Key West Spring Trip

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Dave... Here is what Ray came up with for us:


In doing some research inexpensive and clean sometimes just don't go together in Key West! BUT the Marriott courtyard seems good @ 239.00 a nite 2 bed 1 sleeper. La Concha on Duval St no rates. Now for the best, if I read your e-mail correctly, did you want to split the 250.00 or was that spending 250.00 each? You can stay at the Parrot Key Resort a beautiful property!! 2 queen @ 249.00 split by 2 couples, a 3 bedroom cottage @ 519.00 split by 3 couples includes living room,full kit, 3 bath. or the Hyatt Vacation Club 2 bedroom condo 2 bed king and queen and sleeper 2 bath full kit and living room, 530.00 all taxes included. Check out these properties on line, Parrot Key Hotel, Hyatt Windward Point Key West, Marriott Courtyard Key West, Marriott Beach Side Key West, Hotel La Concha. Hope this has been helpful in finding the proper fit for your group in Key West.


I'll let you take it from here, I'm 98% sure I'll make it, only heavy rains could change my plans. I'm also willing to share a place and pay a little more to get something that's clean and "bug free".


I still have the weekend open and I'm ready for a ride. In fact, I could even take off that Friday if needed.

I've only been down to the Keys once and that was for a week long camping trip. We had our pop-up parked right on the beach in Key Largo, which was great. While there, you did a few little day trips, one of them being Key West. All I remember about KW is it wasn't our favorite place, simply because it was just so crowded. But that's maybe not a fair review because we had no clue where to go or what to do, plus we had two dogs along (what were we thinking!). We were just driving around looking at the sites, so we spent most our time sitting in traffic. I DO remember us saying that we if we ever went back, we would give Marathon or one of the nearby Keys a try.

With that said, I'm still open to anything, and I'm certainly willing to give KW another try. Who knows, I might have a completely different opinion about it this time around. For me, it is more about the ride then the destination anyway. And of course, good riding company.

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Ok guys...just a week away from KW. I propose that anyone from the Orlando area meet at the corner of Osceola Pkwy and Michigan Ave. There's a large gas station on the southwest corner. Can't tell what it is yet, but will look it up in a bit. I'm thinking that meet time should be early, say 8am, but let me know if that's an issue for anyone. We can pick up the Turnpike just down the road and superslab it south. If Howie or anyone else from that direction is heading down, we could meet at Yeehaw Junction. From there we can head to West Palm and (hopefully) pick up Tony then continue south. Thoughts?


That sounds good to me.

That gas station use to be an Amoco, which probably changed to BP (??). Not sure what it is now, but I think I'm driving by it later today so I will look. There was also a McDonald's in that same building.

So far, I'm still on the + side of going, although I haven't made any hotel arrangements yet. I'll be glad to share a room with someone.

Yeehaw Junction would be a great place to meet-up before the ride South.

Anyone looking for a roomie, let me know, as Mikey (Patriot) seems to be out.


I propose that anyone from the Orlando area meet at the corner of Osceola Pkwy and Michigan Ave. There's a large gas station on the southwest corner.

It's a Citgo station and the McDonald's shares the building.

Lots of rain in the forecast this week, but it looks like it will be clearing up just in time for the ride.

Still 99% sure I'll go this weekend...depending on the weather, because right now it SUCKS!!!

Oh, still need a roomie for a hotel room Saturday night!

Still 99% sure I'll go this weekend...depending on the weather, because right now it SUCKS!!!

Oh, still need a roomie for a hotel room Saturday night!
Howie, got a military ID?

I "may" go and have a tentative kitchen pass lined up but much depends on whether I can get in @ Trumbo PT Naval Station. The trailers are full up but I wasn't able to get in contact with the Gateway Inns aka "Fly Navy" building. I also will not have my FJR but my old "brand H" bike. I need to get back down there and straighten out my base stickers for both bikes and my new-to-me '05 Dodge Magnum, so if I go I'll leave pretty early aka pre-dawn so I can get to the pass&ID office.

Shoot me you guys phone #'s via PM just in case...

Still 99% sure I'll go this weekend...depending on the weather, because right now it SUCKS!!!

Oh, still need a roomie for a hotel room Saturday night!
Howie, got a military ID?

I "may" go and have a tentative kitchen pass lined up but much depends on whether I can get in @ Trumbo PT Naval Station. The trailers are full up but I wasn't able to get in contact with the Gateway Inns aka "Fly Navy" building. I also will not have my FJR but my old "brand H" bike. I need to get back down there and straighten out my base stickers for both bikes and my new-to-me '05 Dodge Magnum, so if I go I'll leave pretty early aka pre-dawn so I can get to the pass&ID office.

Shoot me you guys phone #'s via PM just in case... military ID for me.

1970 -- Draft number was 2. Yep, #2. But bad knees, bad eyes, bad ears = 4F after the draft physical.

Still 99% sure I'll go this weekend...depending on the weather, because right now it SUCKS!!!

Oh, still need a roomie for a hotel room Saturday night!
Howie, got a military ID?

I "may" go and have a tentative kitchen pass lined up but much depends on whether I can get in @ Trumbo PT Naval Station. The trailers are full up but I wasn't able to get in contact with the Gateway Inns aka "Fly Navy" building. I also will not have my FJR but my old "brand H" bike. I need to get back down there and straighten out my base stickers for both bikes and my new-to-me '05 Dodge Magnum, so if I go I'll leave pretty early aka pre-dawn so I can get to the pass&ID office.

Shoot me you guys phone #'s via PM just in case... military ID for me.

1970 -- Draft number was 2. Yep, #2. But bad knees, bad eyes, bad ears = 4F after the draft physical.
and mainly they took one look at that dumass smile... :yahoo:

1970 -- Draft number was 2. Yep, #2. But bad knees, bad eyes, bad ears = 4F after the draft physical.
and mainly they took one look at that dumass smile... :yahoo:

