I've become a sissy!!!!!!!!

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All I am going to say is this. If you up to it. Let's get together on the parking lot and i will have you do few drills that are bound to help you out.
What days do you have open? I'm working tomorrow 7a-8a(my relief is coming in late), so that's out. Other than that, I work every 4th day. So, this month I work the 18,22,26 & 30. The day after is a 50/50 shot, depending on the shift. This past friday I got 15 mins of sleep, the whole day! So saturday, I was unconscious 'til 5.
We can do it one of the weekends. Mean while try to clear your head. What you are going through right now is absolutely normal and I would be afraid if you weren't thinking about what you are after 3 crashes. Go to the library and pick up Total Control by Lee Parks mean while.

Lots of wise (and wise-ass) advice here, as usual. Your survival instinct seems pretty strong. If I do ABC and DEF happens, it hurts like heck and lasts a long time. Since I can't control DEF, I'd better not do ABC. Get the idea? For some people, one crash is too many and they don't ride again. It sounds to me as though you WANT to ride, but parts of you aren't quite ready yet.

I can empathize to a degree. A couple of years back, DH got beaten up pretty badly at the hands of a careless driver. For several weeks, I was nervous driving a car and then the first time on a bike I was a mess. When I pulled over for a fire truck going Code 3, I got all teary eyed thinking that there was a truck just like that went to Andy's aid. Time passed. I got over it.

My prescription for you is tincture of time. ATGATT is a given (and if you need to ask why, you don't get it). The ERC class is a great idea and should really help. Even the best riders have some bad habits that they can work on. Ride the bike gently for a while. Yes, I know it goes against the grain to pilot a rocket ship slowly, but ease into it. Keep yourself out of high-stress, panic situations when possible. Short, easy, frequent rides are what will rebuild your confidence.

If you want to chat more about confidence, and the lack of it, drop me a PM. Believe me, it's a topic I know well.


Thanks Silver. Trust me,this gearless cruise was nowhere near my usual. Sorta like not wearing gloves on a call, the one time you don't it's some one covered in **** or blood w/ no way to avoid it. Or better yet, not safing a needle and just tossing it on the bench seat of the rig :eek: . Either way, it's asking for trouble..

As you begin to feel anxious, imagine yourself satisfied and feeling good at the end of your ride. Keep concentrating on that or a similar image. My suggestion.

Thanks Silver. Trust me,this gearless cruise was nowhere near my usual. Sorta like not wearing gloves on a call, the one time you don't it's some one covered in **** or blood w/ no way to avoid it. Or better yet, not safing a needle and just tossing it on the bench seat of the rig :eek: . Either way, it's asking for trouble..
LOL! You talk my language. The day that you don't bother wearing gloves......... the day that you don't secure a sharp......... the day that you ride your bike in shorts, tank top and flip flops....... :rolleyes:

