LED Light up your engines!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hello FJR enthusiasts...

I got my 2003 FJR late March, gave it tons of TLC since, and added something that, IMHO, helps with the bike’s visibility, but is just plain damn cool!!!

I added 4 small blue LED strips (2 in the front fairings and 2 under the seat) switched in the dash to have this incredible machine’s guts glow.

Just wanted to share!!!





A nice looking bike!I like this blue light..!

Some more details about the installation..?

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I've always understood these were illegal while riding, but I just did a search and found laws are far from clear and simple to understand, and that they vary a LOT from state to state, and I imagine that's true in Canada as well. Many restrictions seem to apply specifically to red, white, or blue lights, too, as well as to what direction(s) they can be seen from, whether they shine steadily or flash or strobe, even whether they're LED or neon, and other variables. Like I said, not simple. Be sure to check on your region's rules.

They'd be very cool at one of the *FOs or *FRs around the country for evening tire kicking., though.

Laws were relaxed about 3 years ago in PA. We now allow that on bikes as they've finally realized it's one more tool to help make us more visible.

I've always understood these were illegal while riding, but I just did a search and found laws are far from clear and simple to understand, and that they vary a LOT from state to state, and I imagine that's true in Canada as well. Many restrictions seem to apply specifically to red, white, or blue lights, too, as well as to what direction(s) they can be seen from, whether they shine steadily or flash or strobe, even whether they're LED or neon, and other variables. Like I said, not simple. Be sure to check on your region's rules...
No need to check the laws. If there is something wrong with the color, view direction or even being present any law officer will be willing to discuss it with you and point out what is not allowed. The only down side is their advice usually comes with an associated fee. Best have an ON/OFF switch on the lights so you will be allowed to ride the bike home.

I've always understood these were illegal while riding, but I just did a search and found laws are far from clear and simple to understand, and that they vary a LOT from state to state, and I imagine that's true in Canada as well. Many restrictions seem to apply specifically to red, white, or blue lights, too, as well as to what direction(s) they can be seen from, whether they shine steadily or flash or strobe, even whether they're LED or neon, and other variables. Like I said, not simple. Be sure to check on your region's rules...
No need to check the laws. If there is something wrong with the color, view direction or even being present any law officer will be willing to discuss it with you and point out what is not allowed. The only down side is their advice usually comes with an associated fee. Best have an ON/OFF switch on the lights so you will be allowed to ride the bike home.
Good idea with the on/off switch. More than one rider has been walking home here in NC for blue accent lighting that couldn't be turned off.

Good idea with the on/off switch. More than one rider has been walking home here in NC for blue accent lighting that couldn't be turned off.
I've admitted being pretty cheap previously, but these lights aren't all that expensive. I'd cut the wire on them in a heartbeat before my heart had a chance to take another beat rather than leave the bike somewhere and start hoofing home. In riding boots.

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I actually picked up a couple of strips of lights a few months ago but haven't gotten around to sorting out where to put 'em, and in fact can't remember if I got 'em in blue or red. Thanks for the reminder - I'll be taking a look this weekend

I've never understood these things, so I suppose it's a matter of taste.

If any of my friends ever see anything like this on my bike, please help me find and kill the person responsible.

If anyone hears me talking about putting these on the bike, stop letting people give me beer.

I've never understood these things, so I suppose it's a matter of taste.
If any of my friends ever see anything like this on my bike, please help me find and kill the person responsible.

If anyone hears me talking about putting these on the bike, stop letting people give me beer.
+1 !!

That would get you a ticket about .000001 milli seconds after any LEO in South Carolina saw it. Red and Blue verbotin for road use, other colors are ok though

I like them...But like Mike, I'm cheap, so in instances like now, I think, " I should get a set and put them on my bike." Then I forget and never do it...****...Am I cheap or forgetful??

I've never understood these things, so I suppose it's a matter of taste.
If any of my friends ever see anything like this on my bike, please help me find and kill the person responsible.

If anyone hears me talking about putting these on the bike, stop letting people give me beer.
Wow! People give you beer?


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