframe, which should relieve most of the stress put on the subframe. As you can see, I still have the entire rear rack in place.

Now, before I get all happy and call it done, some of you engineer fellas look it over and see what you think.
That's almost exactly what I had on mind, and nicely done. Well braced and invisible. Good job!!!!

Yeah, I know, I stole it from your "drawing". Now making it clear the rear seat supports, that's a whole "nuther thang."

Again, thanks go to you, and the others that have helped out here.

Well, thanks to those that commented on this last "fix", I hope it is without flaws. It would be nice if a few more looked it over and pointed out anything we may have missed...

Well, thanks to those that commented on this last "fix", I hope it is without flaws. It would be nice if a few more looked it over and pointed out anything we may have missed...
cummon ya quack...time for a real life test so you can put it to rest :clapping:

fill up that trunk with bricks to the many as it'll hold

now go for a 100 mile ride...make room for some patched, unfinished, old, and knarley stretches :blink:

when ya pull into your driveway, if the trunks still there, ya halfway there

now tie a rope to the trunk with the bike under a tree (leaving the bricks on board - optional),

and hoist the back tire off the ground just by the trunk

go inside for a sandwhich and an episode of Oprah or Dr Phil <_<

if the back wheel is still in the air, project success

have another brew and pat yourself on the back with the other hand :yahoo:

just sayin' :rolleyes:

sheeeesh; gotta hold some people's hand around here :yahoo:

Well, thanks to those that commented on this last "fix", I hope it is without flaws. It would be nice if a few more looked it over and pointed out anything we may have missed...
cummon ya quack...time for a real life test so you can put it to rest :clapping:

fill up that trunk with bricks to the many as it'll hold

now go for a 100 mile ride...make room for some patched, unfinished, old, and knarley stretches :blink:

when ya pull into your driveway, if the trunks still there, ya halfway there

now tie a rope to the trunk with the bike under a tree (leaving the bricks on board - optional),

and hoist the back tire off the ground just by the trunk

go inside for a sandwhich and an episode of Oprah or Dr Phil <_<

if the back wheel is still in the air, project success

have another brew and pat yourself on the back with the other hand :yahoo:

just sayin' :rolleyes:

sheeeesh; gotta hold some people's hand around here :yahoo:
Uh..Patriot,... Uh...That's not my can let it go now....I gotta go make peepee :ermm: :blushsmiley: :yahoo:
