Laminar lip vs Spoiler vs DIY

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Steve in Phx

Well-known member
Oct 8, 2009
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I need to hear from some people with experience. I searched the forums and online but there are lots of conflicting reviews.

Problem: Lots of buffeting on the top of my helmet.

I already have three different windshields: Stock, Tall, and the Rifle Barn Door. All of them are great in their own way but I still get buffeting on the top of my helmet with all of them. Much less buffeting with the barn door but it's too hot to use it in the summer.

If it helps, I am 5'11" and have 1" risers. Crouching lower doesn't seem to help the buffeting much, so I don't think it would help to remove the risers.

I want to try a Laminar Lip but want to decide on the best option before spending the $$. Would a DIY solution work just as well? I don't want to put holes in my windshield if it's not going to be utterly fantastic, though I am handy and believe I could make something cool if I put my mind to it. Or is it worth paying more for the adjustable spoiler option from Twisted Throttle?

Option 1: laminar lip

Option 2: DIY laminar lip

Option 3: adjustable spoiler

I'm interested to hear from people that have tried any of these. Would appreciate the feedback.

From my experience, to find nirvana with a windscreen, I truly believe you would have better luck searching for a unicorn.

They all have their +/- s. I have tried the laminar lip. Not bad as it does cut down on the buffeting significantly, but it still doesn't cut down on the wind noise much. I currently ride with a CalSci extra tall n wide and it's not so bad. Raise the screen all the way up and it'll cut down on the noise considerable. But if its hot outside, you'll cook in a New York minute. If it's Phoenix kind of hot outside, you'll cook in a NY second. Even lowering it down all the way, I just don't feel like I get enough wind to be semi comfortable. And so with ride coming up soon out West, I'm considering going back to the stock screen + laminar lip. I may get more buffeting but at least I can get some air on me. Or maybe I'll cut a couple extra holes in the CalSci.

Personally I think dealing with wind noise and buffeting is just the price we pay for believing that riding with helmets is the best way to go.

The Laminar Lip is contoured to be an airfoil like an inverted airplane wing. The shape 'stretches' the air causing a low pressure pocket on top of the Lip dynamically accelerating the air and drawing it up and over the driver. To be properly installed there needs to be a specified gap between the windshield and the Lip formed by bowing the Lip slightly when the elephant Velcro dots are installed. Some people have complained that the Lip has blown off the bike. Be sure your windshield is scrupulously clean and perhaps wiped down with rubbing alcohol before applying the Velcro dots and be aware that the adhesive on the Velcro dots needs some hours to fully bind. It will not be pretty, it can make the OEM windshield flutter and you may end up having to look through it. A careful install is needed to make it work as designed. I liked my Lip, it worked as advertised and gave me a clean, noise free pocket to ride in. It made my '04 OEM windshield flutter so bad that I couldn't really use it even though it did its job.

A DIY laminar lip isn't a laminar anything unless you have the proper curvature. Laminar air flow is a very specific function of air movement over an object. A DIY lip is just a deflector if it doesn't have a shape which creates laminar air flow.

An adjustable spoiler is an air deflector, it may work depending on the windshield it's attached to and your height. The Laminar Lip works over a range of windshield movement (up/down), the deflector will be sensitive to the height up/down and will probably be prone to the same windshield flutter as the Lip.

While it won't help ya, I have found the perfect setup, a ahamaY Touring windshield on my Gen III FJR. I have a noise free, no turbulence little pocket to ride in without the vacuum effect sucking me forward like my '04. This setup for me is perfect and I *really* like it. Actually, on the Gen III they have removed the ahamaY printing from the bottom of the shield and and fancy FJR logos up the sides.

Fred W will probably be along with recommendations for the Perfect Windshield with Tuning Blocks. It works great for him. So far I haven't needed to try it. I'd listen to what Fred has to say... If he doesn't post in this thread, send him a PM, you will probably like his solution.

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I've used the Laminar Lip on both my FJRs with good results and I'm 6'3" tall. I had the CalSci XL screen too and for awhile

I alternated using the Lip in the summer and the CalSCi in the spring and fall when the weather was colder.

Eventually I just used the Lip all year long. It works as advertised and for me it's the best all-round solution. As someone mentioned,

finding the perfect solution is elusive.

I use a Rifle +3 Tall, +4 Wide. I have it installed with the Rifle tuning block. The only times I've had any buffeting is during strong cross winds - don't know if anything would help with that. My wife riding pillion doesn't experience any buffeting except with strong cross winds. I never ride with the screen full up. I think the tuning block makes a difference.

I ran with this Givi for many years - winter and summer, and found it to be perfect for me.

5' 11" with risers also.

I tried a laminar lip, followed the install instructions carefully, and it seemed to help marginally.

It blew off twice !! last time into my helmet. The velcro dots stayed in place on the windshield and the "lip", they just didn't hold together.

I no longer own the "lip"

Hope this helps ya.

I have MRA X-screen attached to a stock windshield. It solved all buffeting issues and noise, BUT you will be looking through it not over it.

I find the stock shield full up deflects wind but produces unacceptable low frequency noise. Must be buffing but it's not knocking me around. Find it more comfortable to ride with shield all the way down. More noise in high frequencies and certainly more wind but more bearable.

If you still get buffeting with all this different shields. It's likely your helmet causing the issues. Take your current shield of and go for a ride. No shield at all. See if it still buffets. If it does, is not the shield, it's the helmet.

+1 for the Lip. I ran one on. GPZ 1100 and liked it a lot. When I got my '05 it had an over sized screen on it. I changed it out for a stock screen and an LL.

I am 6'2" and have one inch risers. With the lip and the screen in the low position, the airflow over the screen hits me about the tops of my shoulders. In the full up position it gives me a good air pocket and deflects the rain nicely.

When you install the Velcro patches, use a small clamp to bond them together. Make sure the temperature meets the installation instructions and leave it clamped for 24 hours. I have not had a problem with the attachment points coming loose at speed. As part of my pre ride check, I do make sure that they are seated correctly.

As for the helmet buffeting, I have worn Shoei's for several years and I switched to a Schuberth S2 this season. I have been impressed with how little buffeting that I get with the S2. Especially when I turn my head to check traffic over my shoulder to change lanes.

If you still get buffeting with all this different shields. It's likely your helmet causing the issues. Take your current shield of and go for a ride. No shield at all. See if it still buffets. If it does, is not the shield, it's the helmet.
I'd add a vote for trying that as well. I have an old Shoei helmet and a new Shoei GT Air and the helmet buffeting and wind noise between the two is tremendous.

Thanks for the feedback. I have three different helmets too, so I don't think it's the helmet. :)

The air off the top of my shield is too turbulent. Even with my hand it's just not smooth off the top of the shield. I'm strongly considering the laminar lip to accelerate the wind up and over my head, or maybe at least it will smooth it out up there.

I'll agree with that. My Shoei Neotec is very quiet and smooth at high speeds, on other bikes with much less wind protection. On the FJR, I need the screen to be quite low for the turbulence from the screen to not buffet my helmet.

I have an LL installed on a stock Gen 3 windscreen.

I got tired of mine coming loose and I drilled my windscreen and the lip and use nylon 1/4-20 screws and nuts to hold the LL in place.

I too have used spacers to shim the angle of the windscreen. I shimmed my screen to be more vertical and now have a nice turbulence free pocket with my windscreen about half up.

I to use a Shoei Neotec, I find it can be noisy too.

I have a Laminar Lip installed on the stock windshield for about three years now.

This plastic thing works GREAT for me and for my passenger!My impressions are about the same as the other guys wrote above ^^^^^

Ι have never had a problem with the velcros all these years.Never blew off from the windshield.These velcros are amazing strong,if you follow the instructions!

I have install three pieces per side.

A nice review here:


I have MRA X-screen attached to a stock windshield. It solved all buffeting issues and noise, BUT you will be looking through it not over it.
I currently use the MRA X-Screen with the Rifle barn door (+3 / +4). Great combo for me. I'm 6'3", 34" inseam, with Helibars bridge. I tried the following combinations:

Rifle alone

Rifle with Laminar Lip

Rifle with X-Screen

VStream alone

VStream with X-Screen

Stock Screen

The VStream would have been better for me if it was taller (or I was shorter). I had to run it all the way up.

I may order a narrower Rifle screen for summer use, but I'll keep the X-screen.


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