Lake tahoe Loop May 12th 2007

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I just did a drive by the starbucks and it looks fine to me.

see y'all there at 8ish i guess earlier ifen you want some coffee right?


I just did a drive by the starbucks and it looks fine to me.
see y'all there at 8ish i guess earlier ifen you want some coffee right?

LOL when someone does a ride by of the meeting spot two days before the ride .....THAT is some serious good stuff.
so, let's make sure RsvlFeej knows where we'll be meeting ...and maybe i'll be linking up with him before carson(?) if so I can lead him in..

8:00?? we all seem to be asking I guess so. I'm going to aim for Starbucks plenty early to throw down some caffeine. 7:15 -7:30 or so ....

Have a silly favor to ask fairlaner or John T if either of you is going to be cruising around Carson tomorrow (friday) ...i've got a part at michaels suzuki yamaha waiting to be picked up and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it (during their business hours) .....if either of you is going by there?? .....PM or email me. Part is tiny ...about the size of a golf ball. Oh, and yep, I aleady paid for it.

any other suspects?

fairlainer, John T, RsvlFeej, renojohn that the full count at this point?

I just did a drive by the starbucks and it looks fine to me.
see y'all there at 8ish i guess earlier ifen you want some coffee right?

LOL when someone does a ride by of the meeting spot two days before the ride .....THAT is some serious good stuff.
so, let's make sure RsvlFeej knows where we'll be meeting ...and maybe i'll be linking up with him before carson(?) if so I can lead him in..

8:00?? we all seem to be asking I guess so. I'm going to aim for Starbucks plenty early to throw down some caffeine. 7:15 -7:30 or so ....

Have a silly favor to ask fairlaner or John T if either of you is going to be cruising around Carson tomorrow (friday) ...i've got a part at michaels suzuki yamaha waiting to be picked up and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it (during their business hours) .....if either of you is going by there?? .....PM or email me. Part is tiny ...about the size of a golf ball. Oh, and yep, I aleady paid for it.

any other suspects?

fairlainer, John T, RsvlFeej, renojohn that the full count at this point?
John send me the info on your part and the address and i will got get it for you tomorrow.


Ok you guys have teased me long enough! I must know drag my feeble ass out of bed early enough to brave the potentialy ice encrusted throughways to join you on this seemingly first post-op smile-fest. Leaving around 6am to get there NLT 8:00. I'm not going to rush things getting over the hill in the a.m., If I'm not there by 8:00 leave without me. I've either bagged (read wife conviced me othewise through fleshy warmness), or running late.

Fresh rubber...check.

Fresh service...uhhh, mostly, check, .

Figuring out what to wear for a high Sierra start and low Sierra finish... impossible, freeze or fry.

I think this will be the first time riding with a few a you, take pitty on the old, slow newb :dribble:

Ok you guys have teased me long enough! I must know drag my feeble ass out of bed early enough to brave the potentialy ice encrusted throughways to join you on this seemingly first post-op smile-fest. Leaving around 6am to get there NLT 8:00. I'm not going to rush things getting over the hill in the a.m., If I'm not there by 8:00 leave without me. I've either bagged (read wife conviced me othewise through fleshy warmness), or running late.Fresh rubber...check.

Fresh service...uhhh, mostly, check, .

Figuring out what to wear for a high Sierra start and low Sierra finish... impossible, freeze or fry.

I think this will be the first time riding with a few a you, take pitty on the old, slow newb :dribble:
U R funny. no worries of ice, it has been pretty warm ...but you do have an adventuresome ride over so be careful. It is going to be a beautiful fun day.
Since you're having to get up so early, do as I do and put your riding gear/helmet on tonight so that you'll be ready when you wake up in the morning. (if it makes you feel any better, i'm planning 6:00a departure)

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Since you're having to get up so early, do as I do and put your riding gear/helmet on tonight so that you'll be ready when you wake up in the morning. (if it makes you feel any better, i'm planning 6:00a departure)

Don't think I'll wear the gear to bed - Brushing my teeth through the helmet might work, spitting - not so much. But, I can make you feel better yet - looks like out the door by about 0450 to get to Truckee by 0600 - 0610. Got directions to the Starbucks in case RenoJohn and I miss connecting in Truckee.

Actually put the liner back in my pants tonight AND put the mesh jacket in one of the bags. Freeze/fry will be the order of the day, but dang the routes look fun.

Thank you all, the ride was fun.

With any luck, I will not be the slowest person next time. However, I did get to see some nice roads and scenery. It was nice to meet everyone.

Thank you all, the ride was fun.
With any luck, I will not be the slowest person next time. However, I did get to see some nice roads and scenery. It was nice to meet everyone.
John T - you rode with a fast crowd today. Take pride in the fact you didn't succumb to peer pressure, ride over your head, get freakin hurt/killed and ruin the day for your family, other riders or all of us ether-beings living vicariously via the inet. It's all a matter of perspective, and today, you are the winner. Now go hug someone you love just for the phuck of it.. :yahoo:
Thank you all, the ride was fun.
With any luck, I will not be the slowest person next time. However, I did get to see some nice roads and scenery. It was nice to meet everyone.
John T - you rode with a fast crowd today. Take pride in the fact you didn't succumb to peer pressure, ride over your head, get freakin hurt/killed and ruin the day for your family, other riders or all of us ether-beings living vicariously via the inet. It's all a matter of perspective, and today, you are the winner. Now go hug someone you love just for the phuck of it.. :yahoo:
Hey we were not that fast.

Wow what a ride we had today 7 fjr's for a while ( and i think i saw highlander on the 4 as we were going the other way), 430 miles almost all of them twistys. will do a ride report tomorrow and post some pics.


John T - you rode with a fast crowd today. Take pride in the fact you didn't succumb to peer pressure, ride over your head, get freakin hurt/killed and ruin the day for your family, other riders or all of us ether-beings living vicariously via the inet. It's all a matter of perspective, and today, you are the winner. Now go hug someone you love just for the phuck of it.. :yahoo:

Hey we were not that fast.

Wow what a ride we had today 7 fjr's for a while ( and i think i saw highlander on the 4 as we were going the other way), 430 miles almost all of them twistys. will do a ride report tomorrow and post some pics.


John T - what DCarver said re: speed. You rode your own ride, hopefully had fun, and provided good company. Odds are very good that other group rides, esp. the larger ones, will have quite a bit of spread on the speed-freak-to-cruiser continuum. It was good to meet you as well.

I ended up with just a touch over 500 miles on the day even though I wimped out on finishing the big loop (Did Hwy. 4 live up to its billing? - Do I need to book a day in the near future to see if another WHEE! road can be added to the map book?). Just couldn't balance the fun to pain ratio of driving back with sun in my eyes for 4 hours. Besides, I'd already bagged my vertebrate for the day...Fricken suicidal owl.

Looking forward to the ride report. I know I enjoyed the day, met several new people, and saw a couple of familiar faces (hard to believe my first group ride was Jan. 1, this year).

Thanks for setting this up Fairlaner and RenoJohn,


Good to meet you Patrick and 193 was a hoot (sorry for the owl reference). as fas as 4 goes i think it was something like I imagine Dons road up to his house.

I took us 2 hours to ride 71 miles. i got home at 8.15 so you would not have had toworry about the sun :rolleyes:

ride report is coming.


Rolled into the driveway at 9:00p ...exactly 14.5hours .......... just a tad over 500miles

more details later but a few things must be said now

*Damn, good fun, great roads and an even better group of guys. Nice, thanks much to all.

*John T never had to wait long and you're getting use to that funny bike with no clutch :) ....always good ride within comfort

*Patrick ...PHUCk ME, damn that was fun chasing you on 193 Holy crap. ...and nice job on the spotted owl -let's ride soon ...La Porte rd is just your style ....I look forward to taking you up there and other roads here in my crib.

*Uber KEWL are the kewlest ..thanks for the fun. always good to have a nice guy to make up for me. Let's get some dirt riding in soon and let the street ******* have the pavement.

*Richard I'm not saying **** to you ...I'll let the pictures of your antics up on the top of hwy 4 speak for themselves. Silliness is my favorite ...and you're not short on that my friend. Thanks for the fun you ******.

----lots of riding good roads and Richard and I were likely the first FJR's across hwy 4 this year (we'll claim that until proven otherwise).

We had good roads all day. Hwy 4 was sandy as phuck and it was a real tip-toe adventure to get over it. Those who've ridden it, know how tight it is ..and imagine it all covered with dirt and sand. phun with a capital F.

thanks again to all .....perhaps a trip report and I'll share my pics ...most of which are of hwy4

a teaser until the ride report:


this is alpine lake ....and it was at this instant the things got pretty darn interesting ........more pics to come :)

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I had posted the report in the ride reports section, I posted too many pictures so i am waiting for someone to post so i can post the rest.

