Just got the phone call I've always dreaded about a fellow PGR member...

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Mike - my condolences to you and yours . Don't worry about your own riding now. For those of us who ride defensively, it's the very sad luck of the draw.

For those of us who ride defensively, it's the very sad luck of the draw.
I'd only add "For those of us who ride defensively and practice ATGATT", and to please visit the "Stay right" link in my sig.

Apparently, this person was hit by an oncoming big-rig in his lane. I like to give those idiots as much room as possible, while still staying on pavement. He may have already been in the right shoulder when hit, but I've seen some lane violators who would have tagged me if I was in the left half of my lane. Food for serious thought....


Very sorry for the loss of your friend and fellow PGR member. May he forever RIP.

Here a picture of the PGR at work in his memory.....


Thank you all very much... :rolleyes:

"Shared sorrow is half"

Here's the State Police article on the accident...

State Police statement on Mike Barris's fatal accident

I appreciate the true mantra which will forever run through my head:

Stay right, stay alive

along with Ride like ya invisible and they are all out to kill you

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Here's the State Police article on the accident...
The driver of the Western Star 18-wheeler...was charged and booked into the St. Helena Jail on the following charges, Improper Lane Usage(R.S.32:79) and Negligent Homicide (R.S.14:32).
Damned shame. 1 life ended, another seriously jacked up, many torn apart, due to "Improper Lane Usage".

The news release didn't say anything to indicate the degree of improper lane usage, so it's not clear if this was avoidable by staying right or not. I'd sure like to get a peek at the full report....

I appreciate the true mantra which will forever run through my head:
Stay right, stay alive

along with Ride like ya invisible and they are all out to kill you
I tell everybody who will listen that I ride like I'm a running back whose just been given a handoff, anticipating what could end my run and juking as necessary to "take it to the house". It's been good to me so far....

Worth seeing again:

Awesome uniformity!

What are those Patriots using for flagpoles? Portable on bikes? Got a link?

What are those Patriots using for flagpoles? Portable on bikes?

Mine are 3/4" diameter type G (thick walled and hard plastic) PVC pipe, total height 8', cut in 4' sections and joined with PVC screw together connectors.

On top are either a gold flag ball or I use a connector glued on with a PVC end cap painted gold with spray enamel

Flags are nylon, light, breezy, and white cable tied to a hold drilled through the PVC pipe pole

I put 12 broken down poles with flags into a Navy type duffle bag with 12 3/8" 3' long pieces of reebar, so if I have more flags than people, I can hammer the reebar 1 foot into the ground and put the flag on it without someone having to hold it.

When I ride myself to a mission and don't have a cager to bring flags, I bungee the duffle bag with 6 flags, a hammer, and a small ice chest of 6 bottles of water and a pack of peanut butter crackers to the seat of the bike laying across to provide to my flag liners.

Have to ride in the center of the lane with 6" of pole/duffle sticking out over the bags on each side.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

pics to follow

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So very sorry to read of your and our loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and his family.

..and to follow Toe's theme, yes, I am a proud GR (gutter rider). Most all pix you see of me I'm waay to the right. Just last Sunday a motobiker was seriously injured on the infamous 229, the call came over emergency radio as 'motorcycle versus automobile collision'... :angry:

Sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy to say a last goodby to a friend. There will be prayers for you and his family.

Wow, just read the accident report. Such a senseless incident. Wouldnt be surprised to find that the truck driver was distracted by cell phone or log book or some other silliness. God speed Michael.

Let me add my condolences to you and all of Mike's family and friends. I hate to hear of a rider going down, and more when there's a connection like this--a friend of or through the forum. Plus I admire what you PGR guys do, which makes it harder yet, and that quote from your friend Janet pushed it right over the damn choke-up line.

that quote from your friend Janet pushed it right over the damn choke-up line

again, thanx so much to all of you...your kindness, support, and affection comes through loud and clear

means everything to me in this situation which is only starting to creshendo to unbearability as the weekend grows near

I've asked my wife to accompany on this mission as she is my helpmate, best friend, and crying post

It will be her first funeral mission - she and my daughters choose to only attend Welcome Homes

re: Janet's remark - I have her personal permission to quote her at every opportunity

I choke up everytime I repeat it and expect to; will probably wail when I speak it to Mike's widow, Karen, at the funeral while introducing Janet to her and Janet making a presentation like Mike was a PGR KIA. Her idea and plan.
