Leaving the Dealer with my new FJR, I was struck by an………..

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Active member
Oct 12, 2007
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…overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation to all the members of this Forum whose advise and passion ultimately led to my decision to acquire my FJR. Thank you!

My quest for an FJR actually started a few years ago, when after a month in Europe I came home and bought a Burgman 400 to imitate all those cool Italian men with their hot, young women on the back. Not exactly the same reaction in America. But the Burgman was a fun little scooter and a great introduction back into two wheels after many years away. My big mistake was taking a three-day trip through the North Georgia Mountains and then a few runs of “The Tail of the Dragon” and I knew I loved this new lifestyle but I needed more. Much, much more. So I sold the Burgman in the middle of the gas crisis for more than I paid for it and set about to research and purchase my next bike.

But what to get? I live in Atlanta. The ATL with its 90 MPH no signal, lane changing interstate system, massive suburban sprawl, and every other driver on a cell phone oblivious or in a desperate hurry. Days of 5000 count pollen when you can visibly see the swirls of green choking dust. The American propensity for large gas guzzling SUV’s and their total disrespect of smaller more practical vehicles. And let’s not forget the Southern, NASCAR watching, Harley driving, beer drinkers who think anything with two wheels better come with a big ole titted blonde spilling out of her too tight black leather pants and her “ I’m with stupid “ tank top.

And that ultimately led me to this forum and you. The Internet has changed our lives in too many ways to list here. 10 or 15 years ago I would have relied on the advise of one or two friends, but realistically it would have been a sleazy salesman whose only motivation was to take my money and make a sale. Today, I have hundreds of honest, enthusiastic strangers, now friends in spirit, helping and steering me toward the proper decision. Not motivated by profit or personal gain, just by the desire to help others find the same joy and happiness they have discovered and are personally experiencing every day.

So yesterday, after 6 months of searching I finally bought a ‘06 AE with 2600 miles for $7500. I think I got an excellent deal and an exceptional bike. I am having the dealer deliver the bike on Sunday so I can take a few days or weeks and practice, practice, practice before I hit the mountains again. I can’t wait.

Again, thanks to all of you for your guidance and counsel.

I truly appreciate it.

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Reading the title to this thread I was struck by a

desire to say congratulations! :clapping:

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Yep, good deal on the bike.

Check with your local dealer, make sure that all the recalls are done. The early 06 AE's had a recall on the shifting mechanism, and if your instant mpg should read 17 all the time, there's another one. And let's not forget the ECM and the ignition switch.

Be safe, ok?

Wow. $7500 for an 06, AND it's an AE. I guess you could do worse....

Congrats, and if you only enjoy your feej half as much as I enjoy mine, you will love it.

nice lead in...

you fit in just fine here...*L* Congratulations on your new bike!

Welcome! I sold a scooter too for $300.00 less than I paid ( 2005 Majesty with 15k) in the middle of the gas spike and bought the FJR. A heck of a lot of fun. It sounds like you got a great deal too.


The AE will become second nature.. It is a well done mechanism.. Slow speed will be different (parking lot)

Practice.. Now.. I fear no slow speed turn.. Even lock to lock, Practice

You definitely had me with the post title... I was cringing as I opened your post. Huge relief that you were just yanking our chains (or more FJR-like, "shafts"?)

Congrats on your purchase. As a newly-inaugurated AE owner myself, I second the call to 'practice' -- esp. on the slow parking lot speeds.



…overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation to all the members of this Forum who's advise and passion ultimately led to my decision to acquire my FJR. Thank you!
My quest for an FJR actually started a few years ago, when after a month in Europe I came home and bought a Burgman 400 to imitate all those cool Italian men with their hot, young women on the back. Not exactly the same reaction in America. But the Burgman was a fun little scooter and a great introduction back into two wheels after many years away. My big mistake was taking a three-day trip through the North Georgia Mountains and then a few runs of "The Tail of the Dragon" and I knew I loved this new lifestyle but I needed more. Much, much more. So I sold the Burgman in the middle of the gas crisis for more than I paid for it and set about to research and purchase my next bike, which eventually brought me to you and this Forum.

So yesterday, after 6 months of searching I finally bought a '06 AE with 2600 miles for $7500. I think I got an excellent deal and an exceptional bike. I am having the dealer deliver the bike on Sunday so I can take a few days or weeks and practice, practice, practice before I hit the mountains again. I can't wait.

Again, thanks to all of you for your guidance and counsel.

I truly appreciate it.
If it's not too late--and if you can scrape up the money--get a Y.E.S. plan. A bit of money up front, but the first time you need it, it'll more than pay for itself.

Congrats on the purchase! Killer deal! My new '06AE took $15.4K out of my savings account. :blink:

But, I'd do it all over again. I love my bike today more than I did on the day I bought it! :clapping:

Two words my friend, SLIDERS, NOW!

Great choice!!! Great Deal! They are worth the price no matter no matter what you pay!

Enjoy many miles of smiles. Don't forget to wear your gear :rolleyes:

Congrats on a great deal and a great bike. And welcome, from Kennesaw, GA. True, ATL is full of idiots, and the sheer volume is enough to intimidate a two-wheeler, but ahh those mountains are so close....40 minutes from my house and I'm turing onto Highway 53 near Tate and it's all good from there.

Enjoy, and watch the forum for some group rides...there are a bunch of us in the metro Atlanta area.


I used to live in Marietta, GA. Good luck with the drivers in GA. I've never experienced such bad drivers. I wanted to ride so bad when I lived there, with the Blue Ridge mountains so close, but chose not to due to the drivers.

Good luck, ride safe and great deal on the FJR.


Glad to see that you found what you were looking for.

Stay off of 285 and the rest of the roads will be easy.

Congrats on a great deal and a great bike. And welcome, from Kennesaw, GA. True, ATL is full of idiots, and the sheer volume is enough to intimidate a two-wheeler, but ahh those mountains are so close....40 minutes from my house and I'm turing onto Highway 53 near Tate and it's all good from there.
Enjoy, and watch the forum for some group rides...there are a bunch of us in the metro Atlanta area.

I must not be reading the forum at the right time. I would like to join in on some of the group rides. I live right off of 575 in Canton. I'd to stay in the loop on future rides.
