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As of 5/16/2009, Mr. and Mrs. BikerGeek99.
keep her away from the coffee! if she drinks that stuff she will wake up

So I'm a little late to the party (so what's new) but congrats to both of you. Being married is great - just watch out for all the "advice" you get from places like this. ;)

keep her away from the coffee! if she drinks that stuff she will wake up
Roger that. :good:

So I'm a little late to the party (so what's new) but congrats to both of you. Being married is great - just watch out for all the "advice" you get from places like this. ;)
Thanks. Momma didn't raise no dummies.

Congrats on your nuptials...I've been serving the master for 37 years in August
Thanks, and congrats to you! :superman:

As of 5/16/2009, Mr. and Mrs. BikerGeek99.
keep her away from the coffee! if she drinks that stuff she will wake up
Congratulations to you, and best wishes to the lady with a GREAT sense of humor (since she has perfect vision! :yahoo: )

August will be 22 years married, 24 together. SHE is still drop-dead gorgeous, but I got heavier and older and greyer... :blink: Luckily she's got not-so-great vision AND a great sense of humor.

We look at each other all the time and say "It CAN'T be that long!...Can it?"

Congratulations and best wishes. Where's the bike?
In the garage, anxiously awaiting our departure tomorrow for our week-long ride to the east coast!

She is a doll. You, Sir... well... you just ain't. Congratulations and welcome to the club. I married "up" too.
Yes, she is and no, I ain't. :blink:



Thanks for all the wishes. We appreciate it.

So, where'd you ride for the Honeymoon?
Actually we're riding to New England in a couple of weeks.

She'll take the pictures and I'll write the ride report!
Tell your wifey that she takes good pictures. You're not too bad spinning the yarns either.

Congrats geeksters.
