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The door is that-away =========>

And we are all sadden by the tragic loss of your insightful, witty contributions to the FJR community.

I'll go ahead and close your account for you, because, I am a giver, you see. :glare:

I think you are mistaken- a giver would grant access... you are a taker!

Because you are taking access away......

:rolleyes: :lol:

I have been a member for almost a year. I can hardly ever post, this is the 15th time tonight and somhow I finaly got through. My fault is making it known that I am a Police officer. I guess I am not well liked in this group. because after several requests for help went ignored on how I can post and post pics. I will never visit this site agin. the FJR is a great bike and I will alays own one. I hAVE ALWAYS HAD A GREAT RESPECT FOR RESPONSIBLE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS AND THOUGHT I WOULD GET THE SAME IN RETUERN. GUESS NOT ...GOOD BY...tHANKS FOR THOSE WHO RESPONDED TO MY FEW POSTS.


Most Peace Officers gotta have thicker skin than this...... :dribble:

Move along flatfoot!



Yer profilin again webby, remember what da chief told ya!

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Dear John,

Sorry to see you go in such a huff. I, for one, appreciate the perspective of the many LEO's that frequent this site. They bring good info here for us "citizen bikers."

P.S. I didn't know you were an officer until your good-bye post.

P.S.2. Obviously, you know how to post (176 times) to this forum so if posting pics is what got your panties in a wad, it's really very simple. PM me and I'll be glad to help. However, it appears to me that there are other issues at work here and I can't help w/ those.

Hey John, I'm just down the road from you, (Parmer/620 area). Shoot me a PM and I'll help you out.

********, ********, ********!!

I just looked at all 176 of your posts and all of your topics. You didn't ask for help one time. Not once. You spent most your time welcoming new folks (nothing wrong with that) or bitching about dealerships. The other popular theme in your posts was telling everyone what the weather was like in your part of Texas. Oh, and let's not forget the one where you accused everyone from California of hating Texas. Yeah, I'm sure that's the case. Your posts didn't exactly seem riveting to me, but to each his own. To come here in this thread bitching about how nobody would help you or respond to your questions is total horse cock. Take your trolling, whining, self centered, cry-baby attitude to some other forum and maybe you'll get the hand holding and coddling that you seem to require.

And out of 176 posts I only found three times that you mentioned that you were a cop. One of those was the last post you made (the beginning post in this thread). None of the replies to posts where you mentioned being a cop had anything bad to say about your profession. Lighten up.

Good bye, and good riddance.

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Not sure what being a police officer has to do with it. :unsure:

if i got no replies to a question, my first assumption would be that no one had an answer before i'd jump to the conclusion that someone didn't like my career field.

As for posting photos. There's a whole "new member" section that addresses that. You can't. You have to upload a photo to a web site like Flikr, etc. and then post a link to it here.

The proper way to leave a forum is to systematically delete all your posts, clean out all fields in your profile, and dissappear in the night. Flouncing around announcing to the world that you're outta here is nothing more than playing the Diva!

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Dude. Are you, like... drunk, or something?
I looked over his topics and posts also and tend to think so too. :rolleyes:

I have been a member for almost a year. I can hardly ever post, this is the 15th time tonight and somhow I finaly got through. My fault is making it known that I am a Police officer. I guess I am not well liked in this group. because after several requests for help went ignored on how I can post and post pics. I will never visit this site agin. the FJR is a great bike and I will alays own one. I hAVE ALWAYS HAD A GREAT RESPECT FOR RESPONSIBLE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS AND THOUGHT I WOULD GET THE SAME IN RETUERN. GUESS NOT ...GOOD BY...tHANKS FOR THOSE WHO RESPONDED TO MY FEW POSTS.
Lighten up, Francis.

Ummmm, did you by chance post your request(s) for help on, say...a FRIDAY?!

Relax, occifer...hab another donut, on da house! Coffee? 'nother shot of bourbon?


Damn GunMD, that's good detective work. One of my detectives just moved on and I have an opening in my office, wanna come join?

Golly, I'm a cop too, but I don't think that has anything to do with why some people don't like me. I think it has more to do with me sometimes being a sarcastic jerk! :)

As for posting pictures, perhaps this would have helped.

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Damn GunMD, that's good detective work. One of my detectives just moved on and I have an opening in my office, wanna come join?
Golly, I'm a cop too, but I don't think that has anything to do with why some people don't like me. I think it has more to do with me sometimes being a sarcastic jerk! :)

As for posting pictures, perhaps this would have helped.

Now who wooda thought a Forum populated by a bunchaoldguys riding motocycles would be filled with sarcasm and jerkiness? :rolleyes:

I can't believe someone left mad and didn't mention me by name as a cause. :(
