Laser Blinders? Veil?

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
I finally decided to try to use a detector again. Missed the GB set up by Skyway, dangit, but ordered the X50 just the same. Been reading on the web how to use the thing properly in real world situations, trying to train the brain so I can become a conscientious rider.

During my research I came across Radar Roy a lot and Radar/Lidar forums. Seems there's a product called VEIL out there that reduces lidar effectiveness and there's other anti-laser gizmos. There seems to be a lot of discussion on how to use these products in concert with a detector, and how best to attenuate your liability when faced with a $peed trap.

I know the lidar jammers are illegal in some states, and perhaps might get you in the hot seat in others. Just wondering what you more worldly riders think of these products, pro and con, and if any of you are using them with any success.

Trying to get an idea of whether or not it's worth the $350 or so to get the MX-20 and install it on the bike. Here in west central Indiana, they don't seem to be using stationary lidar much, but using mobile radar way too much.

Also, is LIDAR prevalent in your bailiwick? Trying to figure out which states still use radar and which have switched up to laser. Seems even Ka band is on the outs in favor of instant on laser tag.


I'm very interested of the opinions about the passive "Veil". It seems like a perfect application to reduce the target of the FJR headlight reflector.

dobias :glare:

I'm interested in hearing about Veil, too, as well as the MX-20. I bougth a set of Cee Bailey headlight shields not only to help extend the life of the factory FJR lenses, but hopefully test the Veil coating as well (and make it removeable). Looks like that's about the largest target on the front of the FJR, so it would seem coating those lens covers might buy you a second or two.

I see MindTrip is asking essentially the same thing in another thread. We know that laser is fast and beating the gun without help is futile. However, if you can delay detection just enough to cut the mph down, well then, maybe some of these product might be helpful?


Not familiar with the product, though my BS-sensor is squaking. You mentioned instant-on laser and seemed to be contrasting it with radar. While it is true that laser is always stationary and trigger-activated by the operator, radar is commonly used in precisiely the same fashion. While there are some operators that will patrol with the radar activated all the time, this is pretty rare. By doing so, the operator is warning anybody using a radar detector of his presence. Most will activate it when they see somebody that they feel is speeding. Instant-on is pretty much par for the course for radar enforcement everywhere and has been so since the Eighties.



I have applied VEIL to my heardlight on my blue 05. Havent been targeted yet but i will be making a trip to dragon this coming weekend. Surely it will be tested! Will post results.

Holy thread revival, batman!
Yeah...> 4 years!! I think that is a new FJRFORUM record! :clapping:

Congratulations! :yahoo:
I have a Blinder M-25 w/ the SpeedCheetah add-on kit installed. I haven't received any laser tickets since it's been installed (2.5 years now).

I've gotten plenty of radar-based ones, though.


Although this thread is old, it is a topic that hasn't been well covered, IMO. I am interested in how effective a coating or cover over the headlight would be in attenuating LIDAR reflection.

I've been lucky enough to get a Laser alarm from my escort passport when passing a trap on I93, and not get pulled over. Yes, I was speeding at least 20 over, which is above the normal +10 allowance. I think that this happened because the FJR headlight is hard to target and the cop just missed. Anything that makes it even harder for them would seem like a good thing.

laser interceptor is dabomb. paid itself off in 2 weeks. instant on radar defeats all so its a moot point. almost.

Anybody have a current opinion on laser shifters/interceptors This a pretty old thread and think the subject deserves an update. Would be great to hear if Demetri could tell us if he is still using his setup and its effectiveness.

I've been running a Blinder M47 on the STi for years. Come in handy a hand full of times. The landscape has changed since I bought mine since national DOT doesn't regulate them (lasers are under Food and Drug Admin), some state DOTs have started doing so. You have to check to see if your state (or where you ride/drive) might nail you for running it.

There's a toggle switch: on/off/proximity

So, if questioned, you can have it switched to proximity before you get stopped completely and it's not a lie to say that it's simply a park-assist.

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I've wondered if the front of the FJR is difficult for radar to get a good reading from. The 520 east from the 405 is patrolled frequently by the Washington State Patrol radar cars and I have gone through a couple of times at about 10 over with no problem.. Cars at the same speed were stopped though. Just makes me wonder.

Radar doesn't seem to have any consistency. As an example Md has been running a never ending work zone(95 just N of 200) with photo truck on some days and allways a your speed is sign-the sign is allways 15-20 slower than I am travelingbut the Va State cop that got me last year on a divided 4 lane state highway-he was parked in the middle-wrote me for exactly what my gps was showing,go figure. Jeff

the radar display reading low compared to the bike's speedo is also (partially) a function of all bike speedos being calibrated "optimistically" at the factory.

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Radar doesn't seem to have any consistency. As an example Md has been running a never ending work zone(95 just N of 200) with photo truck on some days and allways a your speed is sign-the sign is allways 15-20 slower than I am travelingbut the Va State cop that got me last year on a divided 4 lane state highway-he was parked in the middle-wrote me for exactly what my gps was showing,go figure. Jeff
There are a lot of variables in play. The radar used for the sign may be intentionally inaccurate, or it simply may be out of calibration, though 15 or 20 mph seems way out of calibration. It also may be picking up on a different vehicle when you see the number displayed. It is not unusual for radar to pick up the larger of two nearby vehicles.

In our neck of the woods the speed signs are often populated with retired radar units taken out of cruisers and may well be out of calibration. There are a couple of permanent speed signs in a nearby town that were purchased with new radar units installed but without any of the common cruiser mounted radar features. One feature they do have is excessive speed blanking to prevent 'highest speed' games.

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