Ist Annual Western Canadian Regional Ride

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Y'all are in the 2 br units, whichs means you have at least one boring :evilsmiley:

Glad to see there's still activity for the meet/in the thread - am looking forward to the meet; it's been too long since I was on the island...

Oh, it's a-happening. Just fine tuning the catering this week.......

Is it Sept yet?

Glad to see there's still activity for the meet/in the thread - am looking forward to the meet; it's been too long since I was on the island...

Oh, it's a-happening. Just fine tuning the catering this week.......

Is it Sept yet?
Whoa... Whoa! WHOA! Don't rush summer - I'm just now gettin' used to it! :glare: k7lvo, If you would like to trade our summers, here you go; Enjoy 110+!

Thank God Seth and I leave The Valley of the Blast Furnace AZ for Roseburg, Oregon Monday Morning 7/12; spending time with ShinyPartsUp La Familia and BMW Rally at the Redmond Fairgrounds.

Then off to see Patti and FJRay in LaPine; followed by WFO in the foggy redwoods of Eureka, California. It is going to be rough to return to Phoenix this Summer; after spending June in Quebec CFR!

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...Thank God Seth and I leave The Valley of the Blast Furnace AZ for Roseburg, Oregon Monday Morning 7/12; spending time with ShinyPartsUp La Familia and BMW Rally at the Redmond Fairgrounds.

Then off to see Patti and FJRay in LaPine; followed by WFO in the foggy redwoods of Eureka, California. It is going to be rough to return to Phoenix this Summer; after spending June in Quebec CFR!
You mean Seth, Dolly and you, right! ;)

...Thank God Seth and I leave The Valley of the Blast Furnace AZ for Roseburg, Oregon Monday Morning 7/12; spending time with ShinyPartsUp La Familia and BMW Rally at the Redmond Fairgrounds.

Then off to see Patti and FJRay in LaPine; followed by WFO in the foggy redwoods of Eureka, California. It is going to be rough to return to Phoenix this Summer; after spending June in Quebec CFR!
You mean Seth, Dolly and you, right! ;)
You are correct indeed, Jeff! Seth and I have to leave WFO on Friday morning, Seth starts his new Junior High School in Chandler on Monday 7/26. But we will hand Miss Dolly off to Michael and Kat, the ShinyPartsUp's; and they will see to it that Dolly the Sheep makes it on to WCR. From there Party Girl Dolly The Sheep will need transport on to Taos, New Mexico for SW-FOG 2010! Ai, Fiesta!!

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Glad to see there's still activity for the meet/in the thread - am looking forward to the meet; it's been too long since I was on the island...

Oh, it's a-happening. Just fine tuning the catering this week.......

Is it Sept yet?
Whoa... Whoa! WHOA! Don't rush summer - I'm just now gettin' used to it! :glare: k7lvo, If you would like to trade our summers, here you go; Enjoy 110+!

Thank God Seth and I leave The Valley of the Blast Furnace AZ for Roseburg, Oregon Monday Morning 7/12; spending time with ShinyPartsUp La Familia and BMW Rally at the Redmond Fairgrounds.

Then off to see Patti and FJRay in LaPine; followed by WFO in the foggy redwoods of Eureka, California. It is going to be rough to return to Phoenix this Summer; after spending June in Quebec CFR!
If I lived in the Valley of the Blast Furnace, I'd be saying "Don't rush winter!" But, I don't, so, I won't...

Just (not) sayin'... :D

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So here is the plan... or as much planning as I do. :secret:

- Collect a donut from a bet on the World Cup.

- Fly out of Toronto on July 17th for Iceland

- Ride a Yamaha Dual-Sport XT660 R up and down the side of volcanos for two weeks.

- Fly back home.

- Install Brodie's Grounding Harness to get rid of any potential spider bites (Brodie is having a friend handle production chores)

- Work on my club’s Mid-Summer Dream Trail Ride.

- Open a good bottle of wine with friends on my birthday.

- Leave Bowmanville on or about Aug 25th.

- Wander around the northern States (Needles Highway & Glacier National Park)

- Head north (way north) to see a friend in Hazelton and go over to Hyler AK (just because it's there)

- Come back down south turning towards the coast at Lillooet.

- Stop at GP Suspensions and get the FJR's legs tuned up and probably a new set of PR2's. Also give my butt a break.

- Turn around and head for the WCR

- Visit some friends & relatives on the Island and Vancouver.

- Make it back over the mountains before the snows or have my skis shipped to me in Whistler. I'm not clear on that part yet. :umnik:

- Check in with some relatives in Manitoba.

- Wander back home.

- Put the FJR in the barn, take out the WR450 and go ride the Corduroy Enduro.

- Work on my club’s Great Pine Enduro.

- Hibernate for the rest of the year.

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So here is the plan... or as much planning as I do. :secret: - Collect a donut from a bet on the World Cup.

- Fly out of Toronto on July 17th for Iceland

- Ride a Yamaha Dual-Sport XT660 R up and down the side of volcanos for two weeks.

- Fly back home.

- Install Brodie's Grounding Harness to get rid of any potential spider bites (Brodie is having a friend handle production chores)

- Work on my club’s Mid-Summer Dream Trail Ride.

- Open a good bottle of wine with friends on my birthday.

- Leave Bowmanville on or about Aug 25th.

- Wander around the northern States (Needles Highway & Glacier National Park)

- Head north (way north) to see a friend in Hazelton and go over to Hyler AK (just because it's there)

- Come back down south turning towards the coast at Lillooet.

- Stop at GP Suspensions and get the FJR's legs tuned up and probably a new set of PR2's. Also give my butt a break.

- Turn around and head for the WCR

- Visit some friends & relatives on the Island and Vancouver.

- Make it back over the mountains before the snows or have my skis shipped to me in Whistler. I'm not clear on that part yet. :umnik:

- Check in with some relatives in Manitoba.

- Wander back home.

- Put the FJR in the barn, take out the WR450 and go ride the Corduroy Enduro.

- Work on my club’s Great Pine Enduro.

- Hibernate for the rest of the year.
WOW! That rivals Beemerdons itinerary for the year. I'm a jealous bastage.

Wow Bill, that's quite a bit of moving!! Do ya think maybe this winter while Hibernating you could maybe crochet me a doily??

I mean, I know Beerdons is retired and he does this kinda thing :lol: during downtime.


So here is the plan... or as much planning as I do. :secret: - Collect a donut from a bet on the World Cup.

- Fly out of Toronto on July 17th for Iceland

- Ride a Yamaha Dual-Sport XT660 R up and down the side of volcanos for two weeks.

- Fly back home.

- Install Brodie's Grounding Harness to get rid of any potential spider bites (Brodie is having a friend handle production chores)

- Work on my club’s Mid-Summer Dream Trail Ride.

- Open a good bottle of wine with friends on my birthday.

- Leave Bowmanville on or about Aug 25th.

- Wander around the northern States (Needles Highway & Glacier National Park)

- Head north (way north) to see a friend in Hazelton and go over to Hyler AK (just because it's there)

- Come back down south turning towards the coast at Lillooet.

- Stop at GP Suspensions and get the FJR's legs tuned up and probably a new set of PR2's. Also give my butt a break.

- Turn around and head for the WCR

- Visit some friends & relatives on the Island and Vancouver.

- Make it back over the mountains before the snows or have my skis shipped to me in Whistler. I'm not clear on that part yet. :umnik:

- Check in with some relatives in Manitoba.

- Wander back home.

- Put the FJR in the barn, take out the WR450 and go ride the Corduroy Enduro.

- Work on my club’s Great Pine Enduro.

- Hibernate for the rest of the year.
WOW! That rivals Beemerdons itinerary for the year. I'm a jealous bastage.
WOW is right, SPU! SkooterG and Fairlaner used to be my Heroes! To Hell with those limp wristed Pussies, Bill-yamafitter is my new HERO! Iceland!: La Puta, right after Morocco: ICELAND IS TITS!

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So here is the plan... or as much planning as I do. :secret: - Collect a donut from a bet on the World Cup.

- Fly out of Toronto on July 17th for Iceland...
WOW! That rivals Beemerdons itinerary for the year. I'm a jealous bastage.
WOW is right, SPU! SkooterG and Fairlaner used to be my Heroes! To Hell with those limp wristed Pussies, Bill-yamafitter is my new HERO! Iceland!: La Puta, right after Morocco: ICELAND IS TITS!
Getting that donut out of that cheap Dutchman is turning out to be the hardest part!!

Oh man I'm still on the fence for this ride...........maybe...........some one push me!
