Ist Annual Western Canadian Regional Ride

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maybe we can rustle up some boobs and bikinis on the beach here for ya ;)
Are you volunteering????? :dribble: :blush2:

Jes' wondering..... :heart:
Moi? Non! I think MEM agreed to tho whilst PWI the other night tho... :eek:
No swimsuit for me. Can't spare the room in my sidecases.
Or bring a really really small swimsuit. :blink:

It sooooo doesn't matter to me. Unlike Brian, I'm a leg man.
Um..... mm2.... you kind of missed my point :rolleyes: Put on a helmet and get in the game, big guy!

Speaking of which, I need you guys to cheer for Canada in the hockey game tonight. Save me from having to send a 6-pack to NC :unsure:

I see this thread went to hell in a hand basket.......
Was Barry here?
No -- the talk here was about drunken and scantily clad women writing bad checks. I'm pretty sure there was NO discussion of sheep, since I've never seen one with a checkbook and would have taken note of that.

Sure doesn't take much to get a tread all morphed out of shape. Richard just mentioned he may take a break after three years of performing a very worth while task helping out a cause of epidemic proportion and it turns to shit in a hurry. So Fairlaner, it's all you're fault for mentioning the "B" (i.e. Bikini, Breast, Busta) word.

Sure doesn't take much to get a tread all morphed out of shape. Richard just mentioned he may take a break after three years of performing a very worth while task helping out a cause of epidemic proportion and it turns to shit in a hurry. So Fairlaner, it's all you're fault for mentioning the "B" (i.e. Bikini, Breast, Busta) word.
Richard, Dan is right! You were indeed the one sending the thread train careening off of the tracks, by first mentioning the "B's": Bikini, Breast and Bustanut joker!

I swam off the beach at Tofino last year in July, f'freezing and shrinkage was a major factor, more like hypothermiaI'd rather go swimming in the Ottawa river, we only have 15" of ice at the moment.

I keep looking at this, thinking there is no way I can get the time off to do this but boy am I tempted.

You have no idea what shrinkage is until you have become an offical member of the ARCTIC Ocean Polar Bear Club.

I've done some stupid things and this ranks near the top.

I have the proof that I'm stupid.


I was able to feel my fingers and toes about 20 minutes after this shot. And I have the diploma. It was August 12th, please note the water & air temperatures.


This is the kind of thing I would expect from Bustanut.

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I swam off the beach at Tofino last year in July, f'freezing and shrinkage was a major factor, more like hypothermiaI'd rather go swimming in the Ottawa river, we only have 15" of ice at the moment.

I keep looking at this, thinking there is no way I can get the time off to do this but boy am I tempted.

You have no idea what shrinkage is until you have become an offical member of the ARTIC Ocean Polar Bear Club.

I've done some stupid things and this ranks near the top.

I have the proof that I'm stupid.


I was able to feel my fingers and toes about 20 minutes after this shot. And I have the diploma. It was August 12th, please note the water & air temperatures.


This is the kind of thing I would expect from Bustanut.
Bill your expectations are way to high! I might be a bit touched But, I ain't crazy! I mean even without shrinkage, I make old Micheal look big...

I admire your courage, and am actually envious of the places you've been, things you've seen. Rock on my friend! Rock on! :good:


I swam off the beach at Tofino last year in July, f'freezing and shrinkage was a major factor, more like hypothermiaI'd rather go swimming in the Ottawa river, we only have 15" of ice at the moment.

I keep looking at this, thinking there is no way I can get the time off to do this but boy am I tempted.

You have no idea what shrinkage is until you have become an offical member of the ARTIC Ocean Polar Bear Club.

I've done some stupid things and this ranks near the top.

I have the proof that I'm stupid.


I was able to feel my fingers and toes about 20 minutes after this shot. And I have the diploma. It was August 12th, please note the water & air temperatures.


This is the kind of thing I would expect from Bustanut.

So, the water was actually warmer than the air. Don't see the problem. B)

In a lame attempt to put this thread somewhat back on track I have booked my accommodation at Ocean Resort in Parkside. I was only able to get a 2 bedroom suite so there is one bedroom available if someone wanted to share.

Also I have booked an appointment at GP Suspensions on the way out to respring and revalve the front forks and respring and rebuild my Wilbers rear shock.

Now my FJR will stop acting like a wallowing walrus in the twisties. :yahoo:

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Also I have booked an appointment at GP Suspensions on the way out to respring and revalve the front forks and respring and rebuild my Wilbers rear shock.Now my FJR will stop acting like a wallowing walrus in the twisties. :yahoo:
You will sure notice the difference after the rebuild! I sure did. Mine was long over due as well.

In a lame attempt to put this thread somewhat back on track............
No attempt to keep this thread back on track is wasted, Yama. I need all the help I can get!

Rally Coordinator
This is the FJR Forum.

Unwritten rule #1: Every thread at any time CAN and WILL be hijacked and sent spiraling into a void morass (just for Bustanut because he needs more....).

Hey, it's the rule and we always follow rules! :bleh:

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In a lame attempt to put this thread somewhat back on track............
No attempt to keep this thread back on track is wasted, Yama. I need all the help I can get!

Rally Coordinator
This is the FJR Forum.

Unwritten rule #1: Every thread at any time CAn and WILL be hijacked and sent spiraling into a void morass (just for Bustanut because he nees more....).

Hey, it's the rule and we always follow rules! :bleh:
Bienvenido al foro FJR de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, México. Espero que te diviertas aquí! Tanta gente estupenda e informativos artículos técnicos acerca de su nueva FJR 1300. Suerte y Recuerdos, Papa Chuy

In a lame attempt to put this thread somewhat back on track I have booked my accommodation at Ocean Resort in Parkside. I was only able to get a 2 bedroom suite so there is one bedroom available if someone wanted to share.Also I have booked an appointment at GP Suspensions on the way out to respring and revalve the front forks and respring and rebuild my Wilbers rear shock.

Now my FJR will stop acting like a wallowing walrus in the twisties. :yahoo:
Bill: Sylvia and I just registered and will need a room - happy to share your suite if the spare bedroom's still available? Let me know. Dave

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I have booked my accommodation at Ocean Resort in Parkside. I was only able to get a 2 bedroom suite so there is one bedroom available if someone wanted to share.Also I have booked an appointment at GP Suspensions on the way out to respring and revalve the front forks and respring :
Bill: Sylvia and I just registered and will need a room - happy to share your suite if the spare bedroom's still available? Let me know. Dave
Sorry people but FastJoyRide has stepped into the unknown and has picked up the spare room. :drinks:
