I've done 1 wheelie, just 1.
I was going on a nice ride, on a beautiful day. A guy in a Ford Mustang GT passed me on a 4 lane road. A minute later, he was going slower, so I passed him. Another minute passed, and he passed me. This went on for 10 miles or so, and I started to get aggravated with this cat and mouse game, as I just wanted to ride carefree. Eventually, we end up at a redlight, with him in the left lane and me in the right, right up front. He was in a convertible, with music a blaring. As we waited, I could hear him revving his engine, but never looked my way. I thought to myself that he might want to pull off the line, and if so, why not. So I looked at the light for the other traffic crossing in front of us. I thought I would wait to see what he would do when the light turned green, just to be sure I didn't misinterpret his intentions. When I saw the yellow for the other traffic, I heard his engine rpm's rise. Still, I had to be sure. So when it turned green, he jumped off the line.
I rolled for a 1/2 second, then poured on the throttle. In an instant the front end came up, about 8 or so inches (felt like 2 foot) and then slowly came down about the time I hit 2nd. Before I knew it, I was doing about 90 mph, and the mustang was way back there. I slowed down to the speed limit. The mustang got into the right lane, and stayed at least 300 ft. from me for the next 4 miles, before turning off.
That was it, my only time pulling a wheelie. It felt friggin' great! But....as great as it felt, I haven't done it again.