J. Burleigh’s Morning Commute Video

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
For the past 3-1/2 years, cold, dark, rain, or shine, I’ve been commuting around the Bay Area by motorcycle for my job. I typically commute about 90 miles round-trip each day.

My morning commute starts off kinda quiet and peaceful, because I prefer to toodle along the back roads to avoid traffic on my way to the freeway. But when I merge onto the freeway, the pace picks up a bit. Uh, quite a bit actually.

So sit back, turn up the speakers on your computer, and hold onto your hats, ‘cause we’ve got sunny skies and dry pavement, and it’s morning rush hour in the San Francisco Bay Area:


My Favorite Part of the Day

:clapping: :yahoo:

Great video, Hans. I love the music selection. Believe it or not, the morning commute is sometimes the best way for me, also. Of course, at 0430 I don't have near the traffic you do. :lol:

Another prize winner and what can I say about that soundtrack? Inspirational at first and then wham! We're surfing the traffic pipeline with Dick Dale and SRV. Two thumbs way up! :good: :good:

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Did you catch the guy getting a ticket near the Bay Bridge?
Yep. And how about the poor SOB motorcyclist stuck in the three-foot wide fast-lane shoulder broken down?

As for getting a ticket for violating the HOV lane, after years of crossing that strip through the toll plaza where they pick you off, I would say you have a 99.9% probability of making it through without getting caught at any time during morning rush. But I don't play the lottery either (nor do I drive a car, so it won't come up--except taking the limo to the airport occasionally).


Another prize winner and what can I say about that soundtrack? Inspirational at first and then wham! We're surfing the traffic pipeline with Dick Dale and SRV. Two thumbs way up! :good: :good:
Thank you M2 and Evil.

Evil, I see you know your surf music. I picked that song because I felt it conveyed the pace of the freeway, but I never thought about the "surfing" metaphor--"surfing the traffic pipeline." That's a perfect description, because it captures why the faster-moving portions of the freeway are so much fun!

Thanks again for the compliments--and two thumbs up to Evil for the surfing metaphor! :good: :good:


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Nice video, makes me happy I live in a town thats only big enough for a rush half hour. :rolleyes:

Ah yes, good ol' CA. All those great roads, AND lane-sharing. I bet the daily traffic slalom event really has you showing up at work with a smile on your face. All the cagers opposed to lane sharing are just trying to justify their envy. It's like having an F-16 in a sky full of biplanes....if one is willing to assume the horses-arse attitude. :lol:

I would say you have a 99.9% probability of making it through without getting caught at any time during morning rush.
What's the fine, like $300.00? I wonder if anybody has done the math and figures it's cheaper to get caught that .1% of the time than to pay $4.00 and wait in line every weekday.

Another twisted justification for getting on a bike!

Nice video. I had to go back and check if you had bags on or not :unsure:

When I was in CA I was really confused about motorcycles and HOV lanes. Only a few HOV had the "Motorcycles OK" sign and I was initially reluctant to use HOV where it wasn't displayed. After a while I noticed that other riders used the HOV no matter if a sign was posted or not and I joined suit. Only today did I find out that.

"Motorcycles OK" signs have been removed from most HOV lanes on California's freeways. According to Caltrans, the signs were removed because this information is public knowledge and appears in California's Driver's Manual. Most drivers and some motorcyclists are unaware that it is legal for motorcyclists to use these lanes. This situation could potentially lead to road rage as drivers 'protect' their space from'unlawful' motorcycle use. We petition to have these signs replaced or added to all California HOV lanes. ... "

Nice Vid and tune selection....although I enjoy "diceing" it up with freeway traffic at times.....I'm glad my morning/afternoon commute consists of deserted 2-lanes with an occasional tractor or School Bus..... :glare: However still enjoyable :yahoo:

Thanks for the contribution J

Nice video. I had to go back and check if you had bags on or not :unsure:
Thank you. Me, I never commute with the side bags because they're too wide for some of the situations I want to get through. Even without them the bike's kinda wide. I do put the side bags on when I have a sales call and can't walk into the client site in my Aerostitch. So I stuff everything in the bags. The Aerostitch, sans back and hip pads, will stuff into the Givi trunk, which I ALWAYS use since it carries my laptop and stuff.

On those occasions when I do have the bags on, I'm happy to have them at night, because with the reflectors they widen my image aspect to cars coming up from the rear (actually, as you can see from the video, I keep a pace ahead of traffic, so I am rarely passed--like the other day by a zip car going about 100 MPH, which is why I try always to practice "soft" lane changes).

When I was in CA I was really confused about motorcycles and HOV lanes. ...This situation could potentially lead to road rage as drivers 'protect' their space from'unlawful' motorcycle use.
Besides the time savings and better gas mileage, my avoiding $4.00 a day bridge toll by using the HOV lane is another good reason to commute by motorcycle. Throw on top of that the mileage reimbursement I get from my job, and my commute is practically free!

And speaking of "road rage," I have never had anyone go after me (far as I know). At worst, I've had a few cars nudge over in an apparent attempt to close the door on me. But nothing thrown out a car window, or jumping over the line on purpose, let alone opening a door. Based on my experience, those are Urban Myths. Of course Bay Area commuters know about motorcycles.... :D


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:thumbsup: The lead in had me anticipating a crescendo from something like, “In the Hall of the Mountain King”!
....if one is willing to assume the horses-arse attitude. :lol:
Hasn't been a problem for me yet. But you already know that... :glare:

But as a matter of fact, there were a couple of "moves" in earlier versions of the vid that are on the cutting-room floor because I didn't want to take the heat. So maybe it has been a problem for me. I've learned there are some very experienced and smart riders on this site (much more experienced than I, and who probably make wiser choices more often than I), so I'm trying to be respectful of that collective knowledge and experience and not make a COMPLETE ass of myself...much. :unsure:


please tell me you have a good term life ins policy...you could never get away with that in texas....someone would open their car door to keep from getting passed.

:thumbsup: The lead in had me anticipating a crescendo from something like, “In the Hall of the Mountain King”!
Great minds think alike: That was my original theme for my "return commute" video posted earlier this week: Return Commute

But it starts too quiet and doesn't crescendo till later. Had to drop it.

Thanks for the note.


please tell me you have a good term life ins policy...you could never get away with that in texas....someone would open their car door to keep from getting passed.
At least one good reason not to live in Texas. Not that Texas is the only place you might have that problem. For some reason there are people that seem to think that by lane splitting you (as the motorcyclist) are "cutting in line" or "cheating" or some other "it's not fair" type argument.

I just moved to WA from CA last May and really miss the ability to split lanes. Not only do most drivers not go out of their way to block lane splitting they will often make more room. I sure that some of it is knowing that if they opened their car door and killed a rider they would have a tough time trying to defend that negligent homicide charge.

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please tell me you have a good term life ins policy...you could never get away with that in texas....someone would open their car door to keep from getting passed.
At least one good reason not to live in Texas. Not that Texas is the only place you might have that problem. For some reason there are people that seem to think that by lane splitting you (as the motorcyclist) are "cutting in line" or "cheating" or some other "it's not fair" type argument.

I just moved to WA from CA last May and really miss the ability to split lanes. Not only do most drivers not go out of their way to block lane splitting they will often make more room. I sure that some of it is knowing that if they opened their car door and killed a rider they would have a tough time trying to defend that negligent homicide charge.
It's a wonderful privilege we have in California, for sure. I'm not sure I could ride a bike (at least as a commuter) if I couldn't lane share. It's a curious comment to make about Texans that they're basically sociopaths with anger-management issues.... Certainly nothing to be proud of.

Thanks for your comment,


Ah yes, good ol' CA. All those great roads, AND lane-sharing. I bet the daily traffic slalom event really has you showing up at work with a smile on your face. All the cagers opposed to lane sharing are just trying to justify their envy. It's like having an F-16 in a sky full of biplanes....if one is willing to assume the horses-arse attitude. :lol:
I would say you have a 99.9% probability of making it through without getting caught at any time during morning rush.
What's the fine, like $300.00? I wonder if anybody has done the math and figures it's cheaper to get caught that .1% of the time than to pay $4.00 and wait in line every weekday.

Another twisted justification for getting on a bike!
HOV lane violation was quietly bumped to $498 begining this year !!!! :blink: The signs for a $271 fine are outdated !

Made me rethink my solo use of that lane !

Oh yeah, forgot to add that the second violation is about $1000!

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Me, I'm glad I don't have your daily ride.. Used to when I lived down South in LaLaLand. I will never complain about my dirt road again... :rolleyes:
