I've Got Stones...

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I have sudden need to go take a pain pill, and drink a 6 pack just from reading this thread!

Oh wait... I always have that urge this time of day :drinks:

One hit me 12 yrs. ago about 2 blocks from work. Went in, threw up and so sick just like that, I went home. Rolled around in pain all day and finally went to a clinic. The doc knew right a way. Gave me a shot, pills, and required me to get someone to drive me home. Took ten days to pass that critter and suddenly the pain was gone. Running made it feel better for the pain. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I would go running. Ran at lunch time, morning, evening, but I only missed that one day of work.

Few days later, I took a FAA flight physical(fly for fun). The FAA doesn't take kindly to things that can be disabling in the cockpit like kidney stones!!! Had to provide CT info showing no more stones lined up in the near future, so finally got my medical back. Been clean since.

There's a down and an up to this.

The down is the pain. I had one several years ago that dropped me on my office floor. I don't wish that on anybody.

The up is that the fix is pretty quick and simple.

Ha! Glad this is providing some entertainment. Thanks for the helpful & hilarious responses.

Bad news: I had an obstruction. More bad news: I have a kidney infection.

Good news: The obstruction has cleared :yahoo: I'll spare you the painful details.

So, I'll keep taking the antibiotics & hope this mess clears up in time for SFO. :scooter:

i have one right now also,as a vet in this area you know just what it is,nausea instantly,threw up in my car,work car lol,carry 2 vicoden in case it really gets bad,you can feel it go from kidney working its way thru urinary tract.pain,you dont know pain.as they say.this to shall pass.

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Kidney stones. :(
Had labs & imaging done today. Am on antibiotics & pain meds.

Already nixed the camping plans & have motels lined up, just hope this curse resolves so I can still make it.
old pilot,

Been where you are now, the pain was so bad that after awhile I was curled up in a ball on the floor. Since the incident, I never ever get dehydrated, wake up in the evening to drink a bit of juice/water. Had another episode, (sand this time not stones) on a stressful day, used hydrocodone for pain, don't like the itch it leaves you with when it wears off. Two things bring it on for me, dehydration and combined stress are sure indicators. I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on my worst enemy, well, maybe... hehe.

Mine both passed, one thing to keep in mind there is a point where the ureter crosses part of the lower intestine can be as painful as when they first drop out of the kidney into the top of the ureter.

I know you have to decide when the pain starts to hit it with meds, but have to wait for 20 to 30 minutes before the relief kicks in, that is a PITA, trying to guess when the pain is kidney stone pain.

Wish you a speedy recovery, BTW. I went snowmobiling in Feb when I had it and believe it or not I swear the bouncing motion helped it (them) pass quicker. I know, a glutton for punishment. hehe

This made me laugh my ass off, Seinfeld episode, link fast forward to 19:55.


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Never had stones myself, but my badass, never cry, tough dob ex-wife had em...

She cried like a baby.

She's only 5'2" and 98 lbs and pushed my 2ea 9 lb kids out in birth with no anesthesia... Tough chick fer sure..

Hang in there... Hope ta see ya in ES...

I've seen your pain - but thankfully never experienced it. DH had a bad experience with a stone, during a road trip. Started with back pain, but long days on a cruiser will do that to anyone. Then he was up all night with the pain and nausea. We were in a motel in Nowheresville during the heaviest rain in years. Nearest doc was 12 miles away. DH was in too much pain, and danger of throwing up, to wear a helmet so two-up on my bike wouldn't cut it. Hitched a ride with the motel manager. A shot of demerol put the lights out for a while.

Doc wanted to admit DH to a hospital which was about 90 miles away via twisty mountain road. (Flooded at the low end, snow at the high end), or 200 mile via freeway. Going on the back of my bike didn't seem like a good plan, so we opted for pain control, hydration and observation by a critical care nurse, in the motel room.

Two days later, we resumed the ride with the big V-Twin shaking everything around. Lots of memories from that trip, just not the kind we expected when we planned it.

BTW - for anyone who doesn't know, if the doc goes in to retrieve the stones, there is no incision made. Go figure!
