Just got the phone call I've always dreaded about a fellow PGR member...

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Damn, Mike, I hate reading these things. I ride with Oregon Patriot Guards and have attended 2 rides for 3 PGR members.

To your friend and our fallen brother Mike: Stand down, warrior. Be at rest. We'll take it over from here.

Thank you all very much... :rolleyes:
"Shared sorrow is half"

Here's the State Police article on the accident...

State Police statement on Mike Barris's fatal accident

I appreciate the true mantra which will forever run through my head:

Stay right, stay alive

along with Ride like ya invisible and they are all out to kill you

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
As a commerical truck driver in past years, and the description of the accident in the report, IMHO I would guess that the truck driver fell asleep at the wheel. One of the things that was of great concern to me when I drove was the amount of drivers, me included, was the fact that long-haul drivers were operating without enough sleep.

The report said the truck continued to travel off the roadway and into a tree. Classic case of asleep at the wheel and not uncommon. Just .02 cents worth and to be taken with a grain of salt. Painman. <><

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please insert as an "update" to the thread for Michael D. Bares, 52, PGR Rider, Independence, LA. I've included a photo of Mike Bares as an attachment. Crop it or size it as you see fit. Thank you


UPDATE - Mike Bares, 52, PGR Rider, Independence, LA, 31 Jan 09 - First, there is NO CHANGE to the below itinerary. Second - I just wanted everyone to know ... one of the units at Fort Polk, LA, decided that Mike, despite being non-prior-military, deserved something more because of his service with the PGR. They applied for, and were granted, permission to render military courtesies at his service. At their direction, Mike's coffin will be draped with a US flag, and a detail of soldiers will perform the flag folding ceremony at the conclusion of the services. This is an honor I have not heard of being done in recent memory and I know that Mike would be extremely humble and proud to receive this honor. If any of you ever wondered if your services go unnoticed or unappreciated by our men and women in uniform - put that question to rest.

I heard about this a couple of days ago but was holding it close, hoping to keep it a surprise for the family. That is no longer possible, as Karen (Mike's wife) called me yesterday with the news. The Army, of course, wanted to make sure the family was OK with their presence, and word got back to Karen yesterday afternoon. She was incredibly proud to tell me about the flag and military honors, and told me the family feels deeply honored. We talked for about 30 minutes and that tough lady did nothing but thank me for the PGR's participation in the services. I assured her that thanks were not necessary and that we were doing what we do for our brother, one of our own, who all of us have no doubts - would have done the same for us.


Michael D. Bares 52, Independence, LA, 31 Jan 09 - Saturday morning, all riders need to meet NO LATER THAN 0930 at the parking lot for Chevy's nightclub in Hammond on Wardline Rd. It is the second exit going north on I-55 from I-12. Exit to the right (east) and Chevy's nightclub is on the left (north) a little ways down. HUGE parking lot. We will have LEO escorted ride from there to the funeral home - leaving Chevy's NO LATER THAN 0945, putting us at the funeral home for approx. 1000 am. Below is mapquest link to Chevy's (copy and paste). Food, drink, and restrooms will be available next door at the Burger King.


There should be ample parking at the funeral home lot. We will man a flag line throughout the visitation and service. Weather should be bone chilling cold in the morning moderating a little by noon. Those coming in cages are asked to add a few bottled waters for those on bikes.

Prayers for all for a safe ride.

NO FURTHER UPDATES ARE ANTICIPATED. Questions - 225-933-8506 John Colter a.k.a. coltergeist


Please update mission thread:https://www.patriotguard.org/Forums/tabid/61/postid/1072745/view/topic/Default.aspx

Update: Itinerary for services for PGR member Michael D. Bares, 52, Independence, LA - 31 January 09.

Service will be Saturday, 01/31/09.

Visitation will be at 1000 at Harry McNealy Funeral Home, 2000 N. Morrison Blvd., Hammond, LA. Service will be at 1200 hrs. at the funeral home. Mike requested cremation so there will be no procession or escort following the service.

I am volunteering for Ride Captain for this mission. My request to all is that we meet off-site and ride en masse to the funeral home at 1015 hrs. I will work on a staging site and post a final itinerary by Friday. Thanks to all for your many thoughts and prayers for Mike and his family.

Thanks, coltergeist.

I don’t often feel inspired to write an ‘after action report’, but today’s mission for Michael Bares was one of a kind. I met at Waffle House this morning with Glenn Hagler and Duane Dugas and thought to myself, this is one more than I had counted on… Little did I know… We moved over to the Shell to wait for the Hattiesburg group and when seven more motorcycles came, well, it was beyond all expectations. We pulled out of the Shell in Picayune with ten motorcycles but not before I got a phone call from Steve Harmon, of the Coast group asking if we were going to meet them in Slidell. I assured him that we were going to stop at the Kangaroo to pick him and his family up. As I pulled into the Kangaroo Gas Station, the motorcycles just kept coming and coming. The Coast group joined us as we had come off the interstate and we had a total of 24 motorcycles and two cages. On to Hammond where we met all of the other Brothers and Sisters gathered there. I was told we had a total of 104 motorcycles and there must have been a dozen cages. As we turned in front of the funeral home, Karen and her family was there to see motorcycle after motorcycle file in from of her. What an outpouring of emotion swept through me as it was my turn to file past. Michael truly must have been proud to look down on us and to see the turnout in his honor. Just prior to the service I had the privilege to shake the hands and thank them for their service, the Honor Guard (active duty Army) who had come to render ‘military honors’ for Michael. I know he was smiling down on us…

Nick Young, Picayune MS

What tribute to Mike Bares and his family, he not being a Veteran of the military, but a dedicated Veteran of the Patriot Guard Riders. There wasn't a dry eye in the house as Janet Broussard, President of Blue Star Moms told of her appreciation of the PGR and what they mean to Blue and Gold Star familys. Mike represented us well. Again told of her thought that Caleb Rushing, whose funeral Mike was leaving for home when he was killed, and whose grandparents attended the service, God decided, needed a PGR escort ALL the way to heaven. Then some lovely words from Mike's close friend and neighbor, and his co-worker best friend. Then the honor guard moved to the front of the chapel and taps come over the speakers. All PGR jumped to their front and presented arms with a snappy salute, tears flowing down our faces. Everyone else saw this and stood immediately with hands over hearts. We stood for the flag folding as Mike's family weeped and wailed, but with pride and appreciation of what was happening and Mike looking down with joy upon us.

Wow, it was something and will be burned into my memory till I leave this world to meet up with my friend Mike.

Screen blurry again,

Mike O.

Metairie, LA

What tribute to Mike Bares and his family, he not being a Veteran of the military, but a dedicated Veteran of the Patriot Guard Riders.
So, you don't have to be a veteran to be in the PGR?

It's always sounded like something I'd like to do, but I was never in the military and actually I failed my physical last week....

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Wow, it was something and will be burned into my memory till I leave this world to meet up with my friend Mike.
Sounds like a very, very powerful ceremony. The PGR is doing an incredible job helping our veteran's family in their time of need.

Thank You!

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Been away for a while and just heard. I am so sorry. I will defintely be praying for his family and for you all as well.

Thanx much, Walter

and truly, thanx much all

been a tough week on one level, but a satisfying one on another

Nope, nada on any requirement for joining the PGR other than Respect for the military

don't have to own or ride or drive a motorcycle (need cages to transport flags, water, & snacks to missions)

don't have to belong or be part of any group presently or beforehand

just have to have a heart for the military

www.patriotguard.org has our mission statement and info

it's totally free to join by registering on the web sight and that's all she wrote

anyone can participate in mission whether you register or not, but the info is diseminated through the web pages

Patriot Guard Riders Mission Statement

The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security. If you share this respect, please join us.

We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.

Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:

Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.

Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.

We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.

To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.

Mission Accomplished !!!


Please add my condolences, Mike.

My daughter is a funeral director and has told me some wonderful stories about the honor and dignity than can be given to veterans, if the families know who to ask. It's wonderful that people such as yourself and the rest of the PGR are there to recognize what these brave folks have done for our country. It must bring some peace to the bereaved families, to know that their loved ones were respected and appreciated by a grateful nation.


Patriot ,,, Sorry to hear about the lose ,,,,

My step father ( WWII) passed away last May and we had the honor guard come out and played taps and

present the flag to his oldest son ( Viet Nam ),,, It was VERY Impressive and Very moving,,

I'm glad they were there,,,,

My sincere Thanks to all the folks that serviced our country ............

Sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy as I'm finding out. My thoughts and prayers go with you and his family.

