Lane sharing

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Illegal outside of CA. Enforced more strongly in some states than others, but still not legal. As others have pointed out, generally the practice will "enrage a cage" and you will be dealt with in the manner they see fit.

Do you have the senators name?

Keep in mind, that when previously contacted, his office denied this information. But please know that a highly respected member of the MC (and his own) community has been trying to have a face to face with the senator on this issue to no avail. I would recommend waiting before firing salvos, cuz in attempts past, the CHP has been a big enough force to shut down the proposals before they ever made it to the floor...

It was a proposed law last year here in TX to make it legal at speeds below 20 mph. Not sure what happened to it, but it didn't get finalized. Doesn't seem to matter though, I see it everywhere.
It dind't make it to the floor for a vote. That means it wasn't voted down. There's still hope.

BTW: The original question was if you can get away with it. The answer to that, of course, is that you can get away with anything until the first time you're caught.

I don't know what rush hour traffic is like in big cities outside CA, but here in OC/LA I'm damn happy to be able to cut through and get through.

For example, greater Phoenix area during the summer? Are you kidding?!! Fry yourself, fry your bike, forget it! Suffer in a car with A/C instead.

Texas does have "the developed shoulder" rule that helps you mitigate a "contact" with an LEO if you so choose to avail yourself.

I can't imagine not being able to lane split in urban areas, after 25-odd years of doing it in CA (SF and LA). That must suck. I lived near Syracuse NY for a few years but they don't have "real" traffic, though the locals think they do.

Lane splitting, " till death do us we part" A negative on splitting :angry2:

It's called, lane sharing. It's safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear ended (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motocop). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less. You get to wave at all the pretty girls you pass and count how many nimrods are yakking on their cellies. And, it makes me feel like Moses parti, er, sharing the sea floor so that my people can pass.

I just luvs sharing! :yahoo:

Lane splitting, " till death do us we part" A negative on splitting :angry2:

It's called, lane sharing. It's safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear ended (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motocop). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less. You get to wave at all the pretty girls you pass and count how many nimrods are yakking on their cellies. And, it makes me feel like Moses parti, er, sharing the sea floor so that my people can pass.

I just luvs sharing! :yahoo:


Ditto on all the positives for lane splitting :) .

It amazes me how people can just sit there, rotting in rush hour traffic on the 405, watching us cut through and/or travelling freely in the less congested car pool lane, and not want to get a bike and get in on this.

I couldn't do it; I don't have the patience. Maybe they meditate, do the Zen thing, become one with their car and harmonize with the road.

Thank God we have this freedom in CA.

Next stop Italy

You're gonna lane-split to your heart's content over here. There's no legal basis for it but it's generally accepted as a survival technique for bike riders. B)

Most cagers will move to the side of their lane to let you through, some (a minority) will try to hinder you.

Thing is, you only find out what type they are when you get real close to them -- so it's a tiring process and you've gotta keep your eyes skinned all the time.

Late last year there was a major crash on a freeway east of Milan and there were 10 kilometers of unmoving traffic. They closed down the freeway as a helicopter needed to land on it. I managed to lane-split for all 10 kms and was in the pole-position when they finally reopened the freeway. :yahoo:

BTW, let us know where in Italy you're moving to. You're welcome to join our local FJR Forum and ride with us



I am moving to La Maddalena later this fall, early winter.

I will definitely be in touch once I get settled.

I will have GPS but having some local knowledge always helps.

Looking forward to some great rides in Europe over the next few years :yahoo:


I'm in Texas and sincerely hope they pass the HB 1522 in the 2007 Legislature. I had an opportunity to lane share through Austin a few weeks ago and it was a breeze! I know, I know, shame on me. A friend of mine from California was visiting and he just couldn't stand it any longer. He took off down the center and I "had" to follow to let him know he was doing wrong. :D

Needless to say, it was 94 degrees out, 5:30pm on a Thursday, and we made all the way through Austin in about 30 minutes. We only had trouble with one guy that had extended mirrors on his F250. He tried to take my buddies head off and then blocked me by riding on the line and almost running his mirror in to the car in the next lane. I patiently waited for him to move. He didn't, so I moved one lane to the right, split, and was back with my friend who gave me a big thumbs up. When we were done, he told me he felt like a proud papa. LOL

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I'm in Texas and sincerely hope they pass the HB 1522 in the 2007 Legislature.
yeah Texas! hurry up and pass the damn thing already. BMWHD and I were stuck on 35W south today around 1 pm crawling because of road construction. hotter than hades out too. sucked big time!

yeah Texas! hurry up and pass the damn thing already. BMWHD and I were stuck on 35W south today around 1 pm crawling because of road construction. hotter than hades out too. sucked big time!

Yes, I'm sure it did :huh: .

So just offhand, do you have a breaking point? What would it take for you to finally say aw the hell with it or something like that and bust on through?

Myself, a Cali riding out of state in your state or any other state's hot traffic jam, I would shoot up the middle pronto and take my chances.

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Yes, I'm sure it did :huh: .So just offhand, do you have a breaking point? What would it take for you to finally say aw the hell with it or something like that and bust on through?

Myself, a Cali riding out of state in your state or any other state's hot traffic jam, I would shoot up the middle pronto and take my chances.
We did see someone shooting down the right-side shoulder but we were in the left lane and the shoulder comes and goes in that area. I think we were pretty close to the end of it but Todd saw an opening in traffic to get to an exit that was right there. If I had been alone, I think I woulda taken the shoulder. My concern about cruisin up the middle here is that Texan cagers aren't trained on lane splitting. They don't know to look for us and I personally think there will be hostility over it in a back up like that when it's not legal. There were also a lot of cars exchanging lanes trying to get to the exit that we did. That had me concerned. Other than speeding, I'm not much of a law-breaker. I'll wait til it's legalized and the public becomes aware of it and then i won't be at fault if something happens. Til then I'll take other options.

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