Kern County Streetmasters Final Exam ride

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Hmmmmm..... I may have to come over and meet some of you folks. Thinking about this for a Sunday ride if'n you're ok with me tagging along.
Just realized I'd have to be on the road by 0600.... a little late for me :)
That's a pretty awesome loop you've got planned there! You should do it! I just checked the weather for Death Valley, and it looks to be pretty mild on Sunday.

Should be quite a gaggle of FJRs at Willow Springs, Sunday @ 9:30. Hope to see you there!

Just got off the phone with eeksnake. We'll be there. Kickstands up at 0530 to hopefully be at the racetrack at 0900, allowing a little time in town to top off on gas and meet and greet. Trying to brainstorm other Las Vegas riders for a small group ride.

Hmmmmm..... I may have to come over and meet some of you folks. Thinking about this for a Sunday ride if'n you're ok with me tagging along.
Just realized I'd have to be on the road by 0600.... a little late for me :)


Don't take the 178 up to Isabella. Just don't do it. RV nightmare and not all that exciting for a FJR owner. Its pretty don't get me wrong but follow us up through Caliente/Bodfish. NOW, that is a road built with the feej in mind.

There is one tricky spot to the Caliente/Bodifsh road. It will Y at one point and you want to take the left fork and go UP HILL. You will keep climbing to about 5k ft. The views are spectacular. The valley back there should still be green. You can connect back into the 178 in Isabella on the backside of BodFish.

Come join the fun. Should be a blast.

Ummmm.... the map I plotted follows your exact course. It is a great road. I was on it a couple of months ago and was stuck in wet, freezing fog but still had a blast. I'll follow 178 west out of Isabella to head towards Death Valley. Also considering heading through Trona and on to Mt. Rose road into death valley.

Ummmm.... the map I plotted follows your exact course. It is a great road. I was on it a couple of months ago and was stuck in wet, freezing fog but still had a blast. I'll follow 178 west out of Isabella to head towards Death Valley. Also considering heading through Trona and on to Mt. Rose road into death valley.
Good choice! Was going to suggest going thru Ridgecrest and Trona, as opposed to Olancha, but either way it's about the same time and distance. More food options unless you're into beef jerky!

Look forward to meeting you tomorrow at Willow Springs!

JB and Old Michael have packed and left after they won't be part of the "fun".
Too bad! Was looking forward to seeing them both.

I will head to Rosamond to top-off before heading out to Willow Springs.

The guys from Vegas should be en-route already.

See you all around 9:15.

Thanks to the LV and SoCal guys and gal for showing us such a nice road...the one with brand new asphalt. Unfortunately, I was so sore and fatigued from learning all the super-duper cornering techniques I had to bug out early (Hwy 58 to Bakersfield to the great NB slab. Got home at 3:30 PM. Next stop the hot tub.

Enjoyed the class!!!!! Learned a lot and a lot of what I thought I knew is now much more clear.

Really neat people and riding on a track is really great!!!!

Definately a geat investment in training. IMHO!!!!


Wendell isn't just called "Jack"...he KNOWS "Jack" about the roads between Rosamond-Lake Isabella-Porterville. :yahoo:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for organizing a great ride. Too bad some other un-named "drop-outs" kept clicking their heels together and repeating the mantra, "There's no place like home. There's no place like hoooome." :(

Very wonderful roads, great pace, terrific new friends....what a cap to the weekend's event!

[SIZE=8pt]That was followed by a great ride North on Hwy 99 by myself, gfrn and Sacramento Mike. We entertained ourselves in the afternoon traffic...laughing and giggling in our helmets...all travel at the posted speed limit +5, you understand.[/SIZE]

Yes it was a great ride. I enjoyed meeting you all. Sorry I missed seeing Old Michael and JB! You guys missed a thousand opportunities to exhibit your new skills!


The Tehachapi Loop Group:

worldbound4now, eeksnake, Kelly w/ MojaveFJR, Last Chance, madmike2, Hit the Road Jack, SacramentoMike, and finally gfran .

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Thanks to the LV and SoCal guys and gal for showing us such a nice road...

You're welcome, but it was all Jack as far as I know. I just bummed part of my loop off of your guy's itinerary. Eeksnake and I made it back to LV without drying up and turning into raisins while traversing Death Valley. It was a great time. Thank you all!

Yes it was a great ride. I enjoyed meeting you all. Sorry I missed seeing Old Michael and JB! You guys missed a thousand opportunities to exhibit your new skills!

The Tehachapi Loop Group:

worldbound4now, eeksnake, Kelly w/ MojaveFJR, Last Chance, madmike2, Hit the Road Jack, SacramentoMike, and finally, you know who you are (because I can't recall).

Sorry, sound off and I'll edit the caption.
gfran is on the far right.

And Kelly is much purdier wen she ain't wearin noe helmut!

Thanks for a great time ya'll!!!

Wendell ("Jack") - Awesome choice in roads. I will be back... Many times... Wow. :dribble:

worldbound4now - That was one kickazz loop you made up Bro.

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Yes it was a awesome time.

We ended up not doing the 100 Giants. Got about 20 miles down that road and started running into "ROAD CLOSED AHEAD" signs. Made the decision to whip it around and head home.

I don't know how those harley guys do it. We came back the "65" I think. FLAT and straight. What a BORE-EX. Snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Kelly enjoyed meeting everyone as well as I did. Good route. We will probably be doing some of that again.

Yes it was a great ride. I enjoyed meeting you all. Sorry I missed seeing Old Michael and JB! You guys missed a thousand opportunities to exhibit your new skills!

The Tehachapi Loop Group:

worldbound4now, eeksnake, Kelly w/ MojaveFJR, Last Chance, madmike2, Hit the Road Jack, SacramentoMike, and finally, you know who you are (because I can't recall).

Sorry, sound off and I'll edit the caption.
gfran is on the far right.

And Kelly is much purdier wen she ain't wearin noe helmut!
Mike, as I look at this picture I realized I'm the shortest person in the picture...And you wonder why I couldn't back the FJR out of the lane. It was up hill! You big people are all the same, take simple things for granted. Right Jill?

I had to be back home in Marysville first thing Sunday morning. I would have loved to do this ride with you all so I did the next best thing. I rode it on Saturday.

That was one really good route. By the time I got to Porterville I was pooped out. I pretty much had the road to myself.

What a great ride.
